All entries by this author

Whither Clarity

Dec 22nd, 2004 7:23 pm | By

Well here’s an oddity (the air is thick with oddities these days) – someone arguing for more clarity, an end to muddling through, an awareness of tensions and conflicts and the need for hard choices – and doing it by means of surprisingly muddled mushy unclear woolly language. That seems like a peculiar way to argue for clear thinking.

The conflict played out in Birmingham, and elsewhere every day, is between two values – one that liberals have cherished for centuries and another acquired much more recently. The ancient, almost defining liberal ideal is freedom: of expression, of movement, of protest. The newer value is an approach to society’s minorities that aims to go beyond mere tolerance, and reaches for

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Death Threats Succeed in Silencing Playwright *

Dec 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti has asked theatre not to stage her play because threats against her have increased.… Read the rest

Never Mind the Truth, Just Win the Argument *

Dec 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Schopenhauer’s sardonic book gives 38 argument-winning rhetorical tricks.… Read the rest

ACSH Replies to CSPI *

Dec 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

A history of going where the science takes them, even when that science is counter to interest of funders.… Read the rest

Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti in Hiding After Murder Threats *

Dec 22nd, 2004 | Filed by

Councillor calls mob’s success at censorship a victory for common sense.… Read the rest


Dec 21st, 2004 11:42 pm | By

Just two or three more brief quotations from Wicca. My little solstice present for you.

To discourage a poltergeist from remaining in the house put up a list of chores and tell it that if it is to remain in the house it must earn its keep. If it does not, then you will bring in an exorcist.

Errm – okay. But – um – how do I tell it? Write it at the top of the list of chores? But how do I know if the poltergeist has seen the list of chores? Or that it can read? Should I tell it personally, by announcing it aloud? But how do I know where polty is, or if it’s … Read the rest

Paul Edwards 1923-2004 *

Dec 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Atheist philosopher lived 81 years, did not convert to theism.… Read the rest

The Self-Esteem Myth *

Dec 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Just for a start, separate correlation from causation.… Read the rest

Sharia in Canada a Thoroughly Bad Idea *

Dec 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Should be rejected along with any other impulse to tailor Canada’s justice system to individual cultures.… Read the rest

Report Pushes Women’s Rights Back 1400 Years *

Dec 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Boyd’s report encourages spread of Political Islam in Canada, says Homa Arjomand.… Read the rest

Sharia Opponents Criticize Ontario Report *

Dec 21st, 2004 | Filed by

Boyd cites safeguards; critics cite pressure from right-wing Muslim fundamentalists.… Read the rest

An Insider

Dec 20th, 2004 8:15 pm | By

Update: Check out Amardeep Singh’s No False Medicine for as he puts it ‘insider updates.’ Amardeep is a Sikh himself, and not best pleased about all this. This post includes part of an email from a Sikh friend in Birmingham:

I am in Birmingham and have been talking to people who were at the protests on Saturday and I can tell you that the Khalistanis in Britain have scented blood and are not going to step down. They have been inciting people in Gurdwaras and on websites and Punjabi radio stations to come to Birmingham from all four corners of Britain to “protest” outside the theatre. It is the raising of a lynch mob, people are talking about thousands being

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Not Again

Dec 20th, 2004 7:48 pm | By

Well, here we go again. Another victory for religious sensitivity and obscurantism and shutting people up, another defeat for open discussion of religion and religions. Another victory for clerics, another defeat for playwrights, theatres, actors, and playgoers. Another victory for the principle that if discussion of Subject X is ‘offensive’ to certain easily-offended domineering people, then discussion of Subject X gets stopped, and that’s that. Hooray. (Of course, looked at another way, it’s also a victory of a sort for wider dissemination of Subject X. No doubt a lot more people will be at least reading ‘Behzti’ than otherwise would have, even if fewer will be seeing it. But the terrible precedent is still set.) It’s all so obvious. You … Read the rest

Two Women Face Execution in Iran *

Dec 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Human rights groups urge Britons to help save abused women from hanging and stoning.… Read the rest

Ugly Violence Causes Free Speech to be Curbed *

Dec 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Rep refused to censor play, abandoned it purely on health and safety grounds. … Read the rest

Theatre Halts Sikh Play Over Safety Fears *

Dec 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Controversial play closed after mini-riot among Sikhs who claimed it demeaned their religion.… Read the rest

Sikh Protests Succeed in Censoring Play *

Dec 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Executive director of Birmingham Rep admits play’s closure amounts to censorship.… Read the rest

Sikh Protests Over Play Threaten Continued Run *

Dec 20th, 2004 | Filed by

Birmingham’s Roman Catholic Archbishop called play offensive to all faiths.… Read the rest

Stop the Death by Stoning of a Woman in Iran

Dec 20th, 2004 | By The International Committee Against Stoning

Hajiyeh Esmaelvand lives in the city of Jelfa in Iran. She has been condemned to death by stoning. The Islamic court in Iran has given verdict of execution by stoning to be carried out 2 weeks from now for having sexual relations out side marriage.

Think about it, a lot of people all over the world are looking forward to some time off and the celebrations that they are going to have in two weeks time. The Christmas and New Year season just around the corner. In another part of the world a woman is suffering with the trauma and fear of the deadly moment awaiting her.

The Islamic government of Iran is planning to kill a human being by … Read the rest

That’s a Nice Weapon You Have There

Dec 19th, 2004 8:05 pm | By

Another dispatch from ‘Hey I’ll believe anything’ land. This time from Celtic Myth and Magic by Edain McCoy.

There’s a great long section in the middle of this book about ‘Pathworking.’ Pathworking, we are told, is another name for ‘guided meditations.’ Okay and what are guided meditations? Apparently they are pre-scripted daydreams. What you do is, you read one of the stories McCoy writes out for you, then you do the relaxation/meditation thing (you know: get comfortable, do breathing stuff, empty your mind, all that), then you have a daydream in which you are the protatgonist of the story you’ve just read (complete with pronunciation guide, because we wouldn’t want to be mispronouncing all those Celtic names in our daydream, … Read the rest