All entries by this author

The Line Between Explanation and Sympathy *

Sep 1st, 2004 | Filed by

The problem of examining motivations without excusing.… Read the rest

Unveiling the Debate on Secularism and Rights

Sep 1st, 2004 | By Maryam Namazie

A ban on conspicuous religious symbols in state schools and state institutions has caused heated debate regarding secularism vs. religious freedoms, giving us the opportunity to reiterate our defence of secularism and women’s and children’s rights. While Islamists and their supporters have proclaimed that banning religious symbols in schools and state institutions is a ‘restriction of’ ‘religious freedoms’ or ‘freedom of belief’, ‘religious intolerance’, ‘a violation of women’s and girls’ rights’, ‘racist’, ‘discriminatory’, and so on, we believe the truth is simple and quite contrary to what they claim. In brief:

The ban is pro-secularism not a restriction of religious freedoms and beliefs: A ban on conspicuous religious symbols in state schools and institutions is but one step toward secularism … Read the rest

Henry James

Sep 1st, 2004 1:38 am | By

David Lodge has a new novel out, Author, Author. It’s about Henry James, and about writing – especially about writing. I thought Lodge’s two latest novels were really verging on bad, but this one sounds brilliant. The people on Saturday Review last week (all but one, who was tepid) competed with each other in superlatives. ‘I just, loved it,’ they kept exclaiming.

I find James quite an interesting character, and always have. His letters fascinate me. I have a lovely volume of letters beween him and his also fascinating brother William. But I find Harry even more interesting, I suppose because he’s more obsessive and peculiar – less ‘normal’ than William. Though neither of them was what you’d call … Read the rest

Lift Hijab Law or We Kill Them *

Aug 31st, 2004 | Filed by

Kidnappers of two French journalists demand end to law banning religious apparel in school.… Read the rest

Moan, Kvetch, Whine, Sneer, Bleat, Fuss, Mewl *

Aug 31st, 2004 | Filed by

Three oldish guys say what’s wrong with everything.… Read the rest

Women Are From Boston, Men Are From Birmingham *

Aug 31st, 2004 | Filed by

Ideas about gender difference based on bad or no research have a strange popularity.… Read the rest

It Isn’t Racist To Attack Homophobic Music *

Aug 31st, 2004 | Filed by

The fact that a group is oppressed doesn’t give it the right to oppress.… Read the rest


Aug 30th, 2004 8:46 pm | By

Aww. I don’t know when I’ve been so, so, so almost maudlin with emotion. So nearly overcome. So tempted to soak my delicate silk and lace hanky with tears. So hungry. (Eh? Well it’s past noon, and anyway I’m pretty much always hungry.) Norm is planning to swap anecdotes with me in the great chat-fest in the sky. And he’s chuffed to learn that we’ll both be able to, according to no less an authority than the dear achbish of Canterbury. I do love those guys. So – agile in their accomodation of dreadful beliefs along with less disconcerting ones. Yes, Jesus decides these things, and yes he sorts the sheep from the goats and sends the goats (or is … Read the rest

God Moves In Mysterious Ways

Aug 30th, 2004 1:27 pm | By

I’m not one to laugh at the religiously afflicted (okay, that’s probably not true), and certainly not at people being seriously injured; and I know that this is probably terribly unsophisticated, but what’s god up to? She’s an omnipotent, omniscient being (apparently). You’d have thought she’d be able to handle a bit of grandstand seating. But it appears not. Hmmm. Which reminds me of the story of Widecombe parish church. October 21 1638, in the middle of an afternoon service, a lightning bolt lands smack bang in the middle of the church, killing or maiming half the congregation. Needless to say, the devil is the chief suspect. Isn’t it just always so…

And since I’m talking about religious … Read the rest

Cardinal Attacks Sex Lessons *

Aug 30th, 2004 | Filed by

The Catholic Church lecturing people about the sexual abuse of children. There’s an irony.… Read the rest

Muslims Can Go to Heaven, Archbishop Says *

Aug 30th, 2004 | Filed by

Christians don’t control access to heaven, although Jesus does.… Read the rest

UK Scientists Resist US Pressure on Cloning *

Aug 30th, 2004 | Filed by

UK scientists back international campaign against US efforts to ban all cloning. … Read the rest

Scientists Want Compromise on Cloning *

Aug 30th, 2004 | Filed by

Reproductive cloning should be banned, therapeutic should be permitted.… Read the rest

Top British Scientists Oppose Blanket Ban On Human Cloning *

Aug 30th, 2004 | Filed by

The Royal Society favours therapeutic human cloning.… Read the rest

A Monopoly of Virtue and Omniscience?

Aug 29th, 2004 5:34 pm | By

So it turns out my colleague is not the only person out there who finds Crooked Timber irritating. Not a bit of it. There is for instance Oliver Kamm who has just posted about his decision to unlink the Timberites. His reasons are strikingly similar to those Jerry S has alluded to in passing.

Of Kant’s observation about “the crooked timber of mankind”, Isaiah Berlin, in his book of that title, wrote:

To force people into the neat uniforms demanded by dogmatically believed-in schemes is almost always the road to inhumanity.

Recently the authors of the Crooked Timber blog have excelled not only in the neatness of their uniforms, but also in their eagerness to congratulate themselves on how they

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Dogmatic Commitment to Instrumentalism *

Aug 29th, 2004 | Filed by

If knowledge is not an intrinsic good, then any ‘knowledge’ will do.… Read the rest

Philosophy is not Just Self-Help *

Aug 29th, 2004 | Filed by

But the promotion for Penguin’s Great Ideas series might make one think otherwise.… Read the rest

Raymond Gaita on Why Truth Matters *

Aug 29th, 2004 | Filed by

Its importance is not merely instrumental.… Read the rest

Kabbalah and ‘Spirituality for Kids’ *

Aug 29th, 2004 | Filed by

Britney Spears, David Beckham, Naomi Campbell are fans, so who can resist that?… Read the rest

Review of Stalin’s Last Crime: the Doctors’ Plot *

Aug 29th, 2004 | Filed by

A world in which what was rational and desirable was defined by the whims of one man.… Read the rest