All entries by this author

People are Capable of Rational Thought *

Jan 12th, 2005 | Filed by

To say the people of Jamaica cannot change values inherited from British colonial era is to infantilise them.… Read the rest

BBC Producer Quits Over ‘Blasphemy’ *

Jan 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Senior producer at Radio 3 resigns in protest at blasphemy in Springer Opera.… Read the rest

Waterstone’s, Free Speech, the Power of Books *

Jan 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Bookshop fires employee for saying harsh things about boss on blog.… Read the rest

Ken Livingstone Defends Yusuf al-Qaradawi *

Jan 12th, 2005 | Filed by

He’s shared a platform with or met various famous people, therefore…… Read the rest

Hand Waving

Jan 11th, 2005 10:40 pm | By

Some more on fine phrases and their relationship (if any) to parsnip-buttering.

Yet, as
we shall see, in the moment of ritual divination the exclusive dualisms
of subject and object, mind and matter, what is outside and up there
(including stars) and what is down here and inside (including genes), partially dissolve in awareness of
cosmic connection. Multiplicity remains, separation remains, but there
is also relatedness, there is participation. Bringing an anthropological
perspective to bear on the topic of astrological divination, we see the
true business of astrology as participation in the greatest dialogue of
all, the grand conversation of earth and heaven.

That sounds buttery, right? But what does it mean? Relatedness to what? Participation in what? Jupiter? One … Read the rest

‘Christian Voice’ Guy Gets Some Attention *

Jan 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Admits it was a mistake to publish BBC executives’ home addresses: ‘I’m fallible.’… Read the rest

Germaine Greer Has Her Reasons *

Jan 11th, 2005 | Filed by

‘The British university was a club Greer did not want to remain in.’… Read the rest

Male Editors Needed to Sexualize Sontag *

Jan 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Waspish Sontag might have replied: stiffening of male editors no reason to impute rigor to her.… Read the rest

Nick Cohen on the Silence About Hadi Salih *

Jan 11th, 2005 | Filed by

“Do you want priests to be able to control ‘their’ people?” No? Get ready for a fight then.… Read the rest

Kenan Malik on Exaggerated Islamophobia *

Jan 11th, 2005 | Filed by

People struggling to defend basic rights within Muslim communities are called racist.… Read the rest

Minority or Citizen? A Roundtable Discussion

Jan 11th, 2005 | By Hamid Taghvaee, Ali Javadi, Azar Majedi

Worker-communist review: The debate surrounding the banning of conspicuous religious symbols in schools and government workplaces in France have raised some fundamental questions about religious freedom and freedom of choice and dress. Is the ban a restriction on religious freedom, choice and dress? How far must a ban go? Why?

Hamid Taghvaee: In my view, banning religious symbols in schools and workplaces is completely justified. The ban has nothing to do with religious freedom because it is a social and public ban. In civil societies, religion and religious practices must be free as long as they remain private matters. Civil society can only recognise freedom of religion as a private matter; otherwise it will not be civil society … Read the rest

Breathtaking Modesty

Jan 10th, 2005 7:46 pm | By

I’ve been reading the Introduction to Astrology, Science and Culture: Pulling Down the Moon, by Roy Willis and Patrick Curry. Patrick Curry teaches in the astrology programme at Bath Spa University College which you may have noticed in Flashback. The introduction is truly fascinating, in the way a gangrenous wound might be fascinating to its owner. I’ll quote from it a little, so that you can see what I mean.

Very little in the debate about astrology is entirely new. The word itself means the ‘word’ (logos) or ‘language’ of the stars, and is now customarily
contrasted, as a pathetic remnant of primitive superstition, with the academically respectable science of astronomy. This latter term means
‘measurement of the stars’,

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Another Meek Christian Voice Heard From

Jan 10th, 2005 6:44 pm | By

Interesting developments. And people sometimes ask me, whether plaintively or (more often) crossly, why I insist on trying to argue with metaphysical beliefs, which is a futile and even meaningless thing to do. Well, this sort of thing is one reason. Because ‘metaphysical’ beliefs seem to be the kind that prompt people to feel outraged, ‘offended,’ attacked, insulted, disrespected, challenged in the very core of their identity. I think that’s not a mere coincidence, I think it’s kind of the whole point. When people can’t point to evidence in reply to critics and skeptics of their beliefs, what can they do instead? They can of course do nothing, or they can shake their heads over the benighted ways of the … Read the rest

Hurrah – Christians Have Learned to Threaten Too *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Offended ethnic minorities take these things seriously: Keating really would have to take himself away on holiday.… Read the rest

‘Christian Voice’ Published Private Details on Website *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Removed information after warnings from BBC lawyers; Keating and others had received threats.… Read the rest

Complaints to BBC Escalate to Threats of Violence *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

BBC2 controller, director of television deluged with ‘threatening’ and ‘abusive’ phone calls.… Read the rest

New York Times on Guy Davenport *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘He talked over everybody’s head, but in a way that made you want to get to where he was.’… Read the rest

Mary Kenny Gratified to See BBC Cages Rattled *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

And glad to see Christians catch up with Muslims and Sikhs in the cage-rattling game.… Read the rest

‘The Canon’ Has no Value for the Underprivileged? *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

In fact ‘the canon’ enabled ‘the masses’ to become thinking individuals. … Read the rest

Sontag v Derrida *

Jan 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Hair; obit word-count; celebrity score; president is/is not sad; was/was not silly.… Read the rest