Case got international attention because the rape was approved by village council.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Blow to Struggle for Women’s Rights in Pakistan
Mar 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSeveral hundred people watched as Mukhtaran Bibi was dragged off to be raped.… Read the rest
Case Shocks Rights Groups in Pakistan and Elsewhere
Mar 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBoy kidnapped, assaulted, accused of rape; his sister then raped.… Read the rest
Pakistan Plans to Appeal ‘Honour’ Rape Acquittals
Mar 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonRape of woman ordered by village elders to restore ‘honour’ of prominent clan.… Read the rest
Letters on Nagel Review of Hart Biography
Mar 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSimon Blackburn and Jeremy Waldron on Austin, Wittgenstein, and meaning.… Read the rest
Islam, Political Islam and Women in the Middle East
Mar 6th, 2005 | By Maryam NamazieThe situation of women living in Islam-stricken societies and under Islamic laws is the outrage of the 21st century. Burqa-clad and veiled women and girls, beheadings, stoning to death, floggings, child sexual abuse in the name of marriage and sexual apartheid are only the most brutal and visible aspects of women’s rightlessness and third class citizen status in the Middle East.
This is Nothing but Islam
Apologists for Islam state that the situation of women in Iran and in Islam-stricken countries is human folly; they say that Islamic rules and laws practised in the Middle East are not following the true precepts of Islam. They state that we must separate Islam from the practice of Islamic governments and movements. In … Read the rest
Don’t Forget the Face in the Tortilla
Mar 5th, 2005 11:38 pm | By Ophelia BensonRight, that does it – a post I’ve just read at Pharyngula has goaded me into doing the post I’ve been meaning to do for a couple of days.
It’s time for a look at credulity and superstition and general soft-headedness in the Mass Media and popular culture.
Here is the Pharyngula post. About a story on MSNBC (hey if it’s partly owned by Microsoft shouldn’t it be all full of rationalist geeky types who would throw heavy rocks at anyone who suggested such a story? No? Why not?) about a ‘legendary Roman stone’ that gets soggy when a pope is about to snuff it that is currently dry therefore the stone ‘says pope will live.’
My item is … Read the rest
Pluralism and Compromising Science
Mar 5th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonArguments that science education should respect cultural differences help creationists.… Read the rest
John Gray on Bryan Appleyard
Mar 5th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAre alien-spotters sophisticated cognitive scientists?… Read the rest
Words for Physicists Not to Use
Mar 5th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonObvious, simple, easy, and above all, trivial.… Read the rest
Interview With Barbara Forrest
Mar 5th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWedge strategy is plan to promote ID creationism in US culture and education. … Read the rest
A Curious Accident in Space-Time
Mar 5th, 2005 | By Paula Bourges-WaldeggDespite the lack of evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, many people firmly believe in it. If you are skeptical on this matter you are likely to be accused of being arrogant, anthropocentric or even a religious fanatic. However, to consider the possibility that we might be alone in the universe doesn’t necessarily make you any of those things. You can believe both that humans are rare or unique and at the same time that they are a purposeless arrangement of matter or a curious accident in space-time.
In 1961 the astronomer Frank Drake announced that the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy that might contact us could be calculated with the following equation:
N = R … Read the rest
Manufactured Consensus
Mar 4th, 2005 8:36 pm | By Ophelia BensonThis is typical. And irritating. Irritating in many ways.
Humera Khan of the An Nisa Society, an organisation that represents the views of women, agreed the school had failed to take into account the huge diversity of the UK’s 1.6 million Muslims. “If you consult on what is Islamic, and you for instance only talk to the Pakistani community, they will say the shalwar kameez is suitable. But other communities would have a different view that then becomes excluded,” she says.
Where to begin. How about with that ridiculous misleading essentially meaningless phrase ‘an organisation that represents the views of women’? The views of women. Does it mean all women, or some women? Notice that you can’t tell. It … Read the rest
Scholars Fret: How Much to Hide Female Bodies?
Mar 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHow covered is covered enough? Agreement remains elusive.… Read the rest
Women Worse Off Now Than Decade Ago
Mar 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPiecemeal approach to women’s rights cannot achieve goals of Beijing conference.… Read the rest
US Drops Effort to Limit Women’s Rights via UN
Mar 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAmnesty International hails end of anti-abortion amendment.… Read the rest
Mysterious Ways
Mar 4th, 2005 1:44 am | By Ophelia BensonAnd since you mentioned skepticism – explain something to me. This Intelligent Designer we hear so much about. It’s supposed to answer those questions that atheists and biologists and similar tiresome people can’t answer. But the thing about this Intelligent Designer character is that it raises a hell of a lot of questions that don’t arise if there’s no need to explain the Intelligent Designer. Surely finding the Intelligent Designer a satisfactory answer to questions while finding Designer-free answers unsatisfactory, relies on ignoring a great barnlike stack of questions that trail in the wake of the Intelligent Designer. The most obvious one of course is Okay smartyboots then who designed the Designer? But there are others.
The one that I’ve … Read the rest
More Skeptical Sceptics
Mar 4th, 2005 12:52 am | By Ophelia BensonThe Third Skeptics’ Circle is posted. Read, doubt, enjoy.… Read the rest
Rawls, Habermas and Bobbio in an Age of War
Mar 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIn era of serial war, three theorists of a perpetual peace. … Read the rest
MBA Maybe Necessary but not Sufficient
Mar 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBusiness students learn economics but they need more than that.… Read the rest