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A Moratorium on ‘Public Intellectuals’ Opining About Nietzsche?

Mar 15th, 2005 | By Brian Leiter

Might we declare a moratorium on “public intellectuals” with no relevant scholarly competence opining about Nietzsche? The latest to embarrass himself is John Gray in the pages of the New Statesman. While Gray (on the Politics Faculty at the London School of Economics) may be most notorious among philosophers for his spectacular hostility towards John Rawls, it seems, on the evidence of this review, that he may be more qualified to talk about Rawls than Nietzsche. The parade of errors packed in to just a couple thousand words is quite remarkable; I’ll single out just five examples, ones that suitably betray the breadth and depth of Professor Gray’s ignorance of the subject matter:

(1) Professor Gray says the “aim” … Read the rest

Social Epistemology

Mar 14th, 2005 11:31 pm | By

This is a good read. At least if you’re interested in social constructivism – and how could you not be? It’s quite reflexive – a review of a book about Steve Fuller’s social epistemology. So we have three levels here: the reviewer, the book being reviewed, and the subject of the book being reviewed, which is the work of Steve Fuller. You need to know that to understand the quotations.

The framework of the book is outlined in the Introduction and further elaborated in Chapter 1. “Kuhn’s questioning of legitimation has become a central problem for discussion in the philosophy of science. The question that arises from Kuhn’s work is: What legitimizes scientific knowledge claims if science does not

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A Skeptical Look at Social Constructivism *

Mar 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Social constructivism does not follow from fallibilism alone or even from anti-foundationalism. … Read the rest

Lacan, Zizek, the Real, the Imaginary *

Mar 14th, 2005 | Filed by

The Symbolic, and a movie with psychoanalytic cartoons.… Read the rest

Christian Group Seeks Judicial Review of BBC *

Mar 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Christian Institute says JSTO broke Human Rights Act by discriminating against Christians.… Read the rest

Peter Singer on Euthanasia of Newborns *

Mar 14th, 2005 | Filed by

US infant mortality is 6.63 per 1,000 live births, in the Netherlands it’s 5.11.… Read the rest

Adam Mars-Jones on Bryan Appleyard *

Mar 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Somewhat confused review of book on aliens as cultural manifestation.… Read the rest

Take That, Hipster Doofus Professor! *

Mar 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Scott McLemee on edutainmant and its discontents.… Read the rest


Mar 12th, 2005 11:35 pm | By

So we see that the combination of rural isolation and fundamentalist religion is, shall we say, rough on women in more places than Pakistan and in religions other than Islam.

The license the Amish have been granted rests on the trust that the community will police itself, with Amish bishops and ministers acting in lieu of law enforcement. Yet keeping order comes hard to church leaders…Once a sinner has confessed, and his repentance has been deemed genuine, every member of the Amish community must forgive him. This approach is rooted in the Amish notion of Gelassenheit, or submission. Church members abide by their clergymen; children obey their parents; sisters mind their brothers; and wives defer to their husbands (divorce is

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The Amish Believe in Submission and Forgiveness *

Mar 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Which gives incest a lot of room to flourish.… Read the rest

Slavery? What Slavery? *

Mar 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Factually incorrect history.… Read the rest

Are Nazism and Communism Equivalent? *

Mar 12th, 2005 | Filed by

“there was no one in Nazi Germany who advocated “Nazism with a human face”.’… Read the rest

Gödel on the Internet *

Mar 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Gödel’s incompleteness theorem is invoked daily to whack people over the head.… Read the rest

Why Gödel Matters *

Mar 12th, 2005 | Filed by

He is deployed by people with antirationalist agendas to whack science.… Read the rest

Oh No – Imbalance in Story on Rutgers Athletics! *

Mar 11th, 2005 | Filed by

What to do? Tell the instructor what to teach, of course.… Read the rest

The Intense

Mar 10th, 2005 7:51 pm | By

We’ve been talking about passion, commitment, feeling, grievance, sincerity – about the whole idea that intensity of feeling is some sort of index of validity. Eve Garrard put it clearly: ‘do you think that one possible reason why Eagleton and (many) others are so impressed by the passion and commitment of suicide bombers, and think it must be in the service of justice and freedom, is some deep underlying moral subjectivism, ie the belief that moral claims just are validated by the sincerity and passion with which they’re held?’ I do think that, along with thinking that most people who hold that belief don’t hold it with full awareness. That it’s perhaps not so much a belief (properly so called) … Read the rest

Horowitz’s Undocumented Story Has Legs *

Mar 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Searchers have failed to find corroborating evidence, but story appears in newspapers.… Read the rest

Lars Svendsen’s A Philosophy of Boredom *

Mar 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Is boredom psychological or the result of boring shops and boring governments?… Read the rest

The End of History? *

Mar 10th, 2005 | Filed by

The notion is the last of the utopian projects.… Read the rest

A Daily Reading List – With Attitude *

Mar 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Arts and Letters Daily approaches its hundredth million.… Read the rest