All entries by this author

Protesters Explain Manipur Arson *

Apr 15th, 2005 | Filed by

‘The books in the library were all written in Bengali script and so we set the building on fire.’… Read the rest

145 Thousand Books Lost in Manipur Library Arson *

Apr 15th, 2005 | Filed by

Protesters torched library because the books were in Bengali not Mayek script.… Read the rest

No, No Way, You Mooks

Apr 15th, 2005 | By Nick Slater

A furore was set off here last year with the news that parts of New Jersey’s sizeable but non-homogenous Wise-guy community intended to use an obscure law to set up arbitration tribunals for disputes involving hoodlums’ ladies running numbers, shaking down and generally behaving like low-bred mooks when they should be attending to the kids.

Wise-guy and non-Wise-guy critics alike protested that the 140-year-old body of Cosa Nostra-inspired laws considers Non-Sicilian broads inferior to Goodfellas and would infringe their equality rights as guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

However, a six-month study by former Teamster’s Moll Maria Pantonello concluded in December that, with new safeguards in place, Wise-guy women would still be protected by the ‘Mob law’. Her … Read the rest

Canine Cognition *

Apr 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Dogs can predict social events, request information, obey rules, imitate human actions.… Read the rest

Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury *

Apr 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Choudhury, journalist, columnist, magazine editor, is in prison.… Read the rest

Equality Bill Excludes Action on Homophobia *

Apr 14th, 2005 | Filed by

Discrimination against lesbians and gays is okay, against religious believers it’s not. … Read the rest

Another Miscellany

Apr 13th, 2005 10:36 pm | By

A few miscellaneous items worth a look.

At Crooked Timber, one on Christopher Hitchens. This includes Jimmy Doyle giving some quotations from the Guardian and the New Statesman from the autumn of 2001 to show sceptics that there really were people saying just the kind of thing that other people on the thread had said no one other than ol’ Ward Churchill actually said. Quite amusing, in a morbid way. And one
on literary theory and whether literary criticism that is interested in, say, formal or aesthetic aspects of literature, or uses the dread word ‘imagination,’ is automatically ‘conservative’ and if so in what sense and according to whom and why should we care and who asked you anyway. … Read the rest

Not Either Silly

Apr 13th, 2005 6:28 pm | By

I’m going to have to disagree with my friend Norm on Polly Toynbee’s comment on the pope. I hate to do it – but he’s off on his travels, so that’s all right. David Hadley of Stuff and Nonsense alerted me to Norm’s post. (How busy I am these days. I don’t even have time to get around to checking Norm every day. Terrible.)

I really don’t get it. Every time there’s an event that brings forth a manifestation of religious belief by large numbers of people, some militant secularist or other will give out an opinion that would be jejune coming from an intelligent sixth-former…But how she can speak in so trivializing a way of world-wide reaction to

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Salon Visits David Horowitz *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

And finds that mild criticism is on a level with terrorism.… Read the rest

Lakoff’s Vocabulary Overhaul as Road to Victory *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Just get the frames right, and everyone will finally understand.… Read the rest

Morality Police Enforce ‘Islamic Values’ in Gaza *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Woman murdered for walking on beach with sister and fiance.… Read the rest

Margaret Drabble on Amber Reeves *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Fabian daughter of Fabian mother, adult education teacher, writer, activist, more.… Read the rest

What’s Up With Bloomsburyland? *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

How to analyse Woolf’s inner life when that is impossible.… Read the rest

What’s Up With Poetry? *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Eleven poets discuss recent swingeing attack on the current state of poetry.… Read the rest

Arab Feminists on Women’s Rights *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Laws permit beating and caging within four walls, allow them to be bought and sold.… Read the rest

Tories Propose More ‘Faith’ Schools *

Apr 13th, 2005 | Filed by

Where the young can ask big questions and get damn fool answers.… Read the rest

Papa Boys Whoop it up at Rome Bash *

Apr 12th, 2005 | Filed by

The new religion of celebrity worship at work.… Read the rest

More Scary Doesn’t Mean More Likely *

Apr 12th, 2005 | Filed by

When that supervolcano erupts we’ll be at the mercy of bullies with melanomas.… Read the rest

An Epistemologically Instructive Experience *

Apr 12th, 2005 | Filed by

Suave and sinuous prose now preening and overelaborate; fearless cheekiness now truculent bravado.… Read the rest

Andrea Dworkin *

Apr 12th, 2005 | Filed by

The New York Times obit.… Read the rest