Hume, Mill, Spinoza, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Aristotle, Plato?… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Full Disclosure
Jun 8th, 2005 2:33 am | By Ophelia BensonAll right, we’ve made this separation; we’ve put the veracity or epistemic question on one side of the line, and the consequentialist question on the other. We’ve further said that the epistemic question comes first: that is, that for the sake of clarity, it ought to. So then what happens on the other side of the line? How does that discussion go?
One way it goes is to say that even if there is no good reason to think religion is true (unless religion is defined so thinly that it bears no resemblance to what most people mean by the word), it still doesn’t do to say so, because saying so would (to put it somewhat hyperbolically, as people occasionally … Read the rest
Marx is not Buried Under All That Rubble
Jun 7th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFrancis Wheen on Marx’s metaphoric but piercing accuracy about the beast.… Read the rest
Religion in the US
Jun 7th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonEnthusiasm for influence of ‘religious leaders’ greater than in other industrialized countries.… Read the rest
The PM, the Philosopher and the Stigmata
Jun 7th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBHL woke in the night with bleeding hands.… Read the rest
First Things
Jun 7th, 2005 12:02 am | By Ophelia BensonThere are many ways one can divide up religion and arguments for religion in order to discuss or analyze them, many ways one can draw a line down the middle of the room and put all the Xs on one side and all the Ys on the other. (And then draw another line and sort the Ys, and then draw another line and sort their progeny, and so on, until everyone goes mad and the game is over.) One way is to separate questions about veracity from questions that leave veracity aside. To separate the epistemic issues from the moral and aesthetic and emotional, one might say. So on this side of the tavern we argue about whether there is … Read the rest
Jun 6th, 2005 8:17 pm | By Ophelia BensonThis was an odd item. The Economist’s review of the Oxford Companion to Philosophy edited by Ted Honderich (which, you’ll be fascinated to know, has an entry, or is it two entries, by my erudite colleague) and The Future of Philosophy edited by Brian Leiter. It ended with – with what certainly looks to an impartial observer (by which I mean me) like a dig.
… Read the restAlthough plenty of philosophers consult the Gourmet, it makes others of them cringe. Two years ago close on 300, including some from top-ranked New York University and Rutgers, wrote an open letter complaining that Mr Leiter’s table measured reputation, not excellence, and that it was driving good students away from middle-rank colleges in a
Ricoeur, Metaphors, Mailer, Nietzsche, Sinclair
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAnd how entire rooms disappear under piles of books and papers.… Read the rest
Graduate Student Blog Goes Flamey
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonScab, no-show, tokenism, racism, bad faith, postmodern wanker.… Read the rest
Dementia of Contemporary Conservative Thinking
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHitler, Mill, Lenin, Dewey, Friedan, Darwin, Nader all in the mix.… Read the rest
Moves to Make Scientific Research Public
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe number of open access journals is increasing by the week.… Read the rest
Hitchens Determined to Fight Disgraceful Cringe
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt’s everywhere once you notice it.… Read the rest
Mugabe Regime Attacks Its Own Citizens
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHomes, market stalls, food, woodcarvings smashed, people left to freeze.… Read the rest
Kant Predicted Extrasolar Planets
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNow NASA has direct evidence of their existence.… Read the rest
Kansas Bans All Theories From Classroom
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonTheories never certain, while Bible is, because Bible says so, so there, smarty.… Read the rest
Interview With Michael Ruse
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe US has not taken the Enlightenment seriously.… Read the rest
Jesus, is This News?
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAbysmal US news media ignore real news to do all Jesus all the time.… Read the rest
Nick Cohen on Amnesty International
Jun 6th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Amnesty has a middle-class, Western, complacent, white image’ says Irene Khan.… Read the rest
What’s That in Your Eye, Phil?
Jun 6th, 2005 12:11 am | By Ophelia BensonHitchens certainly was busy while he was in the UK. Multiple talks at the Hay Festival, Start the Week, and finally Night Waves. Did I miss any? Did he also fill in for Melvyn Bragg on ‘In Our Time’ and do the weather report on ‘Today’? Did he open Parliament and drive the number 85 bus? Did he announce the trains at Victoria and carry a sandwich-board up and down Oxford Street and sell tickets for the Eye? Was he, like, everywhere, or only almost everywhere?
Whatever, he was on Night Waves, and it’s quite – no, very – interesting. But there’s an irritating bit near the end where Philip Dodd tells Hitchens with much emphasis that he has … Read the rest
Muslim Women’s Group in Malaysia Has Clout
Jun 5th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Sisters in Islam’ letters to newspapers have caused changes in laws.… Read the rest