‘Teach both sides’ sounds fair, but ID is a sectarian religious viewpoint.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Shikha Dalmia Interviews Salman Rushdie
Aug 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonA fatwa concentrates the mind on freedom.… Read the rest
‘George Revels in His Own Infamy’
Aug 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLabour MP Eric Joyce doubts he impresses even his audience in the Middle East.… Read the rest
Someone Finally Noticed
Aug 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonGalloway’s interesting rhetoric.… Read the rest
‘Critical Literacy’ Takes a Hit in Queensland
Aug 4th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThere’s a difference between being taught to be critical and being taught an agenda.… Read the rest
Darwin and Design: The Flawed Origins of a Critique
Aug 4th, 2005 | By Paula Bourges-WaldeggI agree with Frederick Turner on what he writes about creationists in his article “Darwin and Design: The Evolution of a Flawed Debate”. However, his critique on evolutionists seems rather unfair. My impression is that his opinions were built on several myths and false assumptions. Since most “evolutionists” are scientists, or at least science supporters, and since most scientists are atheists (Larson J. E. & Witham L. 1999), these myths and assumptions can be characterized as follows:
Scientists are dull people who lack imagination and creativity.
Turner writes:
… Read the restThe evolutionists’ sin, as I see it, is even greater, because it is three sins rolled into one.
The first is a profound failure of the imagination, which comes from a
Aug 4th, 2005 12:45 am | By Ophelia BensonThis is so horrible! The situation it reports on – and the fact that the guy who wrote it was murdered yesterday.
As has been widely reported of late, Basran politics (and everyday life) is increasingly coming under the control of Shiite religious groups, from the relatively mainstream Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq to the bellicose followers of the rebel cleric Moktada al-Sadr…And unfortunately, the British seem unable or unwilling to do anything about it…Fearing to appear like colonial occupiers, they avoid any hint of ideological indoctrination: in my time with them, not once did I see an instructor explain such basics of democracy as the politically neutral role of the police in a civil society.
So … Read the rest
US Journalist Murdered in Basra
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonParticularly incensed about the sharp divide between men and women in the Islamic world.… Read the rest
This Reporter Has Been Murdered
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBritish in Iraq strengthen hand of Shiite organizations.… Read the rest
Bible Study in Public High Schools in Texas
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWhen urban legends end up in textbooks, that’s a problem.… Read the rest
Rorty, Jacoby, Others on the Uses of Liberalism
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLiberalism has always been a delicate plant. Perhaps it needs a greenhouse.… Read the rest
Tragically, This Guy is an MP
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonYour daughters, rape, beautiful daughters, rape, slobber, twitch.… Read the rest
David Hirsh of ‘Engage’ on Galloway
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNow nobody on the left can be in any doubt what Galloway is. … Read the rest
Galloway Has Lost It
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIf you don’t trust the transcript, watch the video clips.… Read the rest
Guardian Reports Hizb ut-Tahrir Conference
Aug 3rd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAnd does a remarkably bad job of it.… Read the rest
Words Fail Me
Aug 3rd, 2005 2:30 am | By Ophelia BensonGod almighty. Sometimes things are just too surprising. I was dismayed (from afar) when Galloway was elected – but I clearly wasn’t dismayed enough.
Two of your beautiful daughters are in the hands of foreigners – Jerusalem and Baghdad. The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will. The daughters are crying for help, and the Arab world is silent. And some of them are collaborating with the rape of these two beautiful Arab daughters. Why? Because they are too weak and too corrupt to do anything about it.
It’s hard to know where to begin. Foreigners? Daughters? Your daughters? Your beautiful daughters? The foreigners are doing to your daughters as they will? Rape? It’s difficult not to … Read the rest
More on Shazia Khalid
Aug 2nd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘They treat a woman like a cow,’ her husband says.… Read the rest
Bagginian Thought Experiments to Play With
Aug 2nd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBhikhu Parekh, David Goodhart, Roger Scruton, John Carey and others examine some.… Read the rest
Barry Allen Reviews Simon Blackburn
Aug 2nd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘A relativist is an imaginary being, like Mr. Pickwick or Mephistopheles.’… Read the rest
State Schools Teach Blazerwearing
Aug 2nd, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonEvangelical millionaire car dealers fund ‘Christian values’ via schools.… Read the rest