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Strident Shmident

Aug 11th, 2005 4:28 pm | By

Well, we’re doomed anyway. There are Pakistan’s nukes, and Iran’s potential nukes, and, Karl tells me, Saudi Arabia’s potential nukes – my head hurts. And that’s not to mention North Korea whose nukes are probably pointed directly at my desk. And never even mind all that because with that Siberian peat bog the size of Germany and France combined melting and releasing billions of tons of methane – warming will be drastically speeded up and there is nothing we can do about it. Floods, droughts, crop failures, famines, migrations of peoples, food wars…(And there’s that pandemic lurking, don’t forget that.)

So maybe it would make sense to just shrug and start eating a lot of ice cream while awaiting the … Read the rest

‘Teach the Controversy’ *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Evolution as the theory of a powerful elite that suppresses legitimate dissent.… Read the rest

The Republican War on Science *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Chris Mooney’s new book. … Read the rest

Enough With the Retreads of Frankenstein Myth *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Enough caricatures of mad-scientists wanting powers reserved only for God.… Read the rest

Chris Mooney on the Discovery Institute *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

ID hawkers say public schools should ‘teach the controversy’ they themselves have manufactured.… Read the rest

Climate Warming as Siberia Melts *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

The entire western Siberian sub-Arctic region has begun to melt.… Read the rest

The Thaw Will Speed Global Warming *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Knock-on effects could make temperatures around the world rise faster and faster.… Read the rest

There Are No Brakes You Can Apply *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

Frozen peat bog in Siberia is melting, will release billions of tons of methane.… Read the rest

Indigenous Groups Object to Genographic Research *

Aug 11th, 2005 | Filed by

‘What is the point of challenging generations of oral history and spiritual belief?’… Read the rest

We Know Our Stories

Aug 11th, 2005 3:37 am | By

A reader sent me this infuriating item. It’s all too familiar, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating.

But now scientists want to step around the mythology and tell a different story, using the DNA of Maori and other indigenous people to work out how prehistoric humans spread around the world from the “true” home of Homo sapiens, Africa. Many Maori do not want to hear that story…As soon as the scheme was announced in April, indigenous groups began objecting, and none more loudly than Maori. We already know where we came from, thanks very much, they said, and what’s in it for indigenous people? What is the point of challenging generations of oral history and spiritual belief?

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Press Release

Aug 10th, 2005 8:03 pm | By

Ayaan Hrsi Ali to speak at Toronto Sharia law conference, August 12th

Press conference begins at 6:30pm.

Together with Theo van Gogh, Ayaan Hrsi Ali made the 2004 film ‘Submission’ about the oppression of women in Islamic cultures. Dutch Muslims criticized the film for being disgraceful and blasphemous. Van Gogh was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri on November, 2nd, 2004. Ayaan now lives under police protection in a safe house in the Netherlands. Time Magazine named Ayaan one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2005. Ayaan has been a Member of Parliament in the Dutch (Liberal) VVD party in the Tweede Kamer (Lower House) since January 30th 2003.

Irshad Manji and Homa Arjomand will also speak.

Irshad … Read the rest

Two Professors Hired to Teach Islamic Law *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

University of Toronto pleased, campaigners against sharia in Ontario not pleased.… Read the rest

Toledo Blade Blows the Whistle on the Cops *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Those sworn to enforce law have aided diocese in covering up sexual abuse by priests.… Read the rest

Irshad Manji on Multiculturalism as Orthodoxy *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Neither watery word ‘tolerance’ nor slippery phrase ‘mutual respect’ will cut it.… Read the rest

Denis MacEoin on Hizb ut-Tahrir *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

It derides democracy as a western evil and justifies the execution of apostates.… Read the rest

Finkelstein and Dershowitz Are at Odds *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Over Zionism, anti-Semitism, hyperbole, plagiarism, personal charges, and more.… Read the rest

Witchcraft Accusations in India *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Villagers often approve of the torture meted out to these women.’… Read the rest

Ahmadiyya Offices Shut Down in Pakistan *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘We have booked them for propagating material offensive to people of other faiths.’… Read the rest

‘Popetown’ Released on DVD *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Bishop, without seeing it, declared series an irreverent attack on the faith.… Read the rest

Toledo Blade Reports Cover Up *

Aug 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Says police helped Catholic Diocese of Toledo cover up sex abuse allegations.… Read the rest