All entries by this author

Political Spirituality

Sep 26th, 2005 | By Sean McCann

I’ve been reading Foucault and the Iranian Revolution by Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson, and the picture it paints is not pretty.

As Afary and Anderson note, although Foucault’s particular fascination with the revolution is well known in France, the full range of his writing about it has never been translated into English. In fact, since much of that writing was originally published by the Italian daily Corriere della sera, and until now was not republished, the full extent of his thoughts has rarely been taken into account even by Foucault’s French readers. Foucault made two, week long trips to Iran in the fall of ’78. He interviewed a number of prominent political actors, wrote nearly a dozen … Read the rest

The Tate Did What?

Sep 26th, 2005 2:36 am | By

Brilliant. Perfect. Let’s let worries about ‘offending’ religious sensitivities determine what art we’re not allowed to see. What a good idea! Why didn’t someone think of it sooner? It would save such a huge amount of trouble, for one thing – we would all have to spend so much less time in museums and at the theatre and reading blasfeeemous books. Think how much more efficient we would be. We would be able to put new colours on the stripes in toothpaste. We would make the world a more beautiful (and of course less blasfeemous) place.

One of Britain’s leading conceptual artists has accused the Tate gallery of ‘cowardice’ after it banned one of his major works for fear of

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Sep 25th, 2005 11:01 pm | By

Dogmatism, we were talking about the other day. Via this remark by Simon Blackburn in Truth.

Today’s relativists, persuading themselves that all opinions enjoy the same standing in the light of reason, take it as a green light to believe what they like with as much conviction and force as they like. So while ancient scepticism was the sworn opponent of dogmatism, today dogmatisms feed and flourish on the desecrated corpse of reason.

A day or two after posting that I read a related comment by Hume.

You propose then, Philo, said Cleanthes, to erect religious faith on philosophical skepticism; and you think that if certainty or evidence be expelled from every other subject of inquiry, it will all

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Nick Cohen on Religious Schools [scroll down] *

Sep 25th, 2005 | Filed by

British education will be divided by the two most toxic causes of strife on the planet.… Read the rest

Tobacco Companies Turn to Subliminal Advertising *

Sep 25th, 2005 | Filed by

Red and white furniture, pictures of cowboys, that kind of thing.… Read the rest

The Washington Times Reviews Scruton *

Sep 25th, 2005 | Filed by

For Burke, society is held together by custom, tradition, and prejudice.… Read the rest

Scruton and Midgley Write Memoirs *

Sep 25th, 2005 | Filed by

Between confidence and anxiety.… Read the rest

Amputation for Stealing a Motorbike *

Sep 25th, 2005 | Filed by

Nigerian Islamic judges have ordered that a teenager from Niger have his hand cut off.… Read the rest

Richard Dawkins on Gerin Oil Junkies *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

If administered chronically in childhood, Gerin oil can permanently modify the brain.… Read the rest

If Religion is All That’s Left *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

It’s not surprising that people turn to it.… Read the rest

Mathematicians See ‘Proof’ *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Not much actual math, but the mathematicians are recognizable.… Read the rest

Seyla Benhabib on Religion and Politics *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Why the US and Europe differ.… Read the rest

Is Journalism About Truth or Diverse Opinion? *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Lines between what constitutes opinion and what constitutes truth are almost extravagantly blurred.… Read the rest

Strange and Disquieting Double Standards *

Sep 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Poisonous paranoia is sort of expected from some people but not others.… Read the rest

The Leader

Sep 23rd, 2005 8:55 pm | By

Bush said an odd thing on Wednesday.

Mr. Bush said he had been “thinking a lot” about the comparisons between the response to the attacks in New York and Washington, and the storm devastation. “We look at the destruction caused by Katrina, and our hearts break,” he said. Turning the subject to terrorists, he said: “They’re the kind of people who look at Katrina and wish they had caused it. We’re in a war against these people.”

‘We look at the destruction caused by Katrina, and our hearts break.’ They do? We do, and they do? Who’s we? You mean you? Did your heart break? Really? Are you sure? Because that doesn’t seem to be how people remember it. … Read the rest

Over the Top

Sep 23rd, 2005 8:01 pm | By

This whole thing is…intolerable. Just intolerable.

A bus carrying elderly evacuees out of the path of Hurricane Rita has caught fire on a gridlocked motorway, killing up to 24 people…Television pictures showed the entire bus alight, with explosions sending plumes of thick black smoke billowing into the sky. Officer Peritz said the blasts were apparently caused by oxygen containers for the elderly on board the vehicle…The passengers were being evacuated from a nursing home in Bellaire, south-west Houston, when the accident happened…Officer Peritz said the driver, who survived the fire, repeatedly went back onto the bus to try to rescue passengers.

I can’t read that without wanting to blub. Hell and damnation – what next. You’re old and ill … Read the rest

Vatican to Ban Gay Priests *

Sep 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

Vow of celibacy no longer good enough.… Read the rest

Prisoners Left Locked in Cells During Katrina *

Sep 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

Human Rights Watch: water rising, no food, water or electricity.… Read the rest

Harvard’s ‘Secret Court Files’ *

Sep 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

A 1920 purge of gay students.… Read the rest

Scott McLemee on Class, Blind Spots, Reading *

Sep 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

Social mobility is not always pleasant.… Read the rest