All entries by this author

Gnashing of Teeth

Sep 2nd, 2005 7:07 pm | By

I have other stuff I wanted to mutter about, but it’s hard to think about anything else right now.

I watched a lot of cable news last night. Shattering stuff. ‘We need help, sir, we really do.’ ‘Look at these old people over here – look at this little baby.’ People in floods of tears, people mopping each other’s faces, people angry on behalf of those older, younger, weaker, frailer than themselves. People desperately needing water. (We all know what it’s like to be thirsty – imagine being that thirsty for four days! While watching people around you dying of dehydration – knowing if you don’t get water you’ll all die soon.) People who’ve lost everything they had, who … Read the rest

Ziauddin Sardar on Reform in Islam *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Why is the change under way Islam’s best kept secret?… Read the rest

Scientific American on Drowning New Orleans *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Article from the archive. … Read the rest

Hurricane Turns Glaring Light on Inequality *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

The Third World side of the US is suddenly visible.… Read the rest

Hell on Earth *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Dead bodies, human waste, no water, rape, heat, illness, no food, fear, despair. … Read the rest

New Orleans Mayor Issues Desperate SOS *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Thousands of people stranded at convention center with no water or food.… Read the rest

Bush Claims No One Foresaw the Levees Breaking *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

But everyone foresaw it, including FEMA.… Read the rest

Bassam Tibi on Jihadism and Islamism *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

‘It is wrong and even deceitful to argue that jihadism has nothing to do with Islam’… Read the rest

London Bomber Leaves Bloodthirsty Video *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

MCB gives opinion; no other group is quoted. … Read the rest

Observer Accused of Islamophobia *

Sep 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Martin Bright was asked on Muslim cable TV to declare his links to Zionist media lobby.… Read the rest

Islamic [In]Justice

Sep 2nd, 2005 | By Maryam Namazie

The ‘Islamic Institute of Civil Justice’ or what has become known as the Sharia Court has been heralded by proponents as a multi-cultural way of determining personal and family disputes for those who ‘choose’ to abide by Sharia law in Ontario, Canada. We are told it will promote ‘minority rights’ and that it is equitable, tolerant, and fair. We are told that if it is not established, the ‘Muslim minority’ will be marginalised and discriminated against. That anything less is racism pure and simple.

This is not the case.

Deceptively sugar-coating an Islamic Court in civil rights terms cannot and will not conceal the stark realities of Sharia law and its regressive implications for human beings and Canadian society.

To … Read the rest

Water, Water, Water, Water – Hurry Up!

Sep 2nd, 2005 2:57 am | By

Why is it taking so long? There are relief supplies there, we’re told. Why can’t they get them to the convention center? I can see why it would be slow to take them to widely scattered areas – but they can’t even take them to the convention center?

Which has quite a few dead bodies in it now. Well – it will have a lot more in the morning. After four days with no water…

A reporter on ‘The World Tonight’ told us about an elderly man with diabetes who asked if he could buy some water from the reporter – and that there were a lot of requests like that. It’s just a nightmare.

Bush explained this morning that … Read the rest

Rushdie on Today

Sep 1st, 2005 7:55 pm | By

I’ve transcribed some of that chat with Salman Rushdie on ‘Today’ last Monday, because he said several excellent things, worth preserving.

First he was asked his opinion of Muslim ‘leaders’…

Well for a start I’m not sure how much of a ‘leader’ these people are – it’s interesting – sort of a moot point about how many people actually follow them. But I think the mistake is to see these people as being somehow the voice of moderation. Sacranie and his deputy Banglawala have been very very vociferously hard-line on a range of issues for a long long time, and I think the Panorama programme kind of exposed that.

Then he said he wasn’t very confident that people like … Read the rest

Haack v Ruse

Sep 1st, 2005 7:17 pm | By

Another passage from Haack’s book that is relevant to Ruse’s argument.

The commitment to naturalism is not merely the expression of a kind of scientific imperialism; for supernatural explanations are as alien to detective work and history or to our everyday explanations of spoiled food or delayed buses as they are to physics or biology. And the reason is not that supernatural explanations are alien to science; not that they appeal to the intentions of an agent; not that they rely on unobservable causes. The fundamental difficulty (familiar from the central mystery of Cartesian dualism, how mental substance could interact with physical substance) is rather that by appealing to the intentions of an agent which, being immaterial, cannot put

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A Knife-edge

Sep 1st, 2005 6:16 pm | By

And here it is.

We take it for granted, you know, the comfortable safe manageable world we live in – those of us who do live in a world like that. That seems (to us) like the natural way of things, the normal state of affairs. In many parts of the world, normal life is more like the inside of the New Orleans Superdome, but we think normal life is less hot and crowded and smelly and unsafe and miserable than that. We think it’s normal to be able to get drinkable water and eatable food whenever we want them, to be able to take a shower and use a toilet whenever we need to, to have clean clothes, lights, … Read the rest

Eighteenth Century is a Portal to Postmodernism *

Sep 1st, 2005 | Filed by

No, really, it is.… Read the rest

FDA Official Quits Over Plan B Ruling *

Sep 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Said decision to delay approval of morning after pill not scientifically based.… Read the rest

FDA Official Quits Over Morning-after Pill Delay *

Sep 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Scientific and clinical evidence has been overruled by politics.… Read the rest

Teach the Right Controversy *

Sep 1st, 2005 | Filed by

ID a waste of time: evolutionary science is bountifully endowed with genuine controversy.… Read the rest

Updates from New Orleans Times-Picayune *

Sep 1st, 2005 | Filed by

On the scene.… Read the rest