All entries by this author

Cass Sunstein Takes a Look at Alito’s Dissents *

Nov 4th, 2005 | Filed by

He is often more conservative than his colleagues.… Read the rest


Nov 3rd, 2005 7:20 pm | By

Catherine Bennett is amusing.

It is strange, isn’t it, to think that this fine-looking couple, recently seen experiencing spiritual ecstasy in East Grinstead, presumably believe in Scientologist founder Ron L Hubbard’s story of Xenu, the galactic tyrant who froze his victims and stored them in the Earth’s volcanos?

Yeah? I didn’t know that. I don’t keep up with Scientology (too busy keeping up with Feng shui, I guess), and I didn’t know that. The galactic tyrant! Froze his victims! Stored them in earth’s volcanoes. Very cool. Almost as cool as playing football in pyjamas with no goal and no crossbar and no hugging.

If, as Madonna says, she has been ridiculed for professing her beliefs, her best expedient would

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Jon Pike Reviews Ted Honderich *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

‘book ought to have done very serious damage to his reputation as one of Britain’s leading philosophers.’… Read the rest

Eve Garrard Reviews Michael Ignatieff *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Rights are far more ethically significant than a useful device to ensure that executive power is not abused.… Read the rest

French Hijab Ban Widely Accepted *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Bizarre headline bears no relation to article.… Read the rest

Turtles? Red Bracelets? Xenu? Holy Water? *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Lionel Blue maundering on Thought for the Day looks like golden age of secularism.… Read the rest

E O Wilson: Can Biology Do Better Than ‘Faith’? *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Rapprochement between science and religion may be neither possible nor desirable.… Read the rest

McMartin Preschool Case: ‘I Lied” *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

If he gave an answer they didn’t like, they asked again until he gave the right one.… Read the rest

Well Why Bother Then? *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Bush is widely expected to pardon Libby if he is convicted.… Read the rest

Emma Brockes Interviews Noam Chomsky *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Things get bad-tempered over Bosnia and Srebrenica.… Read the rest

Norm Geras on the Reductions of the Left *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Category of ‘imperialism’ so exhausts the thinking of part of the left as to lock it into regrettable positions.… Read the rest

Iran Fires Diplomats in Purge of Liberals *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Ambassadors to London, Paris, Berlin and UN mediated between Iran and Europe over nuclear programme. … Read the rest

Muslim Domestic Violence Cases are Different *

Nov 3rd, 2005 | Filed by

Or so police are told in Victoria, Australia. Muslim women not pleased.… Read the rest

Football Fatwa

Nov 2nd, 2005 8:11 pm | By

There must be a mole at the Guardian. Prince Charles would frown wonderingly in the manner of Ned Welch if he read this article – HRH would be most unamused. But that’s his problem.

As part of a government drive to eliminate frivolous fatwas, the Saudi newspaper Al Watan recently published a stone-cold sober one on football. If you can read it without collapsing in helpless laughter – I have bad news for you: you seem to be deceased.

International terminology that heretics use, such as “foul,” “penalty”, “corner,” “goal”, “out” and others, should be abandoned and not said…Do not follow the heretics, the Jews, the Christians and especially evil America regarding the number of players. Do not play

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Furtive Political Campaigns are the Wrong Kind *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

A retreat into the mire of a furtive, grubby campaign of individual acts of anti-Semitic discrimination.… Read the rest

Van Gogh Commemoration Calls for Unity *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

“We must not abandon each other,” Dutch PM Jan Peter Balkenende told a gathering in Amsterdam.… Read the rest

Doug Ireland on Michel Onfray *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

The brightest star among the younger French philosophers.… Read the rest

Anniversary of Murder of Theo van Gogh *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Killer said he murdered out of religious conviction, would kill again in the name of Islam if given a chance. … Read the rest

South Asian Earthquake Toll Jumps to 73,000 *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Relief commissioner Farooq Ahmed Khan said more than 69,000 were injured; expects casualty toll to rise. … Read the rest

Times Gets Early Start on Xmas Moaning *

Nov 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

South Lambeth taking the Christ out of Xmas.… Read the rest