Islam was seen as a barrier to the spread of Marxist ideology among the masses.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
New Biography of Hannah Arendt
Dec 21st, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLaure Adler says Arendt was blind about the Holocaust. Hmm.… Read the rest
A Broad and Withering Opinion
Dec 21st, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonJudge cited ‘breathtaking inanity’ of board’s decision and board members’ ‘striking ignorance’ about ID.… Read the rest
More Dover
Dec 20th, 2005 11:16 pm | By Ophelia BensonIt’s hard to tear oneself away from The Panda’s Thumb today. They are having one hell of a party over there. And writing one great post after another while they’re at it.
One on our friend Steve Fuller for example.
… Read the restProfessor of Sociology Steven Fuller may not know much about the history or content of science (see his recent confusion — just like Linus Pauling’s! — between protein and DNA at Micheal Berube’s blog) but he is good the kind of jargoneering that the Discovery Institute and its allies use to confuse the public about science…Fuller proved to be quite compliant generally, but Judge Jones seems not to to have heard his pleas to institute in Dover a kind of
This Legal Maelstrom
Dec 20th, 2005 6:39 pm | By Ophelia BensonNone of this should have happened in the first place, but since it did, at least the judge said what’s what. At least he didn’t do a lot of grovelling and respecting and protected space-providing and beseeching and apologizing. At least he came right out and said that the creationist side lied – and lied repeatedly at that. And since he said it, we can repeat it. A judge said it, in a decision, so no one can accuse us of libel if we say what the judge said. So: they told lies! Repeatedly! And they got caught doing it! Nyah!
… Read the restSaid the judge: “It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their
Not in Public School Science Classroom
Dec 20th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘We find that the secular purposes claimed by the board amount to a pretext for the board’s real purpose.’… Read the rest
Judge’s Decision in Dover Case [pdf]
Dec 20th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘while encouraging students to keep an open mind and explore alternatives to evolution, it offers no scientific alternative’… Read the rest
Celebrations at Panda’s Thumb
Dec 20th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHooray hooray hooray.… Read the rest
Unseen Power Theory Ruled Out
Dec 20th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNow Pat Robertson will be really cross.… Read the rest
Judge Rules Against ‘Intelligent Design’
Dec 20th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSays several school board members repeatedly lied to cover their motives.… Read the rest
Dec 19th, 2005 11:33 pm | By Ophelia BensonMush. Most people can’t seem to think or talk about this subject without resorting to mush. To inaccurate assumptions and woolly language and category mistakes and undefined terms that need defining. To mush.
Editing it today – 33 years later under the same title – is the Guardian’s religious affairs correspondent, Stephen Bates. He defends it enthusiastically. He said: “I am by no means averse to including humanist or secularist writers but I tell all would-be contributors that the column is intended, in my opinion, to be a space for non-polemical or philosophical reflection. This means not attacking the beliefs of others. In my experience, humanists and atheists find this very difficult…”
Well maybe that’s because they’re profoundly puzzled by … Read the rest
Wacka wacka
Dec 19th, 2005 11:05 pm | By Ophelia BensonThe decision in Dover will be handed down soon.
Legal experts said the big question was whether Judge Jones would rule narrowly or more broadly on the merits of teaching intelligent design as science. Proponents of the theory argue that living organisms are so complex that the best explanation is that a higher intelligence designed them.
Here we are back at that legs question. That sentence does look so very silly. ‘Proponents of the theory argue that living organisms are so complex that the best explanation is that a higher intelligence designed them while somehow not being so complex that it itself requires explanation.’ ‘Proponents of the theory argue that living organisms are so complex that the best explanation … Read the rest
Sands Shift Under the Case for Interventionism
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAnd labels get confused: left, right, realist, internationalist, moral idealist, neoconservative…… Read the rest
Ignatieff in Dubious Company Over Torture
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWith U.S. lawmakers banning abuse, where does Liberal stand, asks Haroon Siddiqui.… Read the rest
Arguing Over Torture
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDavid Luban on loading the dice, Jeremy Waldron on drawing the line, Michael Walzer on dirty hands.… Read the rest
Scott McLemee on Voltaire Almighty
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe great man lived into his 80s largely thanks to knowing just when to grab his luggage.… Read the rest
Gotta Have ‘Protected Space’ for Religion
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt’s only feeble ideas that need all this protection.… Read the rest
Secularists too Powerful? Where Would That Be?
Dec 19th, 2005 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWhat with ‘faith’ schools, vicars patrolling supermarkets, secularists banned from Thought for Day.… Read the rest
Another Blow Struck Against Learning
Dec 18th, 2005 6:36 pm | By Ophelia BensonAnd there is this horrible item. Part of the heart-warming series ‘how can we make women’s lives more helpless and deprived and nasty than they already are?’
Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan have executed a school teacher in front of his pupils for refusing to comply with warnings to stop educating girls.
Well of course they have, because that kind of behavior interferes with the whole project. Sets it right back. What good is is for the Taliban to keep valiantly struggling to take away every single right and capacity and freedom and pleasure and opportunity and chance that women have, if evil thugs like this teacher are going to come along and educate them? Is he crazy? The … Read the rest
Not This Again
Dec 18th, 2005 6:13 pm | By Ophelia BensonWhat a lot of nonsense the hooray for theocracy crowd does talk. Distortions, omissions, fantasies, strawmen, non sequiturs, aimless babbling – no trick is too cheap, apparently.
… Read the restResistance to politically correct attempts to expunge Christianity from our culture – the conversion of Christmas into “winterval” is symptomatic – should be encouraged, but one can push the defence of Christianity farther by imagining what Western society would be like without it…It was and is a highly cosmopolitan and egalitarian religion, recognising neither Greek nor Jew, bond nor free. That, in addition to such novel ideals as charity, compassion and peace, and the status attached to women, differentiated Christians from a surrounding society based on cruelty, hedonism and organised slavery. Imagine