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Former Head of MAB Scolds ‘Secular Fanatics’ *

Feb 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Equates ‘insulting the prophets of God’ with denial of the Holocaust.… Read the rest

Chirac: Freedom of Expression Must not be Abused *

Feb 10th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Anything that can hurt the convictions of another, particularly religious convictions, must be avoided.’… Read the rest

Malaysia’s PM Speaks of Chasm *

Feb 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Demonstrations in Nairobi, Bhopal, Dhaka, Gaza City.… Read the rest


Feb 9th, 2006 6:56 pm | By

And not just threats, but also demands. Like this demand.

British imams have demanded changes in the law and a strengthening of the Press Complaints Commission code to outlaw any possible publication of the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in the UK.

That’s quite a demand. Quite a bold, confident, aggressive, demanding demand. I don’t think clerics and priests and rabbis and imams should make demands like that of secular societies.

Yesterday’s event, which involved imams and grassroots figures from throughout England and Scotland, marked the foundation of the Muslim Action Committee (MAC), whose leaders plan a continuous campaign to confront the alleged disparagement of Muslim communities and to call for “global civility”…Faiz Siddiqi, the MAC’s national convenor, said:

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I Must Have Misplaced My Glasses

Feb 9th, 2006 6:36 pm | By

Correction, to something in ‘Lesson Time’. I didn’t notice this until well after I’d posted the comment, so I had a good opportunity to feel surprised and irritated at my own befuddlement. It’s like those games where an extra word is inserted in some familiar bit of doggerel, and we don’t notice it because we see what we expect to see. Only not very much like that, because I should have been paying better attention, seeing as how I was arguing with the content. Thanks to sloppy reading I agreed with an absurdity. Allow me to start again.

Even if an artist had failed to find someone to illustrate a children’s book on the Prophet for fear of reprisals, this

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Solidarity in the Conversation of Humankind *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Extract from Norm Geras’s book on people who took risks to save Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe.… Read the rest

How Moral Disengagement Works *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

You have to convince people of the sanctity of the greater cause.… Read the rest

Why Should Religions be Protected from ‘Insult’? *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Obvious distinction between what is offensive and what should be illegal is being ignored.… Read the rest

Irshad Manji and As’ad Abukhalil Debate *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Bully talks three times as much and accuses other of monologuing.… Read the rest

UK Imams Demand Changes in the Law *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

To outlaw any possible publication of the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in the UK.… Read the rest

Get Ready for Darwin Day *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Darwin Day founded on the premise that science, like music, is an international language.… Read the rest

Atheists Should Ride Kierkegaard’s Horse *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Dennett writes about religion as a purely social and empirical phenomenon.… Read the rest

It’s Nearly Darwin Day *

Feb 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Robert Stephens expects about 600 celebrations this year, three times more than last year.… Read the rest

Lesson Time

Feb 8th, 2006 5:48 pm | By

Anthropologists are reliable sources of you have to understandism. Pnina Werbner does her bit.

There are some lessons (the British) learned from “The Satanic Verses” that I’m afraid others in Europe still need to learn. One of them is the simple lesson that blasphemy is a double-edged sword.

Okay, now it’s time for anthropologists to learn a simple lesson: words like ‘blasphemy’ and ‘haram’ and ‘apostasy’ don’t apply to people who don’t subscribe to the religion in question. It’s a rather disgusting form of coercion to pretend that they do.

But there was no gain on either side in terms of reaching mutual tolerance or understanding. The novel just inflamed peoples’ feelings – Muslims felt they had been disrespected

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Ask the Women

Feb 8th, 2006 4:49 pm | By

Yes. I wondered about this a great deal at the time.

Girls do not figure in this “youth uprising”. Stones were thrown in Paris in 1968, too. But the barricades were occupied by men and women, even if the leaders were all men…It is all the more surprising that alongside the justified focus in the French and international press on the issue of racism, the sexism or machismo of these riots has barely been touched on.

Exactly. The riots were discussed as if they were – in however noisy or violent or overenthusiastic a way – representative of Muslim feeling in general. But why assume that? Why not think a little harder and realize that the rioters are all young … Read the rest

Secularists Don’t Understand Depth of Feeling *

Feb 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Price for a bit of journalism is not worth it because there are people who will feel genuinely offended.… Read the rest

The Orientalists and their Enemies *

Feb 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Irwin argues that orientalism is what it claims to be – the study of eastern languages, history, culture.… Read the rest

Dress Worn by Non-believers is ‘Not Suitable’ *

Feb 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Begum refused to attend school because she had to wear the same uniform as ‘disbelieving women.’… Read the rest

Julian Baggini on the Science of Religion *

Feb 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Is religion a natural phenomenon, like photosynthesis, evolution or belly-button fluff?… Read the rest

Sonia Mikich Feels Offended *

Feb 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Jews see themselves represented as cannibals and pigs, Western women as decadent sluts. … Read the rest