All entries by this author

John Sutherland on Bragg’s Twelve *

Apr 25th, 2006 | Filed by

Bragg has established himself over the past decades as a fearlessly dedicated popular educator.… Read the rest

Laurie Taylor on Bragg’s Twelve *

Apr 25th, 2006 | Filed by

Academics never nearby enough to moderate some of his less fortunate populist urges.… Read the rest

Vatican Considers Condom Rules *

Apr 24th, 2006 | Filed by

Might allow married people with HIV to use condoms.… Read the rest

Review of Sen’s Identity and Violence *

Apr 24th, 2006 | Filed by

Tunku Varadarajan finds it pretty but unrealistic.… Read the rest

No Shortcut

Apr 23rd, 2006 5:25 pm | By

This is good bracing stuff.

At Wellington College, one of Britain’s top public schools, headmaster Anthony Seldon is piloting an initiative that may eventually see lessons in happiness added to the curriculum in both the state and independent sectors. What an unhappy prospect…The problem is that Wellington is opting to teach happiness through positive psychology which, in my view, can amount to little more than self-help with a veneer of academic respectability.

And one thing neither the world nor education needs more of is self-help with a veneer of academic respectability. It’s had lashings of that, via for instance the totem of ‘self-esteem’, and look how well that turned out – producing throngs of people with all too much self-esteem … Read the rest

The Disturbing World of Implicit Bias *

Apr 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

We may not always think what we think we think.… Read the rest

Is a Happy Human the Same as a Good Human? *

Apr 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

What would Herbert Spencer think?… Read the rest

Richard Schoch Skeptical of Positive Psychology *

Apr 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

Lasting and profound happiness isn’t about feeling good, it’s about being good.… Read the rest

Women’s Autonomy Under Threat *

Apr 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

Religious enclaves encouraging women to go back to when they were men’s property, not their own.… Read the rest

Self-awareness Switched Off During Concentration *

Apr 23rd, 2006 | Filed by

Brain assumes a robotic functionality when it has to concentrate on a difficult, timed task.… Read the rest

The Myth of Productivity and the Function of Consumerism: An Institutional Perspective

Apr 23rd, 2006 | By Jim Cornehls

Productivity is an economic term that, like others, has more than one meaning. First, there is overall productivity, meaning the collective ability of a society to produce goods and services. Second, productivity is used to explain the distribution of incomes within a society, where productivity is taken to mean the relative contribution of each of the so-called factors of production, land, labor and capital, to the production process. These two aspects of productivity are inextricably linked in the U.S. mixed economic system.

Efforts to measure productivity in the second sense are chimeras. Productivity is the result of mixing machinery, human effort, and community knowledge. Productivity does not exist independently of any or all of these. If a woman uses a … Read the rest

Creationism Conference in Derbyshire *

Apr 22nd, 2006 | Filed by

To hear academics defend the view that God made the Earth in six days about 6,000 years ago.… Read the rest

Byatt on Roth *

Apr 22nd, 2006 | Filed by

Philip Roth is the great recorder of Darwinian Man, ‘a poor, bare, forked animal’.… Read the rest

Evolution Should be Taught as Fact, not Theory *

Apr 22nd, 2006 | Filed by

We should no longer talk of the theory of evolution as ‘just an idea’, says Richard Pike.… Read the rest

Boredom *

Apr 22nd, 2006 | Filed by

Is boredom emotional recuperation, or is it just boredom?… Read the rest

Wot’s an Intellectual? *

Apr 22nd, 2006 | Filed by

A bag of wind? A small-breasted man? A woman who doesn’t wash much? … Read the rest


Apr 21st, 2006 9:21 pm | By

Why Truth Matters.… Read the rest


Apr 21st, 2006 8:00 pm | By

The thing about the cultural anthropoligical view is that, unless you are a cultural anthropologist, it’s not the place to stop. Because tolerance, acceptance, neutrality, non-judgmentalism never is the place to stop. That’s one of the advantages of being human, isn’t it – we are able to second-guess things, and ask for something better, so we should never permananently and thoroughly give up that ability and right.

We can suspend it at times, obviously. You don’t go to a friend’s house and tell her how to do things. (On the other hand, if you somehow discover that serious abuse is going on, you may want to intervene, with all the attendant difficulties and worries that possible duty raises.) But that … Read the rest

Expert in Postmodern Theory Helps Out *

Apr 21st, 2006 | Filed by

Simply a theory that suggests there is more than one way of looking at the world. Ah.… Read the rest

Top Sydney School’s Boring Approach to Shxpr *

Apr 21st, 2006 | Filed by

You can read Othello in two of three ways: ‘Marxist, feminist, race’. Zzzzz.… Read the rest