All entries by this author

André Glucksmann on Separating Truth and Belief *

Apr 6th, 2006 | Filed by

Civilized discourse analyzes and defines matters of fact relating to knowledge, not to faith. … Read the rest

What War on Christians? *

Apr 6th, 2006 | Filed by

Disagreement isn’t oppression.… Read the rest

Irfan Husain on Apostasy and Liberal Attitudes *

Apr 6th, 2006 | Filed by

Double standards can be problematic.… Read the rest

On Taking the Templeton Foundation’s Dime *

Apr 6th, 2006 | Filed by

If you don’t think science and religion should be reconciled, qualms arise.… Read the rest

Cultural Relativism and its Enemies

Apr 6th, 2006 1:26 am | By

Phyllis Chesler and Maryam Namazie are (you should pardon the expression) singing out of the same hymnbook.


Chesler’s experiences in Afghanistan have helped shape her thoughts about the failure of feminism to engage with what she sees as the oppression of women in Islamic countries…looking at mainstream feminism in the west – in the universities, in the media, among academics and the socalled intelligentsia – there is a moral failure, a moral bankruptcy, a refusal to take on, in particular, Muslim gender apartheid. So you have many contemporary feminists who say, ‘We have to be multiculturally relativist. We cannot uphold a single, or absolute, standard of human rights. And, therefore, we can’t condemn Islamic culture, because their countries have

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All-purpose Tool Going Cheap

Apr 5th, 2006 5:31 pm | By

It’s good to know that whatever happens, whatever the conditions, whether it rains or sizzles, at midnight and at noon, whether things are going well or badly, in peace and war, in poverty and plenty, whether there are too few women or too many, the result is always the same – women are treated like dirt. Women are grabbed, pushed around, sold and bought, beaten and killed, raped and enslaved, exploited and used, thrown away and swapped around. Women are treated like livestock, like farm machinery, like incubators, like any old possession except worse because they have to be broken and forced and violently bent to the will of other people. Incubators and ploughs don’t argue, but women – well, … Read the rest

Profile of Maryam Namazie *

Apr 5th, 2006 | Filed by

She rejects attempts to silence all criticism of theocratic regimes as ‘racism’ or ‘Islamophobic.’ … Read the rest

Ishtiaq Ahmed on Apostasy *

Apr 5th, 2006 | Filed by

Are we all then to be hanged because we question dogma?… Read the rest

Women Sold Into Slavery in Haryana *

Apr 5th, 2006 | Filed by

Selective abortion has made women scarce, so they are coerced and exploited.… Read the rest

Human Rights Watch on Children in D.R. Congo *

Apr 5th, 2006 | Filed by

War, HIV/AIDS, high school fees, accusations of sorcery increase number of street children.… Read the rest

Congo Child Sorcery Abuse on the Rise *

Apr 5th, 2006 | Filed by

HRW: self-styled pastors use torture, beatings, denial of food to rid children of alleged sorcery . … Read the rest


Apr 5th, 2006 12:02 am | By

However, despite Sutherland’s inexplicable resort to Islamophobiawatch as a source, it was pleasing to see Daniel Dennett reply to Bunting and Brown. I replied to them myself here and here but I was just filling in the time until Dennett got around to it.

I find it amusing that two Brits – Madeleine Bunting and Michael Ruse – have fallen for a version of one of the most famous scams in American folklore. When Brer Rabbit gets caught by the fox, he pleads with him: “Oh, please, please, Brer Fox, whatever you do, don’t throw me in that awful briar patch!” – where he ends up safe and sound after the fox does just that. When the American propagandist William

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Watch It

Apr 4th, 2006 8:50 pm | By

John Sutherland is a little worried that Phyllis Chesler may have an Islamophobia problem. He cites a very weighty and authoritative source to back this up:

The blog Islamophobia Watch suggested that this signalled “the point of total dementia”.

The blog Islamophobia Watch? Has he read it much? It equates any criticism of or dissent from Islam at all with ‘Islamophobia’ and (of course) it equates ‘Islamophobia’ with hatred of Muslims which it equates with or simply considers identical to racism – so, criticism of Islam (including of course by people from Iran, Pakistan, and other ‘brown’ countries) amounts to racism. That’s stupid, and it works to stifle criticism and dissent, and it works to stifle them in advance ofRead the rest

Dennett Replies to Bunting and Ruse *

Apr 4th, 2006 | Filed by

Reporters should avoid being complicit in publicity stunts by the likes of Dembski.… Read the rest

Phyllis Chesler Talks to John Sutherland *

Apr 4th, 2006 | Filed by

Sutherland quotes the wisdom of Islamophobiawatch.… Read the rest

Dude, I Bedazzled These Jeans *

Apr 4th, 2006 | Filed by

Padma Lakshmi like talks to a Times reporter.… Read the rest

Christians in Afghanistan *

Apr 4th, 2006 | Filed by

Persecution has turned Afghan converts into a closely knit underground organization. … Read the rest

Football, Race and ‘Identity’ *

Apr 4th, 2006 | Filed by

Leipzig fans spit and hoot at Nigerian footballer. There’s solidarity for you.… Read the rest


Apr 3rd, 2006 11:11 pm | By

Consider monism. The Ethics of Identity page 143-4.

Many theorists – among them William Galston, John Gray, Bhikhu Parekh, and Uday Singh Meta – hold the great enemy to be monism, and, in particular, the philosophical monism they associate with the classic texts of liberalism, not excluding Mill himself. The monist tradition that Parekh has painstakingly traced, in his Rethinking Multiculturalism, starts with Plato and haunts us still; it is characterized by a belief in the universality of human nature…Raz is faulted for his bigoted insistence on autonomy; Kymlicka is faulted for the requirement that national minorities must, at least in some measure, respect liberal principles of individual liberty. The trail of the monist serpent is over them

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The Raven Itself is Hoarse

Apr 3rd, 2006 6:59 pm | By

Well there I was thinking the restored update thing was going just swimmingly, and then I had a horrible experience yesterday evening when I sent the third one. I got emails back saying it didn’t work: people clicked on the links and got nothing. All my hair stood on end, the glass shivered in the windows, the milk turned sour in the fridge, and the barometer fell. So I howled, and flung myself back and forth in a passion, and threw things, and then I sent a new update to myself and tested it and then sent it to the list, with an apology. But it’s very annoying. I have no idea why it didn’t work, and don’t like having … Read the rest