‘We want a strong man’ – that’s deep.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Saudi Arabia Attempts Reform
Apr 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIf women start driving, it will lead to adultery and kidnap.… Read the rest
You Can’t Do Both
Apr 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt’s a sin to shag a sheep and then eat it.… Read the rest
Preachers Ask God to Lower Gas Prices
Apr 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNext week: prayers for a sale on SUVs.… Read the rest
Niall Stanage on the Euston Manifesto
Apr 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt ‘may sound like a lengthy statement of the obvious. But, in a way, that’s the point.’… Read the rest
More Indy Drivel on Astrology
Apr 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘On certain levels, it is a science.’ Which would those be?… Read the rest
Stepping Sideways
Apr 29th, 2006 11:15 pm | By Ophelia BensonPhrasemaker, Scruton, isn’t he.
Freud, who assumed the mask of the objective observer, who presented his results as the inescapable conclusions of arduous empirical study, who repeatedly claimed that his psychological discoveries would one day be grounded in biology, is now widely accepted at mask-value…Someone must have reminded him that not all children are boys; but he had an easy way with his critics, which was to throw the Greeks at them. Thus was born the Electra complex, conjured from a thigh-bone of Oedipus…At every point where scientific method might impose its logic on the argument, Freud stepped sideways into metaphor, asserting with dogmatic intransigence that this is how things are because this is how they must be.
Stepping … Read the rest
Roger Scruton on Sigmund the Fraud
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAt every point where scientific method might impose its logic on the argument, Freud stepped sideways into metaphor.… Read the rest
Andrew Brown Interviews Raymond Tallis
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonGP, research scientist, professor of gerontology, literary critic, poet and philosopher.… Read the rest
Jesus Christ! Cherie Blair in Wrong Frock Scandal
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWears white dress to meet pope, must think she is a queen.… Read the rest
Overselling Climate Change
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAlarmism is bad strategy.… Read the rest
Julian Baggini on What ‘Being Religious’ Is
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAtheists can have awe, reverence, gratitude and humility just as theists can.… Read the rest
Court Decision Evicts Hirsi Ali From Safe House
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonJustice Minister Piet Donner is considering appealing the decision to the Supreme Court.… Read the rest
More on Euston
Apr 29th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe most vulgar Eustonians are like an intellectual dad’s army. Hmm…… Read the rest
Astrology Not Nonsense After All
Apr 28th, 2006 7:47 pm | By Ophelia BensonOkay and now that we’ve got it straight that I have no choice but to go on being smugly complacently in favour of rational inquiry as opposed to the other thing, let’s drop in on the Independent and see what it has to say about astrology.
… Read the restThe massive power of waves and the tides that cause them are, it is universally accepted, a direct consequence of the gravitational influences of the Moon and the Sun upon Earth. We also know that the Moon sometimes determines animal behaviour and has long been linked with aspects of our lives as diverse as a women’s menstrual cycle and mental disturbance, hence the word lunatic. Is it, astrologists argue, therefore completely impossible that
No Remedy
Apr 28th, 2006 7:47 pm | By Ophelia BensonSastra makes a relevant point, or set of points, in a comment on ‘No Exit’.
Bottom line, science is the method you use when you want to force yourself to seriously consider the possibility that you might be wrong. It’s designed to eliminate bias and test views as much as possible. It’s structured to force a change of mind. If that is allowed to pass as just a “different kind of dogma,” then being undogmatic would mean refusing to consider the possibility you might be wrong, embracing your biases, and not testing your beliefs. Don’t change your mind. Stay firm. Otherwise, you might be in danger of the smugness of scientism.
Just so, and that’s where the regress comes in, … Read the rest
Drivel About Astrology
Apr 28th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt’s not a science, it’s simply a tool to better understand the ups and downs of blah blah blah.… Read the rest
Millfield High Cancels Creationist Lecture
Apr 28th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSecular groups had criticised the lecture as an attempt to indoctrinate children.… Read the rest
Pratap Bhanu Mehta on Identity and Violence
Apr 28th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Is Sen too much of an Enlightenment thinker to really be able to explain identity politics?’… Read the rest