Scott has a very apropos column this week. Well, apropos from my point of view anyway – and in a very real sense, is not my point of view the only one that matters? Of course it is. And from that point of view Scott’s column reads like a sly follow-up to his column last week, the one in which he interviewed some bore who co-wrote a book about truth. Some of the commenters on that column, as you may or may not remember, rolled up their sleeves and got to work casting doubt on the whole idea of truth by breaking out the capital letters and the incredulous modifiers (certain, absolute) and the fleering quotation marks (“truth,” … Read the rest
All entries by this author
Charles Larmore on Jerrold Siegel on the Self
Jun 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNot enough Montaigne, no GH Mead, no Habermas; but still a useful book.… Read the rest
Column on Gay Marriage Leads to Dismissal
Jun 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘This isn’t Brigham Young Seminary,’ says BYU alumnus.… Read the rest
Scott McLemee Ponders Wikipedia
Jun 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAccuracy, reliability, accountability matter.… Read the rest
Schools Too Girly, Says Guy
Jun 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFocus too much on organisation and attentiveness, not enough on explosions.… Read the rest
Tories Want More History Taught
Jun 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonGood idea but silly reasons.… Read the rest
Truth and Consequences at Brigham Young
Jun 15th, 2006 | By Ophelia Benson and Jeremy StangroomBrigham Young University is in the news at the moment because its philosophy department decided not to renew the contract of an adjunct instructor after he wrote a newspaper editorial in favour of same-sex marriage. The instructor received a letter from the chair of the philosophy department informing him of the decision shortly after his editorial ran in the Salt Lake Tribune. Inside Higher Ed reported, ‘Carri Jenkins, a BYU spokeswoman, said the choice not to rehire Nielsen came from the department, which has the authority to make personnel decisions on part-time faculty. “The department made the decision because of the opinion piece that had been written, and based on the fact that Mr. Nielsen publicly contradicted and opposed … Read the rest
No Such Thing as Deep Knowledge
Jun 14th, 2006 8:39 pm | By Ophelia BensonI’m not the only one who thinks so, either. Frederick Crews’s article says much the same thing, only better.
Although the follies discussed in my chapters are mild when judged against the total historical record of homicidal zeal in the service of misapprehensions, they display most of the features that characterize religious fanaticism, such as undue deference to authority, hostility toward dissenters, and, most basically, an assumption that intuitively held certitude is somehow more precious and profound than the hard-won gains of trial and error.
This is, it seems to me, the lurking danger behind the innocuous-seeming idea that there are ways of getting at the truth about the world that are radically different from ‘the scientific method.’ If … Read the rest
Alan Johnson Interviews Paul Berman
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Yes, for me, it’s always been entirely natural to be literary and political at the same time.’… Read the rest
Marko Attila Hoare Reviews Occidentalism
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAnti-imperialist ideas can become hostility to democracy, pluralism, the emancipation of women.… Read the rest
Libraries Matter
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFree public libraries have been an engine of social and intellectual improvement.… Read the rest
Brigham Young Philosophy Instructor Dismissed
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBYU says philosophy department chose not to renew contract: editorial contradicted church statement.… Read the rest
On Teaching Philosophy to Teenagers
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFrance worries about low marks, but UK universities find undergraduates bored by Descartes.… Read the rest
Interview With Rebecca Goldstein
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSpinoza’s system presents one of the most ambitious projects in all of Western philosophy.… Read the rest
Philosopher Rattles Cage of Abortion Opponents
Jun 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLuc Bovens of LSE argues that rhythm method may increase risk of early embryonic death.… Read the rest
Whereof we can speak
Jun 13th, 2006 7:12 pm | By Ophelia BensonOne reason I’m insisting on this idea that rational inquiry and discussion and argument are continuous rather than discontinuous with ‘the scientific method’ and empiricism is that non-rational, evidence-free truth claims are not arguable or discussable, which means that they’re authoritarian and coercive. That’s all obvious enough, but I think it needs spelling out. So people who try to argue that humanist truth-claims are radically discontinuous with scientific ones (apart from giving the game away by arguing themselves) are giving hostages to fortune. They risk handing us all over to people who make ‘faith-based’ arguments and expect the rest of us to accept them. You know, the ‘homosexuality is a sin and that’s all that needs to be said’ crowd. … Read the rest
NASA Admits Deutsch Muzzled a Scientist
Jun 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonInternal inquiry reveals that a media request for an interview was inappropriately declined.… Read the rest
The View From Nairobi
Jun 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIslamist militia supported because populace fed up with secular warlords perpetuating violence.… Read the rest
Which is Worse: Sharia or Warlordocracy?
Jun 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNo music, no dancing, no football in Mogadishu.… Read the rest
Review of Book on Amartya Sen’s Work
Jun 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDefining development as the process of improving human lives is not something we have always done.… Read the rest