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The player has previously caused injuries

Feb 17th, 2023 12:33 pm | By

Because female people don’t matter.

Six first-class counties are demanding urgent answers from the England and Wales Cricket Board as to why a middle-aged player who transitioned from a man to a woman is being allowed to compete against girls as young as 12.

A two-fer. Not just a man, but middle-aged. Not just decades older, but male.

One letter from a coach claims the player “hits the ball harder than any other I have seen in the league”.

Gee I wonder what could possibly explain that.

It is understood that the player has previously caused injuries, although inadvertently, including one to an umpire and another to an opponent at county trials who was left unable to play for

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Some residents have reported

Feb 17th, 2023 11:15 am | By

NPR yesterday on the East Palestine disaster:

Some residents have reported headaches and rashes in the days since the derailment. And many have expressed frustration at what they say is a lack of answers from the railroad company and public officials.

I suspect the lack of answers is because the answers don’t make the railroad company or public officials look responsible or competent. “We could answer, but then you would come at us with pitchforks.”

On Wednesday night, hundreds of East Palestine residents crowded into a high school gym to press state and local officials for answers about air and water testing and the risks of long-term exposure.

“Why are people getting sick if there’s nothing in the air

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Sitting ducks told to continue sitting

Feb 17th, 2023 10:34 am | By

Guy loiters in female changing room to watch young girls getting naked. Staff says nothing can be done.

Janayh Wright, a photographer and mother of three, spoke to Reduxx about her own encounter with the man — one she says she had heard about before interacting with [him] herself. Wright explains that she was aware of rumors that a male had been using the women’s facilities at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre from other parents, some of whom said they had lodged complaints with both staff and local police.

On February 3, Wright was visiting the pool with her daughter and niece. She told Reduxx that she would typically wait for her daughter outside of the changing room, but decided

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Guest post: The concession that gets the justification spiral going

Feb 17th, 2023 9:12 am | By

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on But whose dignity?

Using preferred names and pronouns, referring to TIMs as a kind of “women” (more specifically the “trans” kind as opposed to the “cis” [1] kind), reframing special privileges as “rights”, reframing forced obedience as “respect” or “dignity” etc. are the Trojan horse, the foot in the door, the thin end of the wedge, the seemingly (at the time) benign concession that gets the justification spiral going:

Only a weak-minded dolt would have made these concessions because of simple peer-pressure, tribalism, fear of ostracism etc. But I’m not a weak-minded dolt, so if I did make those concessions, it had to be the only reasonable, or even decent, thing to

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Guest post: Trans Sudetenland

Feb 17th, 2023 3:55 am | By

Originally a comment by tigger_the_wing on But whose dignity?

The TRAs have shown that there’s no way to give them what they want in the way of dignity and respect in order to get the same back; they want to trample over boundaries, and as soon as one falls, they’re going for the next. (The order of the following may vary from place to place):

If we give in on fetishistic cross-dressing, they demand bespoke pronouns;

If we give in on pronouns, they demand that we cede to them all the other words which apply to our sex;

If we let them have our words, they demand access to our toilets;

If we give them access to our toilets, they … Read the rest

When a headteacher publicly sides with the school bullies

Feb 17th, 2023 2:21 am | By

Kathleen Stock reviews Sturgeon’s farewell press conference:

Despite plummeting personal approval ratings, she focused several times on consoling those who, she assumed, would be saddened by her departure, giving the impression of trying to avert outpourings of weeping in the streets. Putting an optimistic gloss on the general mediocrity of her party, she implied that for too long she had eclipsed the many talented SNP politicians with her own brilliance, promising that from now on we would be able to see them more clearly. And perhaps most startlingly — fresh from calling critics of her government’s gender law reforms “homophobic” and “racist” only a fortnight ago  —  she noted that, over the years, she had somehow become a

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Scrambled or fried?

Feb 16th, 2023 5:01 pm | By

This talk of treating trans people with dignity and respect just as we treat everyone else with dignity and respect could be put another way. It could be described as walking on eggshells.

The only reason there’s an issue about dignity and respect, I think, is the fact that trans people are a challenge to dignity and respect. If you see it as just a fantasy, or social contagion, or a mistake about the self, and the like, then…the dignity part is missing. Being trans is like a pratfall. A pratfall is the opposite of dignity.

This is not helped by the unreasonable nature of the demand, let alone the constant escalation of it, and the abuse dealt out for … Read the rest

But whose dignity?

Feb 16th, 2023 3:53 pm | By

Screechy Monkey alerted us to a piece by Matt Yglesias on trans issues. It’s far from the usual disdain and hatred for all who don’t obey all The Imperatives, but it is more cheery about the whole subject than I think is quite justified. He starts from a column by Jamelle Bouie that emphasizes dignity.

Bouie skillfully elevates these controversies out of the weeds and into the level of principle — “in the democratic ideal, we meet one another in the public sphere as political and social equals, imbued with dignity and entitled to the same rights and privileges” — and argues persuasively for a politics of dignity. He notes that while we best know Frederick Douglass as an

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The downsides of deregulation illustrated

Feb 16th, 2023 12:04 pm | By

Heather Cox Richardson on regulations and railroads:

Biden appears to be trying to turn the nation to a modern version of the era before Reagan, when the government provided a basic social safety net, protected civil rights, promoted infrastructure, and regulated business. Since the 1980s, the Republicans have advocated deregulation with the argument that government interference in the way a company does business interrupts the market economy. 

But the derailment of fifty Norfolk Southern train cars, eleven of which carried hazardous chemicals, near East Palestine, Ohio, near the northeastern border of the state on February 3 has powerfully illustrated the downsides of deregulation. The accident released highly toxic chemicals into the air, water, and ground, causing a massive fire

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Order has to overcome chaos

Feb 16th, 2023 11:05 am | By

I’m reading a piece from 2018 by Massimo Pigliucci on Jordan Peterson and Stoicism, so you get to read some of it too.

The question at hand is not whether there are some similarities between what Peterson writes and what the Stoics teach. Such similarities are indubitably there. Then again, “pick yourself up and do the right thing,” or “endure what life throws at you” are not exclusively Stoic concepts. They are found pretty much everywhere, in one form or another, from Christianity to Judaism, from Buddhism to Confucianism. And yet I’m not aware of anyone making the argument that Peterson is a Stoic-Christian-Judeo-Buddhist-Confucian. The issue, rather, is whether there are sufficient deep similarities between Peterson and Stoicism. I

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Trash all the safety rules

Feb 16th, 2023 10:23 am | By

It seems to be true.

AP News February 2018:

In October, DOT published a notice inviting the public to recommend which regulations should be repealed, replaced, suspended, or modified. Accompanying the notice was a list of 20 potential candidates, including 13 of the most significant transportation safety rules of the past decade.

Airlines, automakers, railroads, pipeline operators, trucking companies, chemical manufacturers and others responded to the notice with their wish lists. After the comment period closed, DOT said it would repeal a 2015 rule opposed by freight railroads requiring trains that haul highly flammable crude oil be fitted with advanced braking systems that stop all rail cars simultaneously instead of conventional brakes that stop cars one after the other

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Why would trains need brakes?

Feb 16th, 2023 10:06 am | By

Oh jeez. If this is true…

The CNN story is that there was a better braking system, the Obama administration said great, let’s make it mandatory for trains carrying hazardous materials, and the Trump administration said no let’s not and canceled what the Obama administration had done.

Please, tell us more about what a hero Trump is to The White Working Class.… Read the rest

Doom loop

Feb 16th, 2023 6:47 am | By

We’re too busy mopping up after climate disasters to try to prevent climate disasters.

The damage caused by global heating across the globe is increasingly clear, and recovering from climate disasters is already costing billions of dollars. Furthermore, these disasters can cause cascading problems including water, food and energy crises, as well as increased migration and conflict, all draining countries’ resources.

Sounds kind of tipping pointish, doesn’t it.

The report said: “This is a doom loop: the consequences of the [climate] crisis draw focus and resources from tackling its causes, leading to higher temperatures and ecological loss, which then create more severe consequences, diverting even more attention and resources, and so on.”

And this is while it’s all … Read the rest

On International Women and Girls in Science Day

Feb 16th, 2023 5:42 am | By

Yet another casual insult.

You’ll be amazed to learn that’s not a woman.… Read the rest

Guest post: Industry capture of regulatory agencies

Feb 16th, 2023 5:16 am | By

Originally a comment by Beth Clarkson on Greasing the wheels.

I agree with you both that it’s blatant corruption and that it shouldn’t be shrugged aside as unimportant and also agree that it isn’t a big deal. My Trump supporting relatives point to Hunter Biden regarding his well-paid Ukrainian corporation position. I can’t say that doesn’t look like corruption. It does. Turning a blind eye to this sort of thing is why so many working-class Americans are MAGA people. I just point out that the Trump children were even more blatant about cashing in on their fathers position, both foreign and domestically. Doesn’t matter of course. They love Trump. He hasn’t done anything wrong in their opinion. Then we … Read the rest

Not clear but let’s assume anyway

Feb 15th, 2023 5:41 pm | By

Robin Moira White gets confused from one paragraph to the next.

The stabbing of teenager Brianna Ghey in Warrington is a terrible tragedy for her family and my heart goes out to them. It is not clear whether the fact that she was trans was a factor in the events in Linear Park, Warrington, but shock at her death has rippled through the trans community.

I cannot help but feel this kind of tragedy was waiting to happen. Anyone who followed the Conservative leadership contest will have seen the candidates vying with each other to stoke “debate” over trans people’s lives; and such sentiment is something I, as Britain’s only trans discrimination barrister, have to cope with every day.

So………….”it’s not … Read the rest

That Arkansas woman is not a woman

Feb 15th, 2023 5:13 pm | By

Stop that.

That’s not a woman. Stop pinning men’s crimes on women. Stop falsifying the statistics. Stop lying. Stop confusing the public. Stop lying and faking the stats and pinning men’s crimes on us to pander to men who pretend to be women. Stop it.… Read the rest

What kind of madhouse

Feb 15th, 2023 11:35 am | By

What a mess we are.

As more and more details emerge about the recent unfortunate exercise in Second Amendment freedoms at Michigan State University, there are a couple that not only stick in the throat, but also make you wonder even more deeply what kind of madhouse in which we’ve all been living for the past few decades. From Fox2 in Detroit:

When Jackie Matthews was 11 years old, she was inside a classroom in Newtown, Connecticut, when children were shot and killed. Now at 21, she’s a Michigan State student and was just a few feet away from where a gunman killed at least 3 other students. Jackie shared her story on TikTok, recounting the moment she

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A First Minister inventing the three sexes of M, F and rapist

Feb 15th, 2023 10:31 am | By

Dennis Kavanagh has a stemwinder of a thread on Sturgeon. Since so many of you are allergic to T_____r I’ll quote it instead of showing.

2/ Sturgeon embraced an unreal, elite fad because she mistook it for gay rights 2.0. It should have been obvious from the start this was not the case had she listened to women and gay groups making the point that

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Almost irrationally so

Feb 15th, 2023 7:20 am | By

BBC Live on Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation.

One snippet:

Ms Sturgeon says she has found public opinions about her have become “barriers” to debate.

She says issues that are controversial “end up almost irrationally so” – though makes no specific reference to Scotland’s gender reforms.

That’s probably especially true when the issue itself is rooted in an irrational belief system.


Sky News touches on the row around transgender prisoners. The FM is asked whether this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. She is also asked – was it a failure of her leadership not to deliver independence?

Sturgeon says she will “leave other people to judge” her record and says “no, that issue wasn’t the final straw”.

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