Leading researchers call Bush ‘hypocritical’, ‘out of touch’ and ‘selfish’ over his decision.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Older Students to be Allowed not to Worship
Jul 20th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonYounger students still forced to attend daily ‘collective worship’ in UK.… Read the rest
Guatemala: Killings of Women Increase in 2006
Jul 20th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonOver 2,200 women and girls have been brutally murdered in Guatemala since 2001.… Read the rest
Jul 19th, 2006 11:43 pm | By Ophelia BensonA more troubling reading, however, is that Nazi speech is worth protecting even if a consequence of that protection is that someone gets hurt or killed. ‘I will defend your right to say it, even if your saying it makes violence more likely against the people attacked in your pamphlets.’ Is that what is meant? Defenders of free speech squirm on this point…they assure us dogmatically that there is no clear evidence of any causal connection between, say, racist posters and incidents of racial violence…
Yeah. The assurance often seems very dogmatic to me – it just somehow has to be true that there is no causal connection between racist speech and racial violence, … Read the rest
Putcher Glasses on, People
Jul 19th, 2006 11:42 pm | By Ophelia BensonAnd there’s this interesting article by Scott McLemee which is a good read in itself and also the cause that – there is much silliness among the commenters. Why does a piece by an omnivorous reader like Scott attract so many people who can’t read at all? People who read the label on a can of pineapple juice and think it contains Crisco? Dunno, but the result is pretty funny. Somebody started off by reading Scott’s “There are plenty of conservative publicists in America now. There are not many conservative thinkers, proper, worthy of the name” and, first, paraphrasing that as “America has lots of conservative pundits. But thinkers? Not so much,” which is a pretty bad job of paraphrasing … Read the rest
Didja Drop Your Compass?
Jul 19th, 2006 8:49 pm | By Ophelia BensonOne remark in this CHE piece on learning to hate literature in order to get a PhD in it particularly caught my attention. It’s so expectable and yet so odd.
… Read the restIn a course I taught last spring, after three months of tracing the development of literary theory from humanism to structuralism to poststructuralism to the dilemmas of the present, I finally asked my students the question: “So, why do you want to study literature, knowing what you now know?” I wondered if studying a century of cynicism had altered their motives in the slightest. They were all considering graduate school, but their answers had little to do with what I knew they would need to write in their application essays…It
Stride me no Strident
Jul 19th, 2006 8:44 pm | By Ophelia BensonSo Katha Pollitt talks a little more about that imbecilic review of her book. Perhaps I’m not the only one who thought it was jaw-droppingly stupid.
Emily Amick: There’s a discussion raging on the blogosphere right now about Wonkette’s ‘post-feminist’ review of your book in the New York Times.
Ah. I rushed over to Google blogsearch to find out about that, and the comments seemed to be running heavily in the ‘jaw-droppingly stupid’ direction. Good. But – what did the Times ever run a review like that for? What is its point? What next? Assigning a stand-up comic to review Amartya Sen’s next book? Assigning Tom Cruise to review a book by John Searle? What is their point? … Read the rest
Trevor-Roper Wrote a Good Letter
Jul 19th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe Observer is skewered as ‘that declining organ of Germanic Wykehamist apocalyptic socialism.’… Read the rest
More Scott McLemee on Philip Rieff
Jul 19th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonRieff’s ideas are still very much in the vein of what Sontag denounced as ‘piety without content.’… Read the rest
Richard Ashcroft Discusses Medical Ethics
Jul 19th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIn all of Ashcroft’s work, there is a trade off between the scientific and the philosophical.… Read the rest
Scott McLemee on Philip Rieff
Jul 19th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHis writing resembled the private language of some brilliant but eccentric rabbi. … Read the rest
Wot’s ‘Cultural Competencies’?
Jul 19th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt has to do with the pleasure of interpretation.… Read the rest
Interview With Katha Pollitt
Jul 18th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSo, what about that stupid Wonkette review? Well, it was stupid.… Read the rest
What it Takes to Teach Literature at University
Jul 18th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonA decade or more of immersion in a highly politicized and anti-literary academic culture.… Read the rest
Inayat Bunglawala on Bright and the MCB
Jul 18th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLook for Sunny’s comments.… Read the rest
Sunny Hundal on Identity Games
Jul 18th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe Hindu Council UK decided to lob their own grenade in the identity politics debate last week.… Read the rest
Meet the Deity
Jul 18th, 2006 | By Ophelia BensonAnna was standing on a high bluff admiring the sunset – a particularly spectacular one full of gilded clouds – thinking blissfully of God and gratitude and the beauty of the world, when suddenly the sun seemed to swell and pulse, the sky turned every shade of purple and silver, there was ethereal music, and then an angel appeared next to her. “Beloved servant,” remarked the angel pleasantly, “for that thou art our dedicated and humble servant, and the first woman minister of thy parish, we have chosen thee to have an audience with the deity.”
Anna stared, coloured; the earth seemed to tilt and rock all around her; she planted her feet wide apart and hoped not to fall … Read the rest
‘Hadiths are serious stuff’
Jul 18th, 2006 2:19 am | By Ophelia BensonThis is a piece of really very good news. The author says it hasn’t had much attention in the West – or elsewhere either. So let’s pay attention.
… Read the restIn a bold but little-noticed step toward reforming Islamic tradition, Turkey’s religious authorities recently declared that they will remove these statements [such as “If a husband’s body is covered with pus and his wife licks it clean, she still wouldn’t have paid her dues.” – OB] , and more like them, from the hadiths – the non-Koranic commentary on the words and deeds of the prophet Muhammad…Hadiths are serious stuff. More than 90 percent of the sharia (Islamic law) is based on them rather than the Koran, and the most infamous measures
‘Women are [not] Imperfect in Intellect and Religion’
Jul 17th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonTurkey’s religious authorities declare they will remove sexist statements from the hadiths.… Read the rest
Shelley’s Mishap at Oxford
Jul 17th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPoet writes atheist pamphlet shock.… Read the rest