The left’s embrace of an Islamist movement supported by Iranian mullahs would have appalled Karl Marx.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Open Letter to Jews for Justice in Palestine
Aug 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonShalom Lappin, Eve Garrard and Norman Geras on whitewashing racist platforms.… Read the rest
Women Key to Stopping Aids Pandemic
Aug 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘To change the sexual behaviour of men is a question of generations. Women are dying now.’… Read the rest
Conservative Xian Idea of Civil Rights Cases
Aug 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonXian group sues to turn public library into part-time church.… Read the rest
Civil Rights Hiring Changes in Bush Era
Aug 15th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPermanently hiring lawyers with strong conservative credentials but little civil rights experience.… Read the rest
Fascists and Bush and All
Aug 15th, 2006 1:06 am | By Ophelia BensonOkay, time to stop messing around. I’ve been putting it off, but it can’t be shirked any longer. I have to make fun of the whole article, all of it, not just selected highlights. I have to be thorough.
…this fascism of the masses, as was practised by Hitler
and Mussolini, has today been replaced by a system of
microfascisms – polymorphous intolerances that are
revealed in more subtle ways. Consequently, although the
majority of the current manifestations of fascism are less
brutal, they are nevertheless more pernicious.
Less brutal (there’s the not killing millions of people by shooting or overworking or gassing them for instance) but more pernicious? Really? More pernicious in what way? They don’t say. They … Read the rest
Parasitical Pleasure
Aug 14th, 2006 9:55 pm | By Ophelia Benson… Read the restIt was above all the theater, the vulgar “art”, the grand guignol productions of the beer halls and the street. It was the provocation, the excitement, the frisson which Nazism was able to provide, in the brawling, the sweating, the singing, the saluting. Nazism, whether one wore brass knuckles and carried a rubber hose or simply played along vicariously, beating up communists and Jews in one’s mind, was action. Nazism was involvement. Nazism was not a party; Nazism was an event.
Eksteins, M., Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age, (Black Swan, London: 1990), 414.
Our office is in an incredible state. Dozens of people pass through every day and at any time
Deleuzoguattarian Foucauldianism
Aug 14th, 2006 8:27 pm | By Ophelia BensonThe Deleuzoguattarian deconstruction of the evidence-based hegemonic post-positivist paradigm is being discussed in other places. It makes a nice chain – I got it from Tom P (he emailed me about it) who got it from Ben Goldacre. Alun at Archaeoastronomy got it from me, Martin Rundkvist at Salto Sobrius got it from Alun, PZ got it from Martin, and Orac got it from Martin and PZ and is planning to take it on.
The main author has a profile here.
… Read the restFor several years, he has been a clinical nurse in forensic psychiatry (both in hospitals and in the community) as well as in public health. His research interests focus primarily on the issue of the power
New Party Founded in Egypt
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSecular but nationalist.… Read the rest
Pharyngula on Microfascism
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHealth sciences are colonised by an all-encompassing research paradigm: post-positivism.… Read the rest
Uh Oh
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonA third of nurses fail basic arithmetic and English test. But they need to keep records of dosages…… Read the rest
Carlin Romano on a Book on Being Amish
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe Amish offer only one opportunity to choose; the opportunity should be lifelong.… Read the rest
More on the Department of Vice and Virtue
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHRW says the department could be used to silence critical voices, limit women’s and girls’ lives.… Read the rest
More on Sen on Identity and Violence
Aug 14th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWhat makes us want to see the world in terms of us and them?… Read the rest
Things CNN Will Never Tell You About Religion
Aug 14th, 2006 | By R. Joseph Hoffmann1. That there is no God.
2. That you will not live forever.
3. That Noah’s ark will never be found because it never existed.
4. That Christianity began as a violent first century messianic sect which learned to cope peaceably when its messiah didn’t show up.
5. That most fundamentalists are rather stupid, Muslims and Christians alike.
6. That most evangelical Christians cannot describe what they mean by “inerrant” – speaking of the Bible.
7. That the vast majority of Christians opposed to stem cell research think it means killing babies for their brains.
8. That biblical Israel ceased to exist in 720 BC, lasted for less than two hundred years, and that modern Israel didn’t exist again until … Read the rest
Halliday, Deutscher, Arendt
Aug 13th, 2006 10:31 pm | By Ophelia BensonAnother excellent article from Fred Halliday.
Amid the unconscionable violence, targeting of civilians, and appeals to unreason and ethnic identification that such modern wars entail, it is all the more necessary to retrieve the example of those who sought to defend core values that crossed boundaries of prejudice and narrow partisanship. I have already honoured one of those in this openDemocracy series of columns: the great French scholar of the Muslim world, Maxime Rodinson. Two more such figures were formative in articulating an internationalist position – one (Isaac Deutscher) within a Marxist framework, the other (Hannah Arendt) within a broadly liberal perspective.
And two very long-standing intellectual heroes and influences of mine.
… Read the restSoon after the 1967 war, Deutscher gave
Nick Cohen on Stupid Ideas
Aug 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSuch as the idea that the Islamist ‘threat’ is a phantom menace used to distract the credulous masses.… Read the rest
Gays Flee Shia Death Squads in Iraq
Aug 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSection 111 of Iraq’s penal code has protections for murder ‘when people are acting against Islam.’… Read the rest
Controversial Berlin Exhibition on Forced Migration
Aug 13th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonCritics call exhibition an attempt to re-write history, with Germans as victims.… Read the rest
You’ve Got Mail
Aug 13th, 2006 2:30 am | By Ophelia BensonSo there’s this letter from what the BBC calls ‘Muslim groups’. It’s bizzarre.
Prime Minister, As British Muslims we urge you to do more to fight against all those who target civilians with violence, whenever and wherever that happens. It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad. To combat terror the government has focused extensively on domestic legislation. While some of this will have an impact, the government must not ignore the role of its foreign policy.
The government must not ignore the role of its foreign policy – and then what? Tell itself that unless it obeys (obeys whom?), hundreds or thousands of people will … Read the rest