All entries by this author

Shabnam Ramaswamy’s Women’s Court *

Sep 20th, 2006 | Filed by

Tells men she is like Durga with her ten hands. In one hand a stick, in another a law book, in another a flower.… Read the rest

Interview with Walter Benn Michaels *

Sep 20th, 2006 | Filed by

Race gives a certain fantasy of what equality is: a world that is equal if there are no racists.… Read the rest

Walter Benn Michaels on the Trouble with Diversity *

Sep 20th, 2006 | Filed by

‘We like to talk about the differences we can appreciate, and we don’t like to talk about the ones we can’t.’… Read the rest

Gore Writing Book on ‘the Assault on Reason’ *

Sep 20th, 2006 | Filed by

On public hostility to reason: problem-solving impeded by unwillingness to let facts drive decisions.… Read the rest

Indolink on Nussbaum on Hindutva *

Sep 20th, 2006 | Filed by

New book traces background of Gujarat riots in ideology of the Hindu right. … Read the rest


Sep 19th, 2006 6:50 pm | By

George Johnson in SciAm offers some welcome clarity.

…there has been a resurgence in recent years of “natural theology”–the attempt to justify religious teachings not through faith and scripture but through rational argument, astronomical observations and even experiments on the healing effects of prayer….Owen Gingerich, a Harvard University astronomer and science historian, tells how in the 1980s he was part of an effort to produce a kind of anti-Cosmos, a television series called Space, Time, and God that was to counter Sagan’s “conspicuously materialist approach to the universe.” The program never got off the ground, but its premise survives: that there are two ways to think about science. You can be a theist, believing that behind the veil

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Fresh Air on Christian Zionism *

Sep 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Christian Zionists don’t want peace in the Middle East. The Messiah is on his way!… Read the rest

Michael Sandel and Thomas Nagel Discuss *

Sep 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Rawlsian liberalism, abortion, the status of the fetus, political liberalism, why they matter.… Read the rest

Timothy Garton Ash on Islam in Europe *

Sep 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Frets about something called ‘Enlightenment fundamentalism.’… Read the rest

Theism and Science Not All That Compatible *

Sep 19th, 2006 | Filed by

‘What sounds like a harmless metaphor can restrict the intellectual bravado that is essential to science.’… Read the rest

Pregnancy Centers Give Disinformation on Abortion *

Sep 19th, 2006 | Filed by

Report says 20 of 23 federally funded centers gave false or misleading information about abortion risks.… Read the rest

Brenda Maddox’s Biography of Ernest Jones *

Sep 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Psychoanalysis turned out to be more like a religious cult or a fractious, fissile political party than a science. … Read the rest

Matt Ridley’s Biography of Francis Crick *

Sep 18th, 2006 | Filed by

‘This was a man who gave far more to the world than just the double helix.’… Read the rest

Michael Bérubé on the Dangeral Classroom *

Sep 18th, 2006 | Filed by

As students, you should expect to feel uncomfortable about your beliefs as a matter of course.… Read the rest

Madeleine Bunting is Cross at the Pope *

Sep 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Offend, offence, offended, Islamophobe, outrage, insensitive, difference, oh dear.… Read the rest

Karen Armstrong is Cross at the Pope *

Sep 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Offended, offensive, Islamophobia, western, medieval, Danish cartoon crisis, oh dear.… Read the rest

Junk Politics

Sep 17th, 2006 4:49 pm | By

No I’m still here, I haven’t run off with the minstrels. It’s just that there’s this deadline for TPM (The Philosophers’ Mag, you know) and I’ve been taken up with that. But I was reading an old Harper’s the other day, from November 2003, and found a lively article by Benjamin DeMott on ‘Junk Politics’ (excerpted from an eponymous book published a couple of months later). It’s not online, unfortunately, so I’ll give you an extract or two.

The case is that both the essential planks and the elaborating tropes of today’s junk politics are troublingly underexamined, yet they’ve been functioning for some time as major agents of public confusion…Junk politics introduces new qualifications for high political office…It tilts courage

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Taslima Nasrin on Ayaan Hirsi Ali *

Sep 17th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Ayaan’s questions may not be new, but they need to be reiterated, especially by women.’… Read the rest

Secretive MPAA Has Power, no Accountability *

Sep 17th, 2006 | Filed by

Violence is fine, lesbian sex unfine; what’s that about, and why are these people anonymous?… Read the rest

FCC Questioned About ‘Lost’ Report *

Sep 17th, 2006 | Filed by

FCC hides report that says media consolidation is bad for tv news, says dog ate homework.… Read the rest