Having enjoyed a successful career as an elitist, he finds that elitism has become a dirty word.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Shut Up, Explains Paul Vallely
Oct 4th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPeople who don’t like religious silencing are ‘alarmists.’… Read the rest
Philosophers Demand Help for Teacher
Oct 4th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBHL, Finkielkraut, Glucksmann, others appeal to government to do more to help Redeker.… Read the rest
French Philosophy Teacher Still in Hiding
Oct 4th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAfter ‘attack’ on Islam, says Guardian.… Read the rest
Natural Nontoxic Herbal Cleansers
Oct 3rd, 2006 7:50 pm | By Ophelia BensonHere’s a funny thing I happened on yesterday. Sort of happened – I was looking up the Dictionary because it’s being released in the US this month, so that’s why I saw this, but I happened on it now rather than a year ago, and that’s happening because Nick just mentioned Richard Carrier the other day and I put the article he mentioned in Flashback – quite unaware that he had written to Skeptical Inquirer about the Dictionary. So that’s amusing. To me.
But Richard Carrier’s letter is much more so.
… Read the restI found it quite amusing to find the last page of Phil Mole’s review of The Dictionary of Fashionable Nonsense (May/June 2005) making the correct observation that
Bassam Tibi
Oct 3rd, 2006 5:39 pm | By Ophelia BensonBassam Tibi seems an interesting guy.
… Read the restRecently we have been seeing more and more acts of submission, the most recent case being the Pope’s apology. When it comes to Islam, there is no freedom of the press nor freedom of opinion in Germany. Organized groups in Islamic communities want to decide what is said and done here. I myself have been dropped from numerous events because of threats…Even the comparatively moderate Turkish organization DITIB says there are no Islamists, only Islam and Muslims – anything else is racism. That means that you can no longer criticize the religion. Accusing somebody of racism is a very effective weapon in Germany. Islamists know this: As soon as you accuse someone of
Banville and Fodor on Frayn
Oct 3rd, 2006 5:09 pm | By Ophelia BensonIt’s amusing to compare John Banville’s review of Michael Frayn’s The Human Touch with that of Jerry Fodor. Frayn is a novelist with a philosophical background, Banville is a novelist, Fodor is a philosopher.
Banville is keen.
… Read the restIn his opening “Prospectus” he modestly insists that, although he has studied philosophy, his book is not an attempt to do philosophy – “I shouldn’t have the courage to make any such claim” – but then goes on to take a sly dig at the extreme specialisation and technicality of much of modern-day philosophical research…From his acquaintance with philosophy and his readings in the work of physicists such as Werner Heisenberg and Niels Bohr…he has got hold of a simple fact about
Wangari Maathai Writes Autobiography
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHer campaign to mobilise poor women to plant 30 million trees has been copied by other countries. … Read the rest
Sophie Hannah on Wendy Cope
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIf you can read it without laughing, you need medical attention.… Read the rest
John Banville Reads Michael Frayn
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘He has got hold of a simple fact about the world, which is its indeterminacy.’… Read the rest
Spiegel Interviews Bassam Tibi
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘I support reforming Islam and I am not alone in this.’… Read the rest
George Packer on International Inaction on Darfur
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonInternational intervention as a means of stopping mass slaughter has never had many supporters.… Read the rest
Eric Kaufmann Reviews The Ethics of Identity
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAppiah’s book is sensitive to community but reads as a paean to Mill, autonomy and the Enlightenment.… Read the rest
Culture a source of prejudice and ethnocentrism
Oct 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAyuure Kapini Atafori notes that culture can facilitate or retrogress the process of social change. … Read the rest
Crimes Against the People of X
Oct 2nd, 2006 9:12 pm | By Ophelia BensonCheney said in a tv interview that the US would have invaded Iraq ‘even if we knew [had known, he means] that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction.’ Prominent legal scholars sent him a letter in response. That’s good – but there’s one part of what they say that I think is worrying.
… Read the restAlternative justifications offered by vice-president Cheney during the recent interview are clearly legally insufficient for military action. A capability to produce weapons of mass destruction in the future, the use of weapons of mass destruction in the past, crimes against the people of Iraq, possible connections with terrorist organisations – all of these qualify as grievances which the United States might bring against Iraq in
Far Beyond our Comprehension
Oct 2nd, 2006 6:21 pm | By Ophelia BensonMarek Kohn reviews The God Delusion.
… Read the restTurning to agnosticism, he dismisses it as a principle and reaches for Bertrand Russell’s teapot…This move is something of a reflex among atheists: they should adopt the teapot as their symbol. Their point and Russell’s was that not being able to disprove the existence of such an object does not warrant belief in it; their implicit message is that gods are also trivial human artefacts. God is thus detached from the terrible and exhilarating question of why anything should exist at all. Instead, Dawkins recasts agnosticism as a humdrum matter of probability captured by a spectrum of opinion-poll responses. But it is possible, along with Dawkins, to be a de facto atheist who
Greens Help to Destroy Planet, Green Says
Oct 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonJames Martin says opposition to nuclear power by environmentalists is irrational and dangerous.… Read the rest
Martin Amis Says it’s All About Women
Oct 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Well, I do have a solution,’ he says. ‘It’s basically consciousness-raising in Islamic women.’… Read the rest
Marek Kohn Reviews The God Delusion
Oct 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDawkins ‘disregards the risk that attacking a people’s religion may amount to an attack on them as a group.’… Read the rest
Afghan Girls Risk Their Lives to go to School
Oct 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAttackers have hurled grenades into classrooms and threatened to throw acid on girl pupils.… Read the rest