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Nov 11th, 2006 11:52 pm | By

Anthony Grayling replies to the archbishops.

In the foreword to the confused document produced by the religious thinktank Theos this week the Archbishops of Canterbury and Westminster…iterate the claim that “atheism is itself a faith position”. This is a weary old canard to be set alongside the efforts of the faithful to characterise those who robustly express their attitude towards religious belief as “fundamentalist atheists”…We understand that the faithful live in an inspissated gloaming of incense and obfuscation, through the swirls of which it is hard to see anything clearly, so a simple lesson in semantics might help to clear the air for them on the meanings of “secular”, “humanist” and “atheist”. Once they have succeeded in understanding these

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‘Dissent’ Remembers Ellen Willis *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

The left needs the kind of clear thinking she brought to bear, in cultural criticism and political analysis.… Read the rest

Gay Pogrom Averted in Jerusalem *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

Five ‘religious youths’ were caught with brass knuckles, clubs, knives and a loaded pistol. … Read the rest

Dan Savage on the Code of the Callboy *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

Ultimately it was Ted Haggard’s hypocrisy that prompted Mr. Jones to shove him out of the closet.… Read the rest

Home-schooling is an Organized Movement *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

Christian home-school ‘biology textbooks’ are riddled with scientific mistakes.… Read the rest

The New Christian Right in Canada *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

James Dobson has set up a Canadian branch of his Focus on the Family in Ottawa.… Read the rest

Grayling on Mandatory Religion *

Nov 11th, 2006 | Filed by

Offers the archbishops a lesson in semantics.… Read the rest

Life’s shifting pageant

Nov 10th, 2006 5:47 pm | By

Listening to the World Service on the gay pride rally in Jerusalem very early this morning, I heard one peculiarly silly remark, to the effect that the conservative religious ‘communities’ that were making such a fuss about the rally are part of the ‘richness and diversity’ of Jerusalem. That was immediately followed by a ‘but,’ because the person who said it was defending gay rights against religious opposition, and yet – the starting point was richness and diversity. Well – you can call it richness and diversity, of course; you can call it jelly beans and dancing and flowers and anything you like. It’s always possible to dress things up in pretty language to make everyone feel cheerful. But all … Read the rest

Jerusalem Holds Gay Pride Rally *

Nov 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Despite interfaith hostility from all three monotheisms.… Read the rest

Harassment Laws Weak, Activists Say *

Nov 10th, 2006 | Filed by

A mob of men openly molested women in Cairo and were not stopped or arrested.… Read the rest

Egyptian Women Protest Mass Harassment *

Nov 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Egyptian Centre for the Rights of Women said it received many complaints of harassment.… Read the rest

Gangs of Men Attack Women in Cairo Streets *

Nov 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Bloggers reported large number of men harassing women and ripping off their clothes. … Read the rest

Bolton Likely to Get the Hook *

Nov 10th, 2006 | Filed by

Notoriously undiplomatic unconfirmed unpopular UN ambassador seems doomed.… Read the rest


Nov 9th, 2006 8:06 pm | By

One comment I heard more than once in election analysis yesterday was that corruption was a big factor, and that what are (somewhat sickeningly) called ‘values voters’ here had somewhat shifted their concerns from abortion and gay marriage to corruption. Thank you Jack Abramoff. Well about damn well time, is what I thought. That’s been bugging me for years – why are people who consider themselves concerned about ‘values’ so worked up about such comparatively trivial matters (even if you accept their attributions of wickedness) and unconcerned about, you know, massive bribery? Why is gay marriage such a big whopping deal while retail government is just fine? That’s what I was always asking. So I was very pleased … Read the rest

Dennett’s Breaking the Spell Reviewed *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Stangroom regrets non-appearance of lightning bolts.… Read the rest

Stephen Law on the War for Children’s Minds *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Open debate at TPM: send a comment.… Read the rest

Philosophers Disagree *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

The New York Times hosts the party.… Read the rest

Scott McLemee on Revolutionary Franklin *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

A streak of philosophical radicalism is evident in his earliest writings.… Read the rest

Killing People is Obviously Terrific Fun *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

You’re always onto a winner if you can persuade people they can be righteous and violent at the same time.… Read the rest

LSE in Academic Freedom Fuss *

Nov 9th, 2006 | Filed by

Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist, is accused of reviving the politics of eugenics.… Read the rest