‘Faith groups’ want opt-out clause from new laws designed to end discrimination against homosexuals. … Read the rest
All entries by this author
Churches Depict Gay Rights as Assault on Charity
Dec 3rd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBishop said church-based charities would close doors if government insisted they let in gay people. … Read the rest
Solidarity forever
Dec 2nd, 2006 7:26 pm | By Ophelia BensonPamela Bone points out that ‘if Islam is to be reformed, and the world consequently made safer and happier for all, it is women who will do it…Western men didn’t see last century’s women’s liberation movement as in [their interest]. It had to be driven by women because the status quo advantaged men.’
The Koran seems fairly clear about women’s subordinate status, but then so is the Christian Bible. If Christian women have been able to argue, more or less successfully, that the misogynistic passages in the Bible are merely a reflection of the era in which they were written and have no relevance to today, there should be no reason Muslim women can’t do the same.
She also quotes … Read the rest
Religious Bullies Emboldened by Successes
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘It would seem that the homosexual person’s rights trump the religious person’s rights.’… Read the rest
Historical Research as Precondition of Dialogue
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘We remain hostage to our sense of grievances. Our narratives have become our prison, paralyzing discourse and hindering understanding.’… Read the rest
Pamela Bone: It Is Women Who Will Reform Islam
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Change must come from within, say the good liberals. No one said that about apartheid.’… Read the rest
Peter Singer Says Animal Research has Benefits
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonObservers express surprise but Singer has always balanced harms and benefits.… Read the rest
There is no Moral Immunity for Lawyers
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIn court, lawyers are allowed to assert anything not positively known to be false, David Luban notes.… Read the rest
Teachers in Despair at Berlin’s Rütli School
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘The mood in the classroom is one of aggression, complete lack of respect and ignorance.’… Read the rest
Interview with Bernard-Henri Lévy
Dec 2nd, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘There are many in England and France who are ready to go into that wall, in tolerance of terrorism and Islamism.’… Read the rest
Why size matters
Dec 1st, 2006 8:33 pm | By Ophelia BensonSimon Blackburn has a very amusing and interesting review of Harry Frankfurt’s new tiny book on truth. One detects a certain…annoyance in places, and one can very well see why. One is in fact unusually well placed to be able to see why, because one shares with Blackburn the experience of having written a slightly less tiny book about truth recently. One is in fact a member of the extremely miniature group of people who have written and published non-tiny English-language books about truth in the past, oh, say three years. There can’t be great huge pulsating throngs of such people, can there? I would guess no. So one really is quite well qualified to know without needing much time … Read the rest
India Has Highest Number of Aids Infections
Dec 1st, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAt 5.7 million. More than 40 million people worldwide infected with HIV/Aids, UN says. … Read the rest
World Aids Day
Dec 1st, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonMore than 36 million people of working age have the virus.… Read the rest
Surprise at Muslim Scholars’ Rejection of FGM
Dec 1st, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘I thought Islam told us to do so,’ said Samar.… Read the rest
Simon Blackburn on Harry Frankfurt on Truth
Dec 1st, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia BensonUtility sits uneasily with truth; we need an explanation of how the virtue of truth can stand opposed to pragmatism.… Read the rest
Dec 1st, 2006 2:15 am | By Ophelia BensonNigel Warburton interviews Richard Norman and asks why he rejects the idea that God exists. Norman gives a good clear succinct answer that would cut through a lot of the disputes that keep turning up like clumps of dust under beds.
… Read the restI believe that the onus is on those who believe in the existence of a god to provide reasons for that belief. (This is a point which the philosopher Antony Flew has well made.) I can’t prove that there is no god, but in the absence of good reasons for believing that a god exists, I live my life without belief in a god. In particular, the success of scientific explanations of the natural world makes religious explanations redundant.
Well, yes and no
Dec 1st, 2006 2:14 am | By Ophelia BensonKen Livingstone offered a Millian version of multiculturalism in the Indy yesterday.
Multiculturalism versus its opponents is simply one manifestation of the age-long struggle between liberty and its opponents. It is not about personal differences of opinion but between the values of an open and a closed society.
Yes but which side is for the values of the open society and which is for those of the closed? Things don’t necessarily line up the way Livingstone claims.
… Read the restThe foundations of liberalism and multiculturalism were outlined with great clarity in what is justifiably the most famous political essay in British history, John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty…Every individual who exists is unique, and wishes to pursue their life in a different way.
More on atheist appreciation of religious art
Dec 1st, 2006 2:13 am | By Ophelia BensonNigel Warburton has a very interesting guest post by Richard Norman on the ‘Whether Atheists Can Appreciate Religious Art’ topos. Norman talks about Piero della Francesca’s ‘The Resurrection,’ which his comment caused me to look at again. It’s a terrifically interesting painting; I already thought so, but the discussion intensifies that thought (as such discussions tend to do, which is one huge reason art criticism and literary criticism are not footling wastes of time); it also made me think about why.
Some of what Norman said:
… Read the restThe assumption here is that the truth presented by a religious work of art must itself be a religious truth. That is what I want to question. Of course Piero’s painting is a depiction
Nigel Warburton Interviews Richard Norman
Nov 30th, 2006 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘The success of scientific explanations of the natural world makes religious explanations redundant.’… Read the rest