All entries by this author

Look Out, it’s the Blitcons! *

Dec 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Ziauddin Sardar on Rushdie, Amis and McEwan. They’re critical of Islam. The horror, the horror.… Read the rest

Muslim Women Angry at Being Ignored *

Dec 8th, 2006 | Filed by

‘Community leaders’ and male-dominated national Muslim organisations fail to represent them.… Read the rest

Catholic Church Interferes in School Tribunal *

Dec 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Atheist teacher who won case is not much pleased.… Read the rest

Bunting Tells Sen Why He’s Wrong *

Dec 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Cites ‘adoption’ by ‘lobby of vociferous aggressive secularists.’… Read the rest

Kelly ‘Sympathetic’ to Church Pleas *

Dec 8th, 2006 | Filed by

Church leaders are urging ministers not to put the rights of gays above the ‘rights’ of Christians. … Read the rest

Hold the patronizing inanity, thanks

Dec 7th, 2006 7:39 pm | By

The discussion at Cosmic blog of Allen Esterson’s research on the ‘Einstein’s Wife’ myth has continued. Some of the comments indicate why mythic history can get traction.

So far as I know, both Einstein and Maric are dead and continued discussion of who contributed what to either’s research would be pointless (unless you’re dead set on using the work of long-dead scientists to promote your own injured sense of your gender’s worth and equality.) Wouldn’t a more relevant topic be whether or not Einstein’s or Maric’s conclusions were valid, or that their work was useful?

Well, continued discussion might be pointless if it were taking place in a vacuum, but given that there is a story out there that is … Read the rest

Arab Human Development Report Launch *

Dec 7th, 2006 | Filed by

In 2002, the first Report identified women’s disempowerment as one of three critical deficits crippling Arab nations.… Read the rest

UN Urges Rights for Arab Women *

Dec 7th, 2006 | Filed by

UN Development Programme’s report reveals deep-seated discrimination against women across the region. … Read the rest

Dennett and Minsky Discuss the Brain *

Dec 7th, 2006 | Filed by

‘We’re interested in it for purely curious, scientific reasons. We want to know how we work.’… Read the rest

Science and Religion Duke it Out *

Dec 7th, 2006 | Filed by

‘How did religion acquire its extraordinary immunity against normal levels of criticism?’… Read the rest

Bérubé and Horowitz Together at Last *

Dec 7th, 2006 | Filed by

Three Horowitzes and eight or nine Bérubés.… Read the rest

She’s wearing lipstick, you know

Dec 6th, 2006 11:34 pm | By

Purves and the niqab again. I find I haven’t quite finished with that subject – I find I didn’t chew it over quite thorougly enough. I find that one small paragraph is peculiarly full of matter for contemplation. I find there is more to say.

One: she said it was ‘good to have the student speaking of “ghosts”, and good to have women who had worn the niqab saying it made them feel not only more devout but more private.’ But that’s ridiculous. You might as well say it was good to have the student saying torture is cruel and bad, and good to have other people saying it is kind and useful. Why would that be good? On Millian … Read the rest

Epistemic darkness

Dec 6th, 2006 10:11 pm | By

Something ChrisPer said in comments on the ‘Fundamntal right-get outta my store’ N&C, that I found myself doing a longish comment on, so decided to put it out here.

“Christian disapproval of gay practice is not without reasons – its just without reasons that others find persuasive. For instance, you disown the reason of pleasing God on the grounds that He does not exist.”

No, actually; more grounds than that. I could perfectly well think or believe that god does exist and still be far from thinking ‘the reason of pleasing God’ is a valid reason to say and teach and preach that homosexuality is wrong and to think it should be legal to deny gays service in public facilities. … Read the rest

Peter Singer Did Not Change His Mind *

Dec 6th, 2006 | Filed by

Defenders of biomedical research say the confusion shows the contradictions in the animal rights movement.… Read the rest

Fred Halliday on the Pope’s Visit to Turkey *

Dec 6th, 2006 | Filed by

On what authority do such potentates travel to hold forth on matters of contemporary international politics?… Read the rest

Headteachers Oppose Expansion of ‘Faith’ Schools *

Dec 6th, 2006 | Filed by

‘A great deal more anxiety about a formal linking of religion to politics and education than there was.’… Read the rest

Niqab-wearer to Give ‘Alternative’ Xmas Message *

Dec 6th, 2006 | Filed by

She is called ‘feisty’ and ‘an everyone who can articulate the views of British Muslims.’… Read the rest

Pope Expresses Admiration for Muslims *

Dec 6th, 2006 | Filed by

Has he met all of them?… Read the rest

Globalisation and the Civil Society

Dec 6th, 2006 | By Rajesh Kumar Sharma

The happy spell of economic growth has endured for a surprisingly long period and shows no sign of coming to an end very soon. Led by services, manufacturing and business, and reinforced by infrastructure development and the impetus to scientific and technological research, the economy has become the engine and symbol of a resurgent India. It is indeed a cause for self-congratulations that our democracy has proved its great resourcefulness in supporting our economic empowerment in a globalizing world. But one may be forgiven for asking a sobering question: Would the democratic dissent over issues such as the Special Economic Zones and the Right to Information have been tackled in the same way if there had been a single-party majority … Read the rest

Something’s wrong, I can’t quite tell what it is

Dec 5th, 2006 7:13 pm | By

People are funny. Hilarious, even. Yesterday a regular reader emailed me to express concern. The subject line said ‘Something’s afoot.’ Oh what? thought I. John Bolton has been made Vice-president? Barack Obama has turned atheist? No, the something was afoot at B&W.

Am I picking up a shift in your political orientation? Something is changing in the complexion of B&W and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Almost as though you were feeling contrite about slamming President Bush for his brainlessness for so long and felt you needed to give the other side equal time, or even more, that you are saying, “The Devil take the whole bunch of them.” Why, soon you’ll be telling us you are

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