Why are Muslim feminists derided as apologists for imperialism, or ‘neocons’?… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Bunting lays another egg
Feb 2nd, 2007 12:30 pm | By Ophelia BensonBunting produces another lead balloon. For once it’s worth reading the comments (well not all two million of them, but some) because they’re so uniformly, shall we say unconvinced. Of what? Of Bunting’s sweet suggestion that, good heavens, people, sharia isn’t as bad as all that.
… Read the restSharia’s basic meaning is “path to God”; it is a set of spiritual disciplines, which any serious Muslim abides by. The basics are such things as prayer, fasting and the Haj. But it also covers such instructions as no gambling, no backbiting, no alcohol and no cheating. Any devout Muslim is attempting to follow sharia. But that doesn’t mean they want to impose sharia on anyone who is not a Muslim, nor does
Grayling Reiterates the Challenge
Feb 2nd, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
To explain what Christianity, a body of supernatural beliefs, had contributed to science. … Read the rest
The Meaning of ‘Groundhog Day’
Feb 2nd, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Is it torture or a path to enlightenment?… Read the rest
Ian Buruma Replies to Pascal Bruckner
Feb 2nd, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘Women should be protected from abuse.’ Oh good.… Read the rest
Timothy Garton Ash Replies to Pascal Bruckner
Feb 2nd, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘We also need a large tolerance for cultural diversity.’… Read the rest
Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Life as an Infidel
Feb 2nd, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘I’d been a Muslim myself and I’d reacted in the same way when Islam was criticised.’… Read the rest
I’ll decide how much light you need
Feb 1st, 2007 6:45 pm | By Ophelia BensonNoga pointed out two more articles, and I’m feeling slightly peeved at being told not to ‘blame the Jews, for Chrissakes,’ as if I had, so I’ll say a little more. The articles are interesting. From The Canadian Jewish News, which says the Canadian Jewish Congress doesn’t agree that the synagogue should have asked the Y to frost its windows.
[C]ommunications director Leyla Di Cori…said CJC is trying to get the message out to the public that the entire chassidic population represents only five to 10 per cent of the Montreal Jewish community and “does not reflect the community as a whole.”
Well of course it doesn’t, and neither does anyone else, because there is no such thing as … Read the rest
Cover yourself!
Feb 1st, 2007 1:31 pm | By Ophelia BensonSo if there are ‘devout’ people around, then anyone living or working or exercising or playing sport in a building near them has a responsibility to make sure that the devout people don’t see anything that they (or, really, some of them) don’t like. Even if that means that a subset of the devout people can see what the other people are doing only by going outside, around the corner, into the alley, where they peer into the windows – it is the responsibility of the horrible non-devout people next door to wear armour or paint their windows black or turn all their lights off, because after all what right does anyone have to wear shorts and a skimpy top … Read the rest
Spotting Abused Children Accused of Possession
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Number of cases linked to spirit possession is small compared to total number of cases.… Read the rest
David Thompson Interviews Windbag
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Why does ‘Why Truth Matters’ inspire peevish emails?… Read the rest
So Tint Your Own Windows
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘The congregation’s rabbi said public nudity is not acceptable to his members, nor to any religious Jew.’… Read the rest
Gym Tints Windows at Behest of Synagogue
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘We have a belief in being dressed modestly, and we want our kids to see women dressed modestly.’… Read the rest
Andrew Murray Pitches a Fit at Nick Cohen
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Chair of Stoppers is very cross indeed.… Read the rest
Russell Jacoby on the Seminar That Failed
Feb 1st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
The humanities are eroding everywhere thanks to: not lefty academics but market forces.… Read the rest
Goldenbridge II
Feb 1st, 2007 | By Marie-Therese O'Loughlin“The Children Act allowed destitute children to be sent to industrial schools, even if they hadn’t committed a crime.” Paddy Doyle.
This “destitution” lark was a ruse used by the judiciary and the religious in order to obtain convictions. I was, for example, in a feeder institution, known as The Regina Ceoli, Mother and Baby unit for over four and a half years. So how could I have been even considered “destitute” by the judiciary? “Destitution”, this terminology, was in my estimation “illegally used” on my committal order to Goldenbridge Industrial School – where I was incarcerated until I was sixteen years old. There was no limit on my stay in the “hostel”.
It is imperative for people to … Read the rest
The psychology of such accommodations
Feb 1st, 2007 10:32 am | By Ophelia BensonJonathan Derbyshire’s interview with Nick Cohen is very good.
… Read the rest‘I realised that people on the left who had once supported Iraqi socialists were going to dump them. That’s when the iron entered the soul. That’s when I thought something is going very badly wrong and that I need to write about it.’Instead of supporting socialists and trade unionists in Iraq once Saddam had been overthrown, some on the left went so far as to romanticise the insurgency launched by Baathist irregulars and radical Islamists, declaring it to be a movement of ‘national liberation’…‘To say it’s left-wing to turn your back on Kurdish and Iraqi socialists is to throw the best traditions of left solidarity out of the window. What kind
Metaphysical naturalism
Feb 1st, 2007 10:29 am | By Ophelia BensonMark Vernon takes issue with Anthony Grayling on the question of the latter’s challenge to Madeleine Bunting ‘to name one – even one small – contribution to science made by Christianity in its two thousand years’.
After all, there are a number of essentially theological ideas that underpin modern science, such as the notion that the universe is coherent, intelligible and so on.
But are those ideas essentially theological? Are they theological at all? (Does ‘essentially’ there mean – necessarily, or of its essence, or something like ‘perhaps not obviously but down deep beyond appearances’? It could be just a no true Scotsman move.)
I don’t think the ‘notion’ that the universe is coherent, intelligible and so on is an … Read the rest
The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Jan 31st, 2007 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
There’s the ‘official conspiracy theory’ and then there’s the ‘truth movement.’… Read the rest