All entries by this author

Secular Thoughts for the Day *

Feb 14th, 2007 | Filed by

A C Grayling, Stewart Lee, Nigel Warburton.… Read the rest

Alister McGrath Talks Nonsense *

Feb 14th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Science has all the answers.’ Dawkins says that where, exactly?… Read the rest

Rushdie’s Valentine’s Card *

Feb 14th, 2007 | Filed by

Every year he gets one from Iran.… Read the rest

Dawkins Replies to Alister McGrath *

Feb 14th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Whereas I and other scientists are humble enough to say we don’t know, what of theologians like McGrath?’… Read the rest


Feb 14th, 2007 10:17 am | By

Alister McGrath is tiresome – in the same (agonizingly familiar) way so many theists and defenders of theism are tiresome. Tiresome via misdescription, is what they are. Strawmanism for short. They keep saying (over and over and over again) that atheists say X when atheists don’t say X, or Dawkins says Y when Dawkins never does say Y. Funny that (apparently) no editors ever strike them over the head and say ‘Stop that, he says no such thing.’ I would, if I were their editor. I’d love to strike them over the head.

Deep within humanity lies a longing to make sense of things. Why are we here? What is life all about? These questions are as old as the

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Daniel Dennett: Open Letter to Allen Orr *

Feb 13th, 2007 | Filed by

You adopted a double standard – like many atheists – and tried to protect religion from serious criticism.… Read the rest

The Climate of Fear in Turkey *

Feb 13th, 2007 | Filed by

About a dozen Turkish writers currently the targets of hate-spewing, fanatical right-wing extremists.… Read the rest

Grayling on Tolerance [pdf] *

Feb 13th, 2007 | Filed by

Not feel-good wool; an ethical demand that everyone should respect everyone else’s rights and liberties.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Charlie Hebdo *

Feb 13th, 2007 | Filed by

And, in anticipation, Clare College.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Free Will and Causation *

Feb 13th, 2007 | Filed by

Yes but Mo, the fact remains –… Read the rest

See this gun? So shut up

Feb 13th, 2007 10:17 am | By

Poor Turkey, poor Orhan Pamuk.

Pamuk did not hesitate to publicly criticize the Turkish government, judiciary and society, which he held partly responsible for Dink’s death. “The murder of my courageous, golden-hearted friend has soured my life,” Pamuk confessed, “I am furious at everyone and everything, and I feel boundless shame.” As if to reinforce his words, Turkey was in an uproar last Friday over images of several police officers who were photographed in a chummy pose with the young murder suspect. The officers were suspended from duty, but not before the newspaper Sabah condemned the incident, writing that a nationalist murderer was being treated like a hero.

So Pamuk is in (very rational) fear for his life, and has … Read the rest

Complete Coverage of McKeith *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

Including links to Quackwatch and more.… Read the rest

Terry Sanderson Rebukes Clare College *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

‘We call on you to tell the would-be censors that their protests have been heard but that they will not prevail.’… Read the rest

School Fights Niqab Case *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

School in 1995 ‘conspired in gender apartheid carried out in the name of “cultural inclusion”.’… Read the rest

John Searle Interviewed *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

Searle’s forte is his determination to see how science reformulates traditional questions of philosophy.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on McKeith *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

The advert allegedly breached two clauses of the code: ‘substantiation’ and ‘truthfulness’.… Read the rest

Gillian McKeith to Drop ‘Dr’ From Advertising *

Feb 12th, 2007 | Filed by

Has agreed to drop the title from her company’s advertising after a complaint to the industry watchdog.… Read the rest

Pub Philosopher on Clare College

Feb 12th, 2007 11:04 am | By

Pub Philosopher is all over the Clare College thing, with useful links. For instance to a notice from the Senior Tutor:

Because of the publicity that has arisen, I strongly encourage you to return any copies of last week’s Clareification so that I can destroy them. Please post them as soon as possible through the slot in the outer door of my room, E5.

And…what will you do if I don’t? What will happen to me? What, exactly, does ‘strongly encourage’ mean? Is that meant to sound as threatening as it does sound? Or is it just mean to sound like concerned caring urgent advice?

PP provides also more loony tunes from the Cambridge Evening News and from the Local … Read the rest

Alan Bennett on Identity

Feb 11th, 2007 2:09 pm | By

I read a lovely comment on group identity by Alan Bennett the other day.

6 April, Yorkshire. The new organic shop in the village continues to do well, the walk down the lane to the Nissen hut always a pleasure even in the bitterest weather…Today there are one or two customers in the shop. Everyone speaks, a little too readily for me sometimes, this friendliness engendered by the nature of the enterprise. It’s a kind of camaraderie biologique. In the same way, halted on my bike at traffic lights I will occasionally chat to another cyclist, cycling a similar undertaking with a creed and an agenda and its own esprit de corps de vélos.

I read an … Read the rest

Some of the most senior staff are utterly distraught and disgusted

Feb 11th, 2007 1:55 pm | By

It’s the end of the world! It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened! It’s a catastrophe! It’s an outrage! It’s vile, evil, abhorrent, shocking, disgusting, terrifying, oh, hell, am I hysterical enough yet? Aaaaaaaaah!

Wassup? you ask. A student at Clare College, Cambridge ‘is at the centre of a race-hate probe after printing anti-Islamic material in a magazine’. That’s what. No words can begin to express the – the – the –

The 19-year-old second year student at Clare College was in hiding today (Friday, 09 February) after printing the racist cartoon and other vile material. The article is said to be so inflammatory the undergraduate has been taken to a secret location for his own safety…[S]enior college officials

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