All entries by this author

Nussbaum interview

Mar 11th, 2007 12:24 pm | By

This interview with Martha Nussbaum is full of interesting stuff.

I find that the US is in a way one of the most difficult places for philosophy to play a public role because the media are so sensationalistic and so anti-intellectual. If I go to most countries in Europe I’ll have a much easier time publishing in a newspaper than I would in the US. The New York Times op-ed page is very dumbed down and I no longer even bother trying to get something published there because they don’t like anything that has a complicated argument.

Undeniable, and depressing, and irritating. This is one reason we have to laugh loudly and scornfully whenever the NY Times tells us (as … Read the rest

Johann Hari on Mark Steyn’s Silly Fantasy *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

A masterclass in how not to resist Islamism.… Read the rest

John Gray on The Song Before It Is Sung *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Humans may fashion their lives, but in some of their most vital decisions they have no choice.’… Read the rest

Anne Barton on Ron Rosenbaum on Shakespeare *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

The book is being widely read; but it is, in many respects, inaccurate and seriously misleading.… Read the rest

Mock Anything Except Religion *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

Political satire is good fun, but religious satire makes people scamper away in fear.… Read the rest

UN Calls for End of Impunity *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Violence against women is rightly termed the most common but least punished crime in the world.’… Read the rest

Impunity for Violence Against Women *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

Look, if a woman never leaves home, she’ll never be raped, so if she’s raped, it’s her fault.… Read the rest

Report on Women’s Rights Seminar *

Mar 11th, 2007 | Filed by

Women standing up for their rights against a controlling and often violent religious establishment.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Knowing all the Answers *

Mar 10th, 2007 | Filed by

Or at least believing you know them. Good enough.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Certainty and Doubt *

Mar 10th, 2007 | Filed by

The barmaid isn’t so sure.… Read the rest

Johann Hari on Genuinely Comprehensive Schools *

Mar 10th, 2007 | Filed by

Voices of raw class privilege cast off meritocracy to demand privileges for People Like Us.… Read the rest

Michael Walzer Replies to Jerome Slater *

Mar 10th, 2007 | Filed by

Talk of ‘the political power of American Jews’ is a very dangerous trope.… Read the rest

Evangelicals ‘Speak Out’ Against Gay Rights *

Mar 10th, 2007 | Filed by

Evangelical Alliance says regulations will unfairly jeopardise expression of religion and belief.… Read the rest

An historic 8 March in Iran

Mar 10th, 2007 | By Maryam Kousha

People in Iran welcomed 8th March this year by organising many events well ahead of the actual day in different cities all over the country. It culminated in major gatherings on Thursday, international women’s day. People were passionate about the day, had prepared manifestos, resolutions and banners demanding equality, condemning gender apartheid and women’s oppression. As usual the Islamic regime tried everything to halt and prevent these events. Despite massive paramilitary and secret police presence, many pickets and gatherings took place.


Several thousand people gathered around Tehran University by 4 pm Tehran’s time to start an 8 March rally which was called by 8 March organising committee, endorsed by OWL. However, this gathering was prevented from commencing by the … Read the rest

Keep your dang bulwark

Mar 9th, 2007 12:04 pm | By

You know, bulwarks are useful things when there’s a hurricane, or a flood, or maybe a mob of ravenous aggressive rabbits approaching the town; but other times, not so much. There are some bulwarks we don’t much want, some bulwarks we’d rather not have, thanks. Take your bulwark and go away. This one for instance.

Why has the church taken a stand on [the issue of gay adoptions] when it barely protested against the introduction of civil partnerships last year? Is this largely a symbolic issue, a stand-in for a much deeper debate about the relationship between faith and the state? Does the church see itself as the last bulwark against an encroaching tide of liberalism?

Maybe so, and … Read the rest

‘Faith’ in the State *

Mar 9th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Does the church see itself as the last bulwark against an encroaching tide of liberalism?’… Read the rest

Gambian Dictator Says He Can Cure AIDS *

Mar 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Only on Thursdays though. Method based on healing properties of seven herbs and Koranic prayers.… Read the rest

PBS et la Querelle Autour de Mme Einstein *

Mar 9th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Un bien mauvais service à rendre que de réparer les injustices d’hier par des approximations, des demi-vérités, voire de falsifications.’… Read the rest

Australian Muslim Group Tells Imams to Shut Up *

Mar 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Lebanese Muslim Association tells 5 clerics to stop talking to media.… Read the rest

Swiss Court Convicts Turkish Politician *

Mar 9th, 2007 | Filed by

Of racial discrimination for denying that mass killings of Armenians in 1915 amounted to genocide.… Read the rest