All entries by this author

What passes for wit in Rome

Mar 30th, 2007 6:19 pm | By

More on the Vatican jefe.

Hell is a place where sinners really do burn in an everlasting fire, and not just a religious symbol designed to galvanise the faithful, the Pope has said. Addressing a parish gathering in a northern suburb of Rome, Benedict XVI said that in the modern world many people, including some believers, had forgotten that if they failed to “admit blame and promise to sin no more”, they risked “eternal damnation – the inferno”…God had given men and women free will to choose whether “spontaneously to accept salvation … the Christian faith is not imposed on anyone, it is a gift, an offer to mankind”.

Sorry, jefe, that won’t wash. You can’t call it a … Read the rest

Exploring cruelty

Mar 30th, 2007 12:20 pm | By

So Louis Theroux goes to visit the Phelps family – you know, the ‘God hates fags’ crowd, the people who go to funerals to shout about ‘fags’. Hell’s angels have started policing military funerals to help keep them at a distance – just in case people who have lost someone they love to a violent death in a war don’t much feel like hearing from Fred Phelps and his descendants at the funeral.

What we did, I think, was try to understand how a group like this operates; its group psychology, the way the beliefs are passed down the family…We’re exploring what is cruelty, trying to explain how something that really does very often just amount to cruelty could be

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Louis Theroux Visits ‘God Hates Fags’ Family *

Mar 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Exploring what is cruelty. Start with an angry, cruel, domineering man, and go on from there.… Read the rest

Yum, Chocolate Jesus *

Mar 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Catholic League is irritated. Lack of loin cloth doesn’t help much.… Read the rest

James Randerson at Westminster Hall *

Mar 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Hitchens, Dawkins, Grayling meet Neuberger, Scruton, Spivey.… Read the rest

Julian Baggini on Jack Sprat Solutions *

Mar 30th, 2007 | Filed by

There is no way of being tough and effective without being fair, and no way of being fair without tough choices.… Read the rest

Leeds Destitution Inquiry Presents its Findings *

Mar 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Calls for a policy in which asylum seekers can contribute to society rather than rely on precarious handouts.… Read the rest

Bad-tempered pope

Mar 29th, 2007 12:57 pm | By

What’s the pope furious about?

[The pope] has reiterated the existence of Hell and condemned society for not talking about eternal damnation enough. A furious Pope Benedict unleashed a bitter attack during a sermon while on a visit to a parish church and said: “Hell exists and there is eternal punishment for those who sin and do not repent. The problem today is society does not talk about Hell. It’s as if it did not exist, but it does.”

He’s furious because today society does not talk about Hell? That makes him furious? Really? Well what a horrible sadistic cruel wicked little man then. (Little morally, mentally, ethically, cognitively. I don’t know whether he’s little physically or not, and … Read the rest

Updike Reviews Isaacson on Einstein *

Mar 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Special relativity has a flavor of the patent office.… Read the rest

Steven Pinker on the History of Violence *

Mar 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Romantic theory gets it backward: modernity has made us less violent, not more so.… Read the rest

People Don’t Talk About Hell Enough Any More *

Mar 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Good to have a pope who doesn’t mess around with no hell and no devil and human rights.… Read the rest

Nick Cohen Talks to Julian Baggini *

Mar 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Philosophical training to be as critical of the biases he and friends shared as of the biases of others.… Read the rest

Pope Promises Eternal Punishment *

Mar 29th, 2007 | Filed by

‘The problem today is society does not talk about Hell. It’s as if it did not exist, but it does.’… Read the rest

Truth Still Matters

Mar 29th, 2007 | By Jeremy Stangroom and Ophelia Benson

This article started life as a post by JS on Talking Philosophy, The Philosophers’ Magazine’s new blog. The post criticised the shortcomings of an opinion poll commissioned by the British Humanist Association. David Pollock and Jemima Hooper of the BHA later commented on the post, and Casper Melville posted a comment on the New Humanist blog, to which Julian Baggini replied. JS and OB then wrote separate comments on the BHA reaction – a reaction which gave them an odd feeling that they would have to write Why Truth Matters all over again, or at least give the BHA a tutorial in its subject matter.

The Opinion Poll

The recent opinion poll commissioned by The British Humanist Association (BHA) … Read the rest

Oh who cares about truth

Mar 28th, 2007 12:16 pm | By

Okay so people like rationalists and humanists and similar are supposed to value reason and truth and accuracy and getting things right, right? Or am I confused.

I ask because of some comments on Jeremy’s post on The British Humanist Association’s opinion poll. They make me wonder.

So, less of this ivory tower disdain, please, for the honest labours of those who are trying to defend the secular principle in the face of sustained attack by the most religious government for over 100 years…In the real world of politics you cannot always be academically nice – your opponents will make mincemeat of you if you try…On rationality and truth – come down out of your ivory tower! The BHA

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Pascal Bruckner Replies to Buruma, Garton Ash *

Mar 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Preferring modern fundamentalism to terrorism runs the risk of having both.… Read the rest

Interview with Bernard-Henri Lévy *

Mar 28th, 2007 | Filed by

We reject the horrors of our past: That should be enough. That’s an identity. … Read the rest

Raymond Bradley: The Rivalry Between Religions *

Mar 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Right at the outset, one is faced with a huge number of possible candidates for belief.… Read the rest

Child Abuse Hidden for Fear of ‘Dishonour’ *

Mar 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Most people surveyed said they felt the authorities did not understand their religion and culture.… Read the rest

Fundamentalists Play Moral Cops, Executioners *

Mar 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Group of men accuse woman of affair, then stab her to death.… Read the rest