All entries by this author

André Glucksmann’s Lifetime of Indignation *

Apr 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

‘There are many guardians of sleep. The thinker’s task is to fight against them.’… Read the rest

Paving the Way for a Muslim Parallel Society *

Apr 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

Rulings help create a parallel Muslim world in Germany that is welcoming to Islamic fundamentalists.… Read the rest

A Breathtakingly Manipulative Speech *

Apr 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

The church is used to having privilege, and sees removal of privilege as an attack on its freedom.… Read the rest

Sister of ‘Honour’ Killing Victim Threatened *

Apr 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

Sister told jurors she was beaten, called a whore, accused of being too Westernised.… Read the rest

Mitchell Cohen on John Bowen on the Hijab *

Apr 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

Bowen doesn’t pose the questions adequately.… Read the rest

La vie en rose

Apr 1st, 2007 2:46 pm | By

Oh, rats, there go my dreams of being part of a Group. Julian is such a killjoy.

Apparently, I am “a member of a group of freelance intellectuals who gather round The Philosophers’ Magazine and live by their pens.” Sounds very glamorous, in a bohemian kind of way. If you said three people who sit alone in front of computers all day in their underwear, it wouldn’t have quite the same ring.

Oh, is that all it is? How sad. I thought it was more than that. I had this pleasing, albeit vague, idea of a nice populous crowd of freelance intellectuals all gathered around TPM thinking. I admit I couldn’t have told you who they were if you’d … Read the rest

Raymond Tallis Lecture mp3 *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

A stirring response to everyone who thinks medicine is a scam.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on Consumer Drug Advertizing *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Doctors are trained to spot bullshit, consumers not so much.… Read the rest

So, Jesus, About Your Mother *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Mo is so insensitive sometimes.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on Sexual Orientation Regulations *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Some of their best friends.… Read the rest

Quantum Feminism Found at U of Toronto! *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Quantum feminisms do not inhabit a network; they are the network of feminist discourse in virtual space.… Read the rest

Slavoj Žižek and Jerry Cohen at the ICA *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

‘Sometimes the wrong question being asked is part of the problem.’… Read the rest

Poll: US Drowning in Ignorance *

Apr 1st, 2007 | Filed by

48% rejects evolution; 34% of college graduates say they accept Biblical account of creation as fact.… Read the rest

Another poll

Apr 1st, 2007 10:10 am | By

This is, not surprisingly, depressing stuff (not surprisingly because of the subject matter and the source). It’s depressing not just because of the substance but also because of the patronizing stupidity of the writing – the cuddly babytalk, the low (the almost non-existent) expectations.

Nine in 10 (91 percent) of American adults say they believe in God and almost as many (87 percent) say they identify with a specific religion. Christians far outnumber members of any other faith in the country, with 82 percent of the poll’s respondents identifying themselves as such. Another 5 percent say they follow a non-Christian faith, such as Judaism or Islam.

Note the lightning-fast shift from ‘a specific religion’ to the now more usual familiar … Read the rest

The hunter hunted

Apr 1st, 2007 2:25 am | By

I didn’t know this – Zimbardo discovered that he’d become a subject of his own experiment. Read the whole thing; it’s fascinating.

Missing from the body of social-science research at the time was the direct confrontation of good versus evil, of good people pitted against the forces inherent in bad situations…Thus in 1971 was born the Stanford prison experiment, more akin to Greek drama than to university psychology study. I wanted to know who wins — good people or an evil situation — when they were brought into direct confrontation…Suddenly the guards perceived the prisoners as “dangerous”; they had to be dealt with harshly to demonstrate who was boss and who was powerless. At first, guard abuses were retaliation for

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Terry Teachout on The Joan Didion Show *

Mar 31st, 2007 | Filed by

Many distracting pieces of notice-me trickery disfigure this meretricious play.… Read the rest

Zimbardo Revisits the Zimbardo Experiment *

Mar 31st, 2007 | Filed by

He became part of it himself. ‘”It is terrible what YOU are doing to those boys!” she yelled at me.’… Read the rest

Chocolate Jesus Canceled *

Mar 31st, 2007 | Filed by

Gallery’s artistic director cites ‘strong-arming from people who haven’t seen the show.’… Read the rest

Index on Censorship on Conflicting Rights *

Mar 31st, 2007 | Filed by

Certain countries not famously defenders of liberty have made ‘defamation of religion’ an issue.… Read the rest

No Human Right to Criticize Religion *

Mar 31st, 2007 | Filed by

OIC pushes through a resolution at UN HRC urging global prohibition on public defamation of religion.… Read the rest