All entries by this author

Ruling in Irish Abortion Case *

May 9th, 2007 | Filed by

The High Court has ruled that Miss D can travel outside of the country for an abortion.… Read the rest

Misogyny’s last hideout

May 9th, 2007 11:25 am | By

It’s hard not to suspect that the real reason abortion is such a hot issue in some places is that it offers what looks like a respectable or decent pretext or excuse for pushing women around and telling them what to do, when none of the other pretexts for doing that retain a shred of respectability. Abortion is the one ‘reason’ for bossing and controlling and confining women; for, in short, taking away their autonomy. It’s the last resort – it’s what’s left when all the old ‘traditional’ unreasonable ones have been shown up and knocked down and got rid of. When they can’t be defended any more, there is one last way: abortion. Hooray hooray, there is still one … Read the rest


May 8th, 2007 12:09 pm | By

Update. I tweaked this a little to make it clearer that it was the idea behind the law I was criticising and not the lawyer.

Irrelevant? Really?

The right to life of Miss D’s unborn child continues until it is dead, the High Court heard yesterday. The courts cannot engage in “a measuring exercise” about the capacity of the child prior to birth, a lawyer representing the unborn said. “This is a live foetus, that is the beginning and end of it, and the fact it has no brain and cannot survive after birth is irrelevant,” James Connolly, SC, said.

He’s the lawyer who is arguing for that side, so he has to say something, but the idea behind … Read the rest

Mukhtar Mai Harassed by Feudal Lords *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Pakistani authorities are harassing Mukhtar, trying to break her organisation.… Read the rest

Updates on Irish Abortion Case *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

‘This is a live foetus, and the fact it has no brain and cannot survive after birth is irrelevant.’… Read the rest

The Epistemology of the IPCC *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

We can only consider arguments we understand, and not many people do understand.… Read the rest

The Missouri Bill *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Mandates meetings to ask students if they think they are getting ‘a sound and respectful education.’… Read the rest

Missouri Law Mandates ‘Intellectual Diversity’ *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Shall include but not be limited to the protection of religious freedom including the viewpoint that the Bible is inerrant.’… Read the rest

Worry Over ‘Disdain’ for Evangelicals in Classroom *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Rational or cognitive disagreement viewed as ‘bias and prejudice.’… Read the rest

Get the Facts Right *

May 8th, 2007 | Filed by

Mark Oppenheimer on a glaring mistake in Hitchens’s God is Not Great.… Read the rest

May Day in Iran *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

In Sanandaj the security forces crushed the workers’ main rally, beating up a number of workers.… Read the rest

Atheists Waking Up in Godbothering US *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

Now there’s atheist summer camp. Yee-ha.… Read the rest

Woman ‘So Offended’ by Starbucks Cup *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

Coffee addict forced to read something she didn’t agree with. World grinds to halt.… Read the rest

Salman Rushdie Rebuts Yusuf Islam *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

However much he may wish to rewrite his past, he was neither misunderstood nor misquoted on the fatwa.… Read the rest

Spiralling Religious Violence in Bashika and Mosul *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

Stoning of Doaa Aswad Dekhil, shooting of 23 factory workers, students told to convert or die.… Read the rest

Religious Schools and Brainwashing *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

Stephen Law notes two ways we can shape beliefs: giving reasons, or applying purely causal mechanisms.… Read the rest

Court Refuses ‘Miss D’ Permission to Travel *

May 7th, 2007 | Filed by

The judge said that granting the order would amount to a failure to protect the rights of the unborn.… Read the rest

One is the act, the other is the agent

May 7th, 2007 11:27 am | By

Hmm. I’ve spotted a possible addendum or amendment that could make the apparent disagreement disappear like a popped soap bubble. I think getting it right – the gerund, the activity, the verb – is praiseworthy; but that doesn’t mean I think people who get it right are necessarily praiseworthy for doing so. I don’t really think that, I suppose – I just think they ought to, we ought to, as we ought to be civil and considerate as opposed to rude and troublesome. Maybe that was the point. I can buy that. Sure – I get it! The smugness and self-congratulation comes in if people preen themselves on simply doing the right thing. Now that, I think, is a … Read the rest

Getting things right, or trying to

May 7th, 2007 11:05 am | By

I’ve been pondering the connection (if any) between getting things right or getting at the truth, and merit. The pondering was prompted by this post at Talking Philosophy and specifically one part of the overall argument:

I don’t think that getting things right – in the sense of believing or accepting something to be true, rather than finding out that something is true (yes, I know – the distinction is complex) – is praiseworthy. Or, at least, I don’t think it is praiseworthy enough to justify the cloying smugness that some people – and groups – manifest when they think that they have got things right.

I saw the point of that at first (and perhaps still do in the … Read the rest

Irish Health Service Drops Opposition *

May 6th, 2007 | Filed by

HSE will agree to let Miss D travel to UK for an abortion.… Read the rest