All entries by this author

Grayling on Hitchens on Ungreatness of God *

Jun 28th, 2007 | Filed by

The anti-religion case has never been put so well or so comprehensively as in this razor-sharp book.… Read the rest

No, we’re not jealous

Jun 28th, 2007 10:05 am | By

Not correct.

Having lost their own belief in progress and liberation, secular intellectuals are irked by their encounters with people who, on whatever basis, retain a vision of the good society and a commitment to realising it.

No; that’s wrong; that could hardly be wronger. That neatly gets the matter exactly backwards. It is because I have not lost my belief in (the desirability of) progress and liberation, because in fact that belief has considerably strengthened and sharpened as I’ve learned more about its pervasive enemies, I am, not irked, but repelled and horrified by my encounters with people who retain a vision of the bad society and a commitment to realising it.

They clearly feel rebuked by the

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Akbar Ahmed is not Optimistic *

Jun 27th, 2007 | Filed by

Deoband thinking is winning.… Read the rest

Jonathan Edwards Stops Believing in God *

Jun 27th, 2007 | Filed by

‘In some ways I feel more human than I ever have.’… Read the rest

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Says FGM is Forbidden *

Jun 27th, 2007 | Filed by

After an 11-year-old girl died while being chopped at a private medical clinic in southern Egypt.… Read the rest

‘Honour’ Killing in the UK [audio] *

Jun 27th, 2007 | Filed by

‘This is about murder in the name of the father, the son, the blessed male members of the family.’… Read the rest

Ian Buruma Says No Problem *

Jun 27th, 2007 | Filed by

‘The prospect of an Islamised Europe is remote’ – and that’s all that matters?… Read the rest

Politics, People and the Spectacle

Jun 27th, 2007 | By Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Democratic politics is essentially the politics of rational dialogue in which language, thought and persuasion play key roles. At least that is what we have over the decades learnt to believe. But recent electoral battles in India appear to have fundamentally shifted the ground on which our democratic beliefs have stood so far.

It is not being argued here that the theatre of politics has moved unprecedentedly and dangerously away from reason and towards emotion. Emotion has always been an indispensable appendage of democratic politics, whether for good or for bad. What is new is something else. It is the rise to predominance of affect vis-à-vis reason and emotion. This has shifted politics on to an entirely different ground. What … Read the rest

Petition to Congratulate PM for Rushdie’s K *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

This honour stands as a symbol of our commitment to ignoring Rage Boy.… Read the rest

Paul Davies on the Goldilocks Enigma *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

We will never explain the world by appealing to something outside it that must be accepted on faith.… Read the rest

Let’s Stop Channeling Rage Boy *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

We may have to put up with the Rage Boys of the world, but we ought not to do their work for them.… Read the rest

Ten Men Rage at Rushdie *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

We strongly deplore, say ten bullies.… Read the rest

Islamist Groups Prompt Some ‘Honour’ Murders *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

‘They told her husband that if he didn’t put his wife in her place then they would do it themselves.’… Read the rest

Belated Move to Ask Muslim Women to Speak Up *

Jun 26th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Oh, right – some of them are women, aren’t they; let’s ask them.’… Read the rest

Real men don’t eat quiche or coddle women

Jun 26th, 2007 10:31 am | By

So what matters to the rage boys? Putting women in their place, that’s what. Their place is either slavishly obedient, or dead; those are the choices; and it’s Rage Boy who gets to decide which rules women are required to obey.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said Islamist terror groups were behind one murder, as well as a case where a woman was threatened and is in hiding…Nazir Afzal, the CPS’s national lead on honour crime, told BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme the threats to kill a woman known as Miss B, who is now in hiding, came from her family but originated in an Egyptian terrorist group. He said: “They told her husband that if he

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Ask not why Rage Boy is in such a snit

Jun 26th, 2007 10:00 am | By

Is it a fatwah? Is it a copy of the Quran allegedly down the gurgler at Guantanamo? Is it some cartoon in Denmark? Time for Rage Boy to step in and for his visage to impress the rest of the world with the depth and strength of Islamist emotion.

Hitchens is talking about much the same thing as I was talking about a couple of days ago – this business of the depth and strength and profundity and vehemence of emotion, and the work it does – the way it impresses some people in the rest of the world and prompts them to reason backwards from the intensity of the emotion to the magnitude of the crime committed by the … Read the rest

That’s the Scale of the Error *

Jun 25th, 2007 | Filed by

Creationism is equivalent to believing that the width of North America is 7.8 yards.… Read the rest

Pakistan Says Rushdie K Breaks UN Resolution *

Jun 25th, 2007 | Filed by

Claims Britain acted against the spirit of UN resolution 1624.… Read the rest

Nick Cohen on the Anti-Rushdie Alliance *

Jun 25th, 2007 | Filed by

It remains astonishing how many people who profess liberal sympathies don’t get it.… Read the rest

‘This is a man who’

Jun 24th, 2007 2:33 pm | By

I finally got around to watching ‘Question Time’ and Shirley Williams doing her party piece. The man in the audience asked the first question: is the knighthood given to Rushdie an insult to Muslims? SW was the first to answer: ‘I think it’s a mistake,’ she said. Then she went on. ‘This is a man who has offended Muslims in a very powerful way,’ she said in an unmistakable tone of indignation, then pointing out, absurdly, that he’d been protected for years at great expense to the taxpayer. Then she said it wasn’t Blair’s doing, it was the committee, and they should have etc etc etc. That’s when Hitchens said, quite rightly, ‘That’s a contemptible answer.’ Well so it damn … Read the rest