All entries by this author

Beheading isn’t a haircut, either

Jul 1st, 2007 9:40 am | By

Why does the Guardian call female genital mutilation ‘circumcision’? It uses the word six times in this very short piece – even while admitting that it ‘involves the removal of the clitoris, and is also called female genital mutilation.’ Removal of the penis isn’t called circumcision, so why should removal of the clitoris be called that?! Because the Guardian is tho thenthitive, because the Guardian is staffed entirely by cultural anthropologists, because the Guardian thinks men matter and women don’t, or what? What is up with this relentless passion to euphemize things that should not be euphemized? Auschwitz should not be called a Polish spa, My Lai should not be called a prank, the Rwanda genocide should not be called … Read the rest

Guardian Calls Glasgow Attack ‘al-Qaeda inspired’ *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Security sources believe the attack is linked to two car bombs in London.… Read the rest

Burning Car Rams Glasgow Air Terminal *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Witnesses describe a car being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.… Read the rest

Toronto Woman Returns to Iraq to Fight for Women *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Nobody has the right to tell us that we are second-rate citizens,’ Yanar Mohammed said.… Read the rest

The CIA’s ‘Family Jewels’ Released June 26 *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Documents catalog domestic wiretapping, assassination plots, and spying on journalists.… Read the rest

Janet Afary and Kevin Anderson on Iran *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

A feminist activist told us she feared a return visit to “Hotel Evin” – Evin Prison, where she had been tortured. … Read the rest

Examine the Data, not the Author *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Popular forums like newspapers critique the person who did the research, not the research itself.… Read the rest

Egypt Bans FGM After Girl’s Death *

Jun 30th, 2007 | Filed by

Yet the Guardian goes on calling it circumcision.… Read the rest

What Is God?

Jun 30th, 2007 | By D. R. Khashaba

I have often complained of the shallowness, triviality, and anaemia of current theism/atheism discussions. In the following contribution (hopefully to be followed by others) I mean to infuse some lifeblood into the discussion. If, on whichever side of the discussion you may be, you still find much in what I say with which you strongly disagree, which indeed irritates you, that will be all the better. I mean to stir stagnant waters, inject turbulence into placid intellectual positions.

The idea of a creator or of creation is metaphysically bankrupt. It is a silly notion that breeds more riddles than it solves. In fact it solves nothing. If we ask: Why should there be anything rather than nothing?, we see immediately … Read the rest

Farish Noor tells it

Jun 29th, 2007 12:57 pm | By

Our friend mirax sent the link to this splendid article by Farish Noor

I was on a BBC radio programme recently, in conversation with a certain Minister of a certain Religious Affairs Department of a certain Muslim country…But what irked me was the refrain of the Minister in question, who again and again repeated the same line: “A billion Muslims all over the world are outraged by this knighthood being conferred on Rushdie, who has insulted Islam and Muslims”.

Not exactly, Noor points out.

These were not spontaneous acts of public outrage but rather planned and orchestrated demonstrations calculated to have maximum mediatic effect. And what an effect it has had.

The reactivation of the demonised image of Rushdie has

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Yuk is not enough

Jun 29th, 2007 12:21 pm | By

I found this quite unconvincing, so unconvincing that I looked for more on Jonathan Haidt, and found what I turned up unconvincing too. And not just unconvincing, but also unfortunate.

“Psychologist Jonathan Haidt wants to help liberal types like me understand why some people condemn homosexual relationships as immoral.” Imagine someone saying ‘Gay marriage will destroy society, because homosexuality is an abomination to God and will undermine marriage.’ Liberals think that’s a bad reason.

But Haidt, who works at the University of Virginia and specializes in issues of morality, says the conservative viewpoint isn’t just theta waves – it’s based on a moral compass that points in dimensions liberals simply don’t perceive.

I don’t think so. I think it’s based … Read the rest

Farish Noor to Rushdie: We’re Proud of You, Bro *

Jun 29th, 2007 | Filed by

‘For many a young Asian academic and student then, Rushdie was our spokesman, our voice of reason.’… Read the rest

Bunglawala Does Better *

Jun 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Well done. Let’s hope it catches on.… Read the rest

Massimo Pigliucci on Disgust *

Jun 29th, 2007 | Filed by

Are liberals morally stunted? Or are conservatives morally bloated.… Read the rest

Isreal Boosts Image via Undressed Female Soldiers *

Jun 29th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Maxim was approached by the Israeli consulate to be a part of reshaping Israel’s public image.’… Read the rest

The Word ‘Rape’ Banned from Rape Trial *

Jun 29th, 2007 | Filed by

It’s prejudicial to call it rape, but then what is it to call it sex?… Read the rest

Liberals Don’t Get the Purity/Sanctity Thing *

Jun 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Liberals are blind to the disgust ‘argument’ against homosexuality, Jonathan Haidt claims.… Read the rest

Falsifying Hitchens *

Jun 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Saying MLK wasn’t a true Christian is a dodge; lose ten points.… Read the rest

Thailand Withdraws ‘Persepolis’ From Film Festival *

Jun 28th, 2007 | Filed by

Iran applied pressure, Thai government caved. Another win for the ‘glorious Islamic Revolution.’… Read the rest

Hitchens Book Flying Off Shelves *

Jun 28th, 2007 | Filed by

‘This is atheism’s moment,’ says publisher.… Read the rest