All entries by this author

The Worst Op-ed Ever Written? *

Aug 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Stanley Fish shrewdly notices there are fancy new coffee shops out there. No, really.… Read the rest

Twelve Iranian ‘Thugs’ Executed

Aug 16th, 2007 | By Jahanshah Rashidian

A new series of executions has started in Iran. On 22 July 2007, in the notorious Evin Prison, the Islamic authorities hanged in one day twelve “thugs” accused of homosexuality, drug smuggling, theft, and violation of Islamic morality.

Even if these executed twelve Iranians were thugs, they are the products of the 29- year policies of the Islamic regime.

The word “thug” in Iranian socio-economic terms would refer to a group of people who are socially and economically marginalised. Such “thugs” are mostly derived from poor classes, and they confront all unfair aspects of the society.

Because of the high rate of unemployment, poverty, widespread illiteracy, and a lack of welfare and a social protection system, they are direct victims … Read the rest

Why infidelity is essential

Aug 15th, 2007 2:04 pm | By

I’m reading Infidel. I’m going to have to treat you to some samples.

This one is on p. 94. She’s been taking classes at school with a very strict Muslim teacher (though one who urges the children to think, rather than merely shouting dogma at them). She has noted that ‘Something inside me always resisted the moral values behind Sister Aziza’s lectures: a small spark of independence.’ She was troubled by the gap between the demands of the Holy Writings and the reality of daily life; she had asked how a just God could want women to be treated so unfairly; she had noted that she continued to read novels.

A Muslim woman must not feel wild, or free,

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HornAfrik a Beacon of Integrity in Somalia *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Mahad Ahmed Elmi’s talk show challenged human-rights abusers and warlords and extremists.… Read the rest

Two Somali Canadian Journalists Killed *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Somali associates outraged, saying both deaths were part of a deliberate campaign against the media.… Read the rest

Two Journalists Murdered in Somalia *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Press freedom groups worldwide expressed horror at the ‘savage’ killings on 11 August 2007.… Read the rest

The Barmaid Doesn’t Get the Identity Problem *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Perhaps the pigeon does.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Ask the Barmaid *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

If you don’t believe in God, why don’t you go around behaving selfishly and badly? So ha.… Read the rest

Joan Smith Defends Channel 4 *

Aug 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Channel 4 was right to investigate Wahhabi influence in British mosques.… Read the rest

Review of The Islamist

Aug 15th, 2007 | By Max Dunbar

Ed Husain is a busy man. He is working on a PhD, and his book The Islamist has generated a huge amount of copy and follow-up work. Earlier this year, going home on the train after a tranche of interviews, he got a call from an old Muslim friend.

‘Salam Alaikum!’ I said. ‘How are you?’ My friend was in no mood for niceties. He was blunt and sharp as he warned me to stay away from a particular London mosque: ‘You won’t escape safely. Do you hear?’

I was perplexed. All week Muslim ‘community leaders’ had been rapping me on the knuckles for attacking, in my book, those who managed the mosque and its various octopus-like arms. ‘They’ve changed,

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He dies without seeing peace in Somalia

Aug 15th, 2007 11:00 am | By

Hell and damnation.

Press freedom groups worldwide expressed horror at the “savage” killings of two prominent Somali journalists on 11 August 2007…Six journalists have been killed in Somalia so far this year, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). “This wave of attack of killing and injuring media people is an intentionally organised mission to silence [the] journalistic voice in Somalia,” the union said…CBC News said HornAfrik has criticised both the government and the militant Islamic opposition, and has been shut down several times in the past few months. Reuters said the station was shelled in April, apparently from Ethiopian positions…In 2002 Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) gave its International Press Freedom Award to Sharmarke and

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Violence Against Women in Punjab *

Aug 14th, 2007 | Filed by

Statistics compiled by the HRCP: 172 cases of honour killing were reported in Punjab in 2003.… Read the rest

Freeman Dyson on the Need for Heretics *

Aug 14th, 2007 | Filed by

Experts who talk publicly about contentious questions tend to speak more clearly than they think.… Read the rest

Rorty’s Solution to a Basic Philosophical Question *

Aug 14th, 2007 | Filed by

His critique of universalism constituted a liberation but left no alternative to moral ethnocentrism. … Read the rest

The Bible is Crap Literature *

Aug 14th, 2007 | Filed by

The Good Book is not, as is so often suggested, a damn good read. It’s crap.… Read the rest

Ex-Muslim ‘Foments Sectarian Antagonism’ *

Aug 14th, 2007 | Filed by

According to the AP, anyway.… Read the rest

The West Midlands Censorship Bureau

Aug 13th, 2007 5:48 pm | By

So the West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service issued a joint statement condemning Undercover Mosque and announcing that the West Midlands Police had referred the documentary to Ofcom. The cops wanted the programme makers prosecuted for stirring up racial hatred. They seem to be slightly confused.

[T]he real story should have been about the alarmingly censorial and quite possibly libellous attack on investigative journalism. No matter, on Radio 4’s PM programme, it was Dispatches’ commissioning editor Kevin Sutcliffe who was subjected to a grilling, while Abu Usamah, one of the subjects of the documentary, was portrayed as a harmless victim…[H]ere is Usamah spreading his message of inter-communal respect and understanding, as captured in Undercover Mosque: ‘No one

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Do the West Midlands Police Side with Islamists? *

Aug 13th, 2007 | Filed by

The Islamic state envisaged is not an ideal kingdom of heaven where the lion shall lie down with the lamb. … Read the rest

The Police as TV Critics – Thumbs Down *

Aug 13th, 2007 | Filed by

Had anyone asked the police for specific examples to justify their grand claim, they would have been left wanting.… Read the rest

Imams OK, Reporters All Wrong *

Aug 13th, 2007 | Filed by

Charges will not be brought against kuffar-hating clerics, but police report Channel 4 to Ofcom.… Read the rest