All entries by this author

Thinking about writing

Sep 4th, 2007 12:35 pm | By

Funny stuff from Jo Wolff.

Why is academic writing so boring? I am impatient by nature, easily irritated, and afflicted with a short attention span. That I ended up in a job where I have to spend half the day blinking my way through artless, contorted prose is a cruel twist of fate. But the upside is that it gives me plenty of opportunity to reflect on why reading academic writing is so often a chore and so rarely a joy…As far as I know there has been little, if any, literary analysis of academic writing…But, by chance, I recently read a short piece of literary theory, and, to use one of the two metaphors academics allow themselves, the scales

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Secularism is an ‘Ideology Inimical to Religions’ *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Secularists have a right to have a voice but not a voice to denigrate or relegate religions to a non-space.’… Read the rest

Morris Dickstein on the Critical Landscape *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

Books are still read and enjoyed, but the pleasure is had at the expense of analysis and criticism.… Read the rest

Why is Academic Writing so Boring? *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

A detective novel written by a good philosophy student would begin: ‘In this novel I shall show that the butler did it.’… Read the rest

John Allen Paulos on Goddy Math *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

We read more about the intrusion of pseudoscience into school science curricula in the US.… Read the rest

David Thompson Interviews Tahir Aslam Gora *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

‘I cannot understand how Islam or any religion could be a complete way of life.’… Read the rest

Simon Caterson Reviews Grayling on Freedom *

Sep 4th, 2007 | Filed by

It is only in the past few centuries that any human beyond a tiny ruling class had any expectations.… Read the rest

Murder in Amsterdam

Sep 4th, 2007 | By Max Dunbar

My father lived in Amsterdam for five years. Every time I went over to see him I was asked by friends if I was intending to smoke large amounts of dope and/or have sex with large amounts of prostitutes. Amsterdam’s image is of a party town. English stag parties descend on the city every weekend to take advantage of a supposed liberalism which many of them would abhor if it were introduced in their home country.

The image is misleading, though. The red light is confined to a few areas of the city. People work hard in the Dam. My father wrote, ‘For sure, they don’t like freeloaders. It’s pump or drown. Do what you want otherwise, but take your … Read the rest

Site of the week

Sep 3rd, 2007 5:54 pm | By

Here’s a fan of Point of Inquiry and also of Butterflies and Wheels. Here’s someone with good taste, in other words.… Read the rest

Oh not that again

Sep 3rd, 2007 3:20 pm | By

And another thing. As long as I’m quarreling with Alibhai-Brown – I get tired of this familiar chunk of doggerel:

Some aspects of our nature are not susceptible to scientific enquiry, cannot be dissected, categorised and validated in terms that would satisfy the “rational” disbelievers, whose intellect is colossal but imagination puny. There are no experiments and tests to explain love, empathy, longing, the agony and ecstasy of the heart, the wild and wonderful creativity of the brain…

That is such kack – yet people go on trotting it out as if it were transcendent and indisputable wisdom. Of course there are experiments and tests to explain love and the rest of it – experiments and tests, theories and evidence, … Read the rest

A temperate remonstrance

Sep 3rd, 2007 3:06 pm | By

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown has a few very gentle words to say to her friends in the atheist community – the

rowdy and brash God bashers [who] fulminate like demented fire-and-brimstone preachers [and who] know it all, don’t listen, and presume to judge people they won’t ever understand…the fanatic atheists…the “rational” disbelievers, whose intellect is colossal but imagination puny.

You know the ones, right? Quite unlike saintly Alibhai-Brown, they are; she says so herself.

Having faith makes me humble and self-questioning, unlike the unbelievers who know they are always right.

Ah yes – obviously – here she is humbly questioning herself all over the place. What would she sound like if she were arrogant and dogmatic, I wonder?

To these zealots, believers

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Mother Teresa couldn’t find Jesus, which proves that he was there

Sep 3rd, 2007 2:25 pm | By

Susan Jacoby takes a look at those doubt of Mother Teresa’s (thanks to Frederick Crews for pointing the article out to me).

The media frenzy over Teresa’s apparently unending crisis of faith offers a spectacular and comical example of the irrationality, credulity, and unwillingness to face facts that inform all conventional wisdom concerning religion and holiness…I have no doubt that excerpts from the letters will appear in future case studies of well-known individuals who combine masochism with narcissism…I would think that someone who observes extreme human suffering on a daily basis would have more doubts than most about the existence of a benevolent deity. But what is striking about Teresa’s doubt is that it is all about her: it has

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Review of Frederick Crews’s Follies of the Wise *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

Reports on a zone where political preferences often determine fact claims.… Read the rest

Reading the Presidential Advance Manual *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

How to prevent protesters from showing up at public events.… Read the rest

The Murder of Chauncey Bailey *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

The editor of the Oakland Post was killed last month allegedly for investigating Your Black Muslim Bakery.… Read the rest

Susan Jacoby on Teresa’s Narcissistic Doubt *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

Both the psychonanalysts and the priests think Teresa is even holier because of her doubts.… Read the rest

The Social Impact of VVF *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

Many of the women turn to prostitution to survive, and when they get older, they become beggars.… Read the rest

Nigeria’s Ostracized Women *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

In Africa, c. two million women have Vesico Vaginal Fistula, a condition caused by prolonged labour. … Read the rest

Mild Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Chastises Atheists *

Sep 3rd, 2007 | Filed by

Brash – fanatic – know they are always right – zealots – hysterical – dishonest – militant – fundamentalist –… Read the rest

Addled Visitors Challenge State Park Naturalists *

Sep 2nd, 2007 | Filed by

After visit to Answers in Genesis’s Creation Museum they set the naturalists straight.… Read the rest