Why ‘faith’ schools are such a good idea.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Polly Toynbee on Women’s Same Old Enemies
Oct 26th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAll the Abrahamic faiths find the key to morality in keeping women and their fertility under control. … Read the rest
Olivier Roy on Secularism and Islam
Oct 26th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘Today’s religious revival – fundamentalist or spiritualistic – thrives on the loss of cultural identity.’… Read the rest
BJP Dismisses Gujarat Riot Claims
Oct 26th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonVideo footage shows BJP politicians describing how they carried out the violence against Muslims.… Read the rest
A plan? A man? The Quran
Oct 26th, 2007 | By Adrian ReddyIntroduction
A previous article [1] suggested that a suitable response to the recent influx of Islamic ideas would be to apply typically Western methods of enquiry to Islam itself. The article presented, as an example, a critical discussion of the inheritance laws as set out in the Quran and concluded that the laws were ineptly specified, thereby providing evidence that the Quran was composed by a fallible human mind. This conclusion is in direct and irreconcilable conflict with the central Islamic assertion that the Quran was composed in its entirety by an almighty, all-knowing deity: the Biblical God.
This article continues in the same vein, but discusses not the details within the Quran, but the accounts of its creation as … Read the rest
Solidarity and its enemies
Oct 26th, 2007 11:10 am | By Ophelia BensonHaleh Esfandiari and Robert S. Litwak point out some ironies of Ahmadinejad’s visit.
While in New York, President Ahmadinejad, at a dinner arranged by the Iranian Mission to the United Nations, met with American scholars who work on U.S.-Iranian relations and with representatives of nongovernmental organizations. Yet the Iranian president failed to explain why he was inviting comments from this group even as his government was curtailing the activities of Iranian NGO’s and preventing their members from attending workshops outside Iran. The Ahmadinejad government’s broad crackdown on Iran’s civil society, described by some observers as a cultural revolution, has essentially criminalized the activities of academics, journalists, and activists for women’s rights and human rights.
And labor unions, I believe; … Read the rest
Women’s bodies are always the issue
Oct 26th, 2007 11:04 am | By Ophelia BensonPolly Toynbee went to the abortion rights meeting. ‘Some of us had to pinch ourselves, time-warped back to old 1967 arguments against women’s same old enemies.’
… Read the restJoining the Catholics and evangelicals, that pathetic weather-vane windbag, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has now dithered his way into the debate…His contribution was yet another intellectual contortion to mollify his church’s woman-hating, gay-bashing, Daily Mail wing…Women’s bodies are always the issue – too unclean to be bishops, and dangerous enough to be covered up by Islam and mikvahed by Judaism. All the Abrahamic faiths find the key to morality in keeping women and their fertility under control. So it will be that 26 male bishops in the Lords will help decide on this
Clerical fascism
Oct 25th, 2007 5:39 pm | By Ophelia BensonHitchens says why it’s valid to compare fascist and jihadist ideology even though ‘it’s quite the done thing, in liberal academic circles, to sneer at any comparison between fascist and jihadist ideology.’
… Read the restBoth movements are based on a cult of murderous violence that exalts death and destruction and despises the life of the mind. (“Death to the intellect! Long live death!” as Gen. Francisco Franco’s sidekick Gonzalo Queipo de Llano so pithily phrased it.) Both are hostile to modernity (except when it comes to the pursuit of weapons), and both are bitterly nostalgic for past empires and lost glories. Both are obsessed with real and imagined “humiliations” and thirsty for revenge. Both are chronically infected with the toxin of anti-Jewish
Watson Retires From Cold Spring Harbor Lab
Oct 25th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe laboratory suspended him after his comments appeared. … Read the rest
Hitchens Defends the Term ‘Islamofascism’
Oct 25th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBoth movements are based on a cult of violence that exalts death and despises the life of the mind.… Read the rest
Iran Closes Cafés in Bookshops
Oct 25th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonCritics suspect the move is aimed at restricting the gathering of intellectuals and educated young people.… Read the rest
Johann Hari Talks to Mina Ahadi
Oct 25th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘From the age of 12 onwards I was basically not allowed to leave the house. I hated it.’… Read the rest
Bless this carbolic to our use and us to thy person
Oct 24th, 2007 4:15 pm | By Ophelia BensonDang, I’m always falling behind in my saint-memorization. I don’t know who the saints are. I don’t even know who all those crazy saints all over California are! I haven’t got a clue. Saint Rose – who? Saint Clement? Saint Diego? Saint Joe? Saint fucking Barbara? I don’t know these people! I’ve heard of Saint Francis, I can deal with that all right, but all these other ones – I suspect some map-makers just took them out of the Oakland phone book one day. And I’d never heard of Padre Pio – I’m happy to say. Padre Pio, indeed; the very name makes the toes curl. Yuk.
And for good reason, it turns out; the guy flounced around the place … Read the rest
‘Saint’ Faked His Stigmata With Carbolic Acid
Oct 24th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonExcept he was canonized by the pope, and the pope is infallible, so that can’t be right.… Read the rest
Teacher’s Murder Increases Fear in NW Pakistan
Oct 24th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘If such things can happen in broad daylight, then what safety is there for us teachers?’ asked Uzaira Afridi.… Read the rest
Congo’s Rape Fields Will Thrive
Oct 24th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIn Eastern DRC, it is easier to get raped or killed than jailed for breaking the law.… Read the rest
‘Return of the Muslim Other’
Oct 24th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSoumaya Ghannoushi is nostalgic for the ‘tradition of post-colonial studies and radical critique of Orientalism.’… Read the rest
Grayling on Public Duties v Religious Scruples
Oct 24th, 2007 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWhen individuals cannot allow their religious loyalties to be trumped by their public responsibilities, they should resign.… Read the rest
Those who Lived Under ‘Islamo-fascism’
Oct 24th, 2007 | By Marieme Hélie-LucasDear friends in WIB [Women in Black],
In response to the mail alerting us about this event against ‘Islamo
fascism’ led by conservative forces, I think there is a need for
clarification from us, who lived under ‘Islamo fascism’:
First of all, let me say that the term ‘Islamo fascism’ was initially
coined by Algerian people struggling for democracy, against armed
fundamentalist forces decimating people in our country, then later operating
in Europe, where a number of us had taken refuge.
For us, it has never been equated to Islam, but it points at fundamentalists
only: i.e. at political forces working under the cover of religion in order
to gain political power and to impose a theocracy (The Law – … Read the rest
Family Values American Values Family Family
Oct 23rd, 2007 4:39 pm | By Ophelia BensonOh look, Theocracy in America.
… Read the restA collection of major Religious Right groups is seeking to flex some muscle this weekend, screening Republican presidential hopefuls and demanding they show fealty to the fundamentalist political agenda. The so-called “Values Voter Summit” in Washington, D.C., is sponsored by the Family Research Council Action, Focus on the Family Action, the Alliance Defense Fund, American Family Association Action and Gary Bauer’s American Values group. Every major GOP presidential hopeful is slated to appear. “This may be the biggest collection of theocrats in one room since the Salem Witch Trials,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “Their goal is simple: to consolidate their power