All entries by this author

Secularism Far Worse Than Terrorism *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Chaplain to the Stock Exchange talks raving nonsense.… Read the rest

Men’s ‘Honour’ and Women’s Sexuality *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

‘When I challenged their double standards they gave cultural and religious reasons to justify their controlling and abusive behaviour.’… Read the rest

‘Honour’ Killing in Dallas? *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Or just a bad mood?… Read the rest

Dallas Cab Driver Accused of Killing Daughters *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Yaser Abdel Said is accused of shooting 17-year-old Sarah Yaser Said and 18-year-old Amina Yaser Said.… Read the rest

David Papineau Reads John Searle *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

He remains suspicious of the pretensions of philosophical argument to overturn everyday opinion. … Read the rest

Have Some Nice Sharia Law *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Once, just only once, if an adulterer is stoned nobody is going to commit this crime at all.’ Yay.… Read the rest

Moving the markers

Jan 19th, 2008 6:18 pm | By

From Catharine MacKinnon’s ‘Turning Rape into Pornography: Postmodern Genocide,’ which is about videotaped rapes as propaganda in Croatia and Bosnia. From Are Women Human? pp 162-3:

Some of the rapes that are made into pornography are clearly intended for mass consumption as war propaganda. One elderly Croation woman who was filmed being raped was also tortured by electric shocks and gang-raped in the Bucje concentration camp by Serbian men dressed in generic camouflage uniforms. She was forced to “confess” on film that Croatians raped her. This disinformation – switching the ethnic labels – is especially easy when there are no racial markers for ethnic distinctions. It is a standard Serbian technique…Serbian propaganda moves cultural markers with postmodern alacrity, making ethnicity

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Ian McEwan on Atheism and Other Things *

Jan 19th, 2008 | Filed by

I think it is important that people with no religious beliefs speak up and speak for what they value. … Read the rest

Two Philosophers Feud Over a Book Review *

Jan 19th, 2008 | Filed by

The view from Cornell, The Philosophical Review’s home, is that the fuss is overblown. … Read the rest

Turks Remember Hrant Dink *

Jan 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Thousands of people gathered in Istanbul to commemorate the murder with flowers and candles.… Read the rest

Hani Ramadan Wins Compensation Payment *

Jan 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Geneva teacher, brother of Tariq, was fired for Le Monde opinion piece defending stoning.… Read the rest

Mo Has a Cunning Plan *

Jan 18th, 2008 | Filed by

Tell the barmaid he’s offended. Yes but will she care? Poor Mo.… Read the rest

Anniversary of Murder of Hrant Dink *

Jan 18th, 2008 | Filed by

The victim of a state-endorsed nationalism that bans any mention of certain aspects of Turkish history.… Read the rest

RSF: Mullahs Call for Death Penalty for Journalist *

Jan 18th, 2008 | Filed by

Religious fundamentalists try to prevent any debate about Islam and the status of women. … Read the rest

Front Page Interviews Azar Majedi *

Jan 18th, 2008 | Filed by

They disagree on quite a few points.… Read the rest

Creation Museum Sells Mastodon Skull *

Jan 18th, 2008 | Filed by

The skull is estimated to be 40,000 years old – but not of course by creationists.… Read the rest

Rushdie: Ignore the 25 Goondas at the Gate *

Jan 17th, 2008 | Filed by

Whether it’s India or UK or US, we cannot allow religious hooligans to place limiting points on thought.… Read the rest

How Journalism Talks About Women *

Jan 17th, 2008 | Filed by

Coverage of male candidates is about issues, of female candidates about appearance and family.… Read the rest

Civility Code or Loyalty Oath? *

Jan 17th, 2008 | Filed by

‘The words “inclusiveness and diversity” are used in academia these days virtually as religious incantations.’… Read the rest

Wendy Kaminer on Mandatory Respect *

Jan 17th, 2008 | Filed by

Mindless respect for all points of view is not an element of critical thinking. … Read the rest