All entries by this author

Why defend women’s rights when you could just shut up?

May 18th, 2023 12:01 pm | By

Planned Parenthood tells women to be quiet.… Read the rest

All the rivers

May 18th, 2023 11:55 am | By

Climate crisis in Italy:

More than 20 rivers have burst their banks in Italy, leaving 13 people dead and forcing thousands from their homes after six months’ rainfall fell in a day and a half.

More bodies were found on Thursday after almost every river flooded between Bologna and the north-east coast 115km (70 miles) away. Some 280 landslides have taken place.

Many factors contribute to flooding, but a warming atmosphere caused by climate change makes extreme rainfall more likely. Already, the world has warmed about 1.1C since the industrial era began, and temperatures will continue to rise unless governments around the world make steep cuts to emissions.

Which they’re not going to do.… Read the rest

To any other community

May 18th, 2023 9:52 am | By

“We wouldn’t do this to any other community” – yes we would. Of course we would. We would and we do.

Reporter: Ms Robison, do you still stand by what you said in Parliament, there’s no evidence that predatory men have ever had to pretend to be anything else to carry out abusive behavior – we’ve just had the case today of Andrew Miller, do you still stand by what you said last year?

Robison: Well … Read the rest

If they buy the drugs you sell

May 18th, 2023 9:09 am | By

But what is “your gender identity”? What is a “gender identity”? What does that mean? How do we know? What is the impersonal evidence for it? How is it different from a “soul”?

“You know it feels better when your body, mind and hormone profile matches your soul. Why wouldn’t it?”

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Man hopes to bring diversity to all-male sport

May 18th, 2023 8:39 am | By

Bad reporting. Really shockingly bad, inaccurate, misleading, dishonest reporting.

A woman who hopes to become the first transgender driver to compete in the British Touring Cars Championship (BTCC) has praised her “wonderful” welcome to motorsport.

Deborah Stokes, from Kettering, made her debut at Snetterton Circuit, in Norfolk, on Saturday, finishing third in a saloon series race.

The 55-year-old said she wants to encourage diversity in motorsport.

He’s not a woman. The BBC should not lie this way in a news story. It’s deliberate. The BBC chose to say “A woman who” instead of “A trans woman who” at the very beginning. It’s insulting, of course, as always, but in addition to that it’s outright deceptive and confusing. It’s notRead the rest

A marked acceleration into uncharted territory

May 17th, 2023 5:29 pm | By


The world is almost certain to experience new record temperatures in the next five years, and temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, scientists have warned.

The breaching of the crucial 1.5C threshold, which scientists have warned could have dire consequences, should be only temporary, according to research from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO).

However, it would represent a marked acceleration of human impacts on the global climate system, and send the world into “uncharted territory”, the UN agency warned.

Bad uncharted territory.

New record temperatures have been set in many areas around the world in the heatwaves of the past year, but those highs may only be the beginning, according to the

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State of climate update

May 17th, 2023 5:22 pm | By

This seems ominous.

Oh well. We can always escape the heat by taking a cruise to Alaska.… Read the rest

Guest post: Social media influencer failure

May 17th, 2023 4:57 pm | By

Originally a comment by Rev David Brindley on The customer shouted negatively.

Is there a pattern here?

Non-binary social media influencer Deni Todorovic has detailed the moment a baggage issue at Melbourne airport led to an encounter with Australian Federal Police (AFP), causing them to miss their initial flight to Sydney for Australian Fashion Week.

The 34-year-old, who goes by they/them pronouns, claims they were checking in their luggage to a Jetstar flight on Monday when the weight of one of their bags triggered an alleged verbal dispute with airline staff.

Todorovic, who was accompanied by their mother at the time, said their bag was an extra 10.5kg in weight which they said came with a surcharge of $100.

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Just take Jade’s word for it

May 17th, 2023 12:44 pm | By

A Madison, Wisconsin tv station claims there have been “anti-transgender” graffiti and stickers showing up around town, but tells us nothing more detailed about them – that is, it doesn’t tell us what they say. So how do we know they really were “anti-transgender”?

We don’t.

Were they perhaps simply the definition of “woman”?

If so, the Madison tv station should pause to think.

Anti-transgender graffiti and stickers appear to be showing up in public places across Madison, leaving many in the community frustrated and some worried for their safety.

Several members of the LGBTQ+ community on the isthmus are raising the alarm because they want people to know how pervasive the anti-trans messages have been.

But not what they … Read the rest

The customer shouted negatively

May 17th, 2023 9:36 am | By

Ben Hunte, former LGBTQXYZ correspondent for the BBC, talks to the former Starbucks worker who screamed at a customer to GET OUT because she “misgendered” him.

Exclusive: Luna Spain lost her manager’s job after an interaction with a customer was covered by right-wing media. She told VICE News she is being treated as a criminal despite being the victim of transphobia.

Define “transphobia.”

Luna Spain said the customer called her and another trans colleague “trannies” and shouted negatively about gender in the packed Starbucks store. 

What does “shouted negatively about gender” mean?

After two years as a manager, Spain said she was fired without even having a meeting with her bosses at work. 

Police have told us they are investigating

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People have been suspicious

May 17th, 2023 8:15 am | By

Oooooh I saw her talking to them about those yesterday ooooooooh somebody call the authorities ooooooooooh did you ever?… Read the rest

Dons sign letter

May 17th, 2023 5:23 am | By

More Silence the Woman at Oxford:

More than 40 academics – including Prof Richard Dawkins, the evolutionary biologist, and Prof Nigel Biggar, the theologian – have intervened in support of a planned appearance at the Oxford Union by Prof Kathleen Stock, a leading feminist, in a letter to The Telegraph.

In the biggest row to erupt at the university since Rhodes Must Fall, students have tried to cancel Prof Stock’s talk – claiming that she is transphobic for her view that it is fiction to claim “transwomen are women”.

It’s a funny thing that none of the other movements for justice or rights or equality or whatever you want to call them have been fiction-based. Workers’ movements … Read the rest

Not negotiable?

May 17th, 2023 5:05 am | By

UN Women is confused. Very, very confused.

Women’s rights are NOT negotiable, they say, yet they cheerfully hand them over to men just because the men say they are women, and they ignore all the women who object. If our rights are not negotiable why is the UN giving them to men who claim to be women?… Read the rest

Read the room

May 16th, 2023 5:06 pm | By

2.2 million views. 180 approvals.

Two point two million now.… Read the rest


May 16th, 2023 10:59 am | By

Classic “no you are.”

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Motivated cancellation

May 16th, 2023 10:21 am | By

J. Michael Bailey asks why his gender research is being cancelled.

Updating to add: H/t Mostly Cloudy

Since my academic paper on Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria was published last month, it has been downloaded more than 38,000 times and is ranked in the top percentile of similar articles in terms of online attention. One might think that the academic society associated with the journal — the International Academy of Sex Research — would be delighted. Instead, its officers are trying to cancel the article.

Across the industrialised West, there has been an explosion of gender dysphoria among adolescent girls in recent years. In England, for example, annual referrals for child and adolescent gender dysphoria treatment grew in

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The veto awaits

May 16th, 2023 9:40 am | By

Wait what? There’s an environment, and it needs protection? Who knew?

The sleeping giant of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stirred.

In the past month, an avalanche of anti-pollution rules, targeting everything from toxic drinking water to planet-heating gases in the atmosphere, have been issued by the agency. Belatedly, the sizable weight of the US federal government is being thrown at longstanding environmental crises, including the climate emergency.

On Thursday, the EPA’s month of frenzied activity was crowned by the toughest ever limits upon carbon pollution from America’s power sector, with large, existing coal and gas plants told they must slash their emissions by 90% or face being shut down.

Not just this month though.

In April, new

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Make that 5000000000 million

May 16th, 2023 8:06 am | By

Reduxx reports:

A man who identifies as transgender and has a disturbing criminal record is suing a New York yoga studio for $5 million in compensation after he alleges employees asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s. Dylan Miles, who uses the name Ali Miles, filed the discrimination suit against Chelsea Traditional Hot Yoga on May 15.

Using a mixture of masculine and feminine pronouns to refer to himself, Miles alleges that the personnel at Chelsea Yoga “deprived [him] of his civil rights because he is gay, undergoing a gender transition, and because Miles does not conform to … gender-based preferences, expectations, or stereotypes about how a man/woman should dress and conduct himself/herself.”

There is … Read the rest

Desperately seeking broken necks

May 16th, 2023 5:35 am | By

Cold rage for Nancy Kelley.

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If you can, stop doing this

May 16th, 2023 5:18 am | By

Who is on Team Julie-Anne Bloke?

Nancy Kelley of course.

Replies are turned off; quote tweets are scathing; ratio is vast.… Read the rest