All entries by this author

An atmosphere of fear and intimidation

Jan 23rd, 2008 11:26 am | By

Shukria Barakzai seemed (cautiously) optimistic in 2005.

2002 was a splendid year for Afghan women, a year begun with the formation of the interim administration…As the country becomes more pacified, we receive more and more requests for Women’s Mirror throughout Afghanistan. Three years later, our goals, commitments, and principles remain largely the same: the development of Afghan women.

The BBC talked to her last June.

For the past three months, Afghan female MP Shukria Barakzai has been receiving a letter saying she may be targeted by a suicide bomber in the next six months. The cryptic government letter contains an intelligence warning that Ms Barakzai’s life is under threat and she should be careful. She is one of

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Defining blasphemy

Jan 23rd, 2008 10:51 am | By

No blasphemy allowed. Blasphemers must be killed. What’s blasphemy? ‘Downloading material from the internet relating to the role of women in Islamic societies.’ That’s just one example of course – there are others. In fact, if truth be told, it would be simpler and quicker to say what is not blasphemy than it would be to give a complete account of what is. What’s not blasphemy? Ummmmmm…well to be honest that’s such a short list that there doesn’t seem to be anything on it. Let me put it this way – blasphemy is anything some pious group of thugs says it is at any particular moment when they want to shut people up by having them killed. It’s basically … Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Try the ‘Offensive’ Ploy *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

But as predicted, the barmaid has a reply.… Read the rest

Johann Hari Talks to Peter Tatchell *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

Ken Livingstone has never thrown open the doors of City Hall to liberal and progressive Muslims.… Read the rest

Meet the Chief Exorcist of Rome *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

Be afraid.… Read the rest

The Pope and Exorcism *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

The church tells mentally ill people they invited the Devil in.… Read the rest

UNFPA Helping Pregnant Women in Kenya *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

UNFPA is particularly concerned about reports of increased sexual violence in the displacement settlements.… Read the rest

‘This Disease is From God’ *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

Men who don’t desert wives who have fistulas are a small minority in Sudan.… Read the rest

UNFPA Tackles Teenage Pregnancy in Ghana *

Jan 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

‘Men go on with their lives without consequences. Men have all the power and don’t ask women what they think or want.’… Read the rest

The Horror of Rome

Jan 22nd, 2008 11:13 am | By

It’s exciting to learn that there is such a thing as the Chief Exorcist of Rome and that he has such stimulating beliefs.

Those modern theologians who identify Satan with the abstract idea of evil are completely mistaken. Theirs is true heresy; that is, it is openly in contrast with the Bible, the Fathers, and the Magisterium of the Church…How can those who deny the existence and the many activities of Satan understand the achievements of Christ? How can they understand the value of the redemptive death of Christ?

Oh right, the Magisterium – that’s that non-overlapping one that Steve Gould told us about. Science has its, and religion has its, and in the latter, Satan is a real fella. … Read the rest

CFI Austin on Science Education in Texas *

Jan 21st, 2008 | Filed by

Science standards are up for review this year; 7 out of 15 Board of Education members are creationists.… Read the rest

PZ Asks: What’s Your School Board Like? *

Jan 21st, 2008 | Filed by

Like the ones in Florida? Texas?… Read the rest

Martin Bright: Ken Livingstone is a Disgrace *

Jan 21st, 2008 | Filed by

Attempts by Mayor’s office to smear a brave anti-racism campaigner are a step too far. … Read the rest

Philosophy Said to Make Religion More Credible *

Jan 21st, 2008 | Filed by

There is a tension between advocating something religion-neutral and a curriculum where one religion is privileged. … Read the rest

Cutting Little Girls in Indonesia *

Jan 21st, 2008 | Filed by

Three benefits: stabilizes her libido, makes her pretty in husband’s eyes, balances her psychology.… Read the rest

Little mundane personal private harmless sharia

Jan 20th, 2008 12:12 pm | By

How’s that again?

Amnah is going through a divorce and is baffled at being told that she must wait for three months to remarry, considering that she hasn’t seen her estranged husband for two years. Dr Hasan with an intense look…[Dr Hasan] meets this with a simple reply: “These rulings are all in the Koran. The rulings are made for all.” Amnah has little choice but to comply: Dr Hasan is a judge, and this is a sharia court – in east London.

She has little choice but to comply? Why? If it’s a sharia court in east London, then she does have other choices, doesn’t she?

It is one of dozens of sharia courts – also known as councils

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Secularism Far Worse Than Terrorism *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Chaplain to the Stock Exchange talks raving nonsense.… Read the rest

Men’s ‘Honour’ and Women’s Sexuality *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

‘When I challenged their double standards they gave cultural and religious reasons to justify their controlling and abusive behaviour.’… Read the rest

‘Honour’ Killing in Dallas? *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Or just a bad mood?… Read the rest

Dallas Cab Driver Accused of Killing Daughters *

Jan 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Yaser Abdel Said is accused of shooting 17-year-old Sarah Yaser Said and 18-year-old Amina Yaser Said.… Read the rest