All entries by this author

Matthew Parris Says the Archbish is Dangerous *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Is consent real, unanimous, complete? Is there duress? Is there undue influence?… Read the rest

The Archbishop Clarifies *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Christians cannot claim exceptions from a secular unitary system if they are not willing to accommodate other religious consciences.… Read the rest

Blogging Darwin *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Every single week, we at Nature publish new research that reinforces and further enlightens the Origin. … Read the rest

Nick Cohen on Silencing With Libel Laws *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Rich organisations and people can use British courts to suppress the freedom democratic societies rely on.… Read the rest

Catherine Bennett on the Archbishop’s Miracle *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

His challenge to equality under the law was so comically extreme that it clarified the issues handily.… Read the rest

Ruth Gledhill on What the Archbish Wants *

Feb 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Be sure to read the para just below the YouTube links. Then tear your hair.… Read the rest

BBC Explains: Sharia is Not So Bad *

Feb 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Some people have concerns, but it’s all a mistake really. Sharia is quite nice. Cheer up.… Read the rest

Archbishop Under Pressure to Quit *

Feb 9th, 2008 | Filed by

He is said to be shocked and hurt by the hostility his comments have provoked.… Read the rest

Riazat Butt on Settling Marital Disputes *

Feb 9th, 2008 | Filed by

A woman wanting divorce usually needs the consent of her husband. Men have the right of unilateral divorce. … Read the rest

Andrew Brown on Unwilling Martyrs *

Feb 9th, 2008 | Filed by

There are people at Lambeth Palace who could have told Williams; some did, but he thought he knew better.… Read the rest

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Archy’s Idea *

Feb 9th, 2008 | Filed by

He is naive to the point of folly if he imagines it is possible to pick and choose the bits that are relatively nice to the girls.… Read the rest

When Yasmin met Archy

Feb 9th, 2008 11:46 am | By

Yasmin A-B explains what Archy doesn’t get. Too bad he didn’t ask her before he jotted down the speech.

What Rowan Williams wishes upon us is an abomination…He would not want his own girls and women, I am sure, to “choose” to be governed by these laws he breezily endorses. And he is naive to the point of folly if he imagines it is possible to pick and choose the bits that are relatively nice to the girls…Look around the Islamic world where sharia rules and, in every single country, these ordinances reduce our human value to less than half that is accorded a male; homosexuals are imprisoned or killed, children have no free voice or autonomy, authoritarianism rules

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Andrew Brown is Optimistic *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

He likes ‘the archbishop’s vision of a kinder, more feminist, sharia.’ Meanwhile, back on planet earth…… Read the rest

Sharia in Ontario, Almost *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Homa Arjomand argued that the recommendations would push back Canadian law by 1,400 years.… Read the rest

BBC Claims ‘Mixed Reaction’ to Archbishop *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Then scrapes bottom of barrel to find enough people in favour to justify claim.… Read the rest

The Archbishop’s Lecture in full *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Dr Williams has been reading Tariq Ramadan.… Read the rest

Bishop Fumes at Reception of Sharia Idea *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

‘I believe he was standing up for the different faith communities.’ We know; that’s the problem.… Read the rest

Peter Tatchell Urges Mercy to Qaradawi *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

He wants to come to UK for medical treatment; let him. Perhaps a gay Israeli Jew will save him.… Read the rest

Sharia Okay As Long as it’s Liberal Sharia *

Feb 8th, 2008 | Filed by

‘The fundamental purpose of sharia is to achieve justice.’ Is it?… Read the rest

Bravo is it?

Feb 8th, 2008 9:40 am | By

Bravo, Rowan, says Jeevan Vasagar breezily. Well, he’s a man; easy for him to say.

In Tanzania, for example, Muslim family law applies to Muslim citizens. When it comes to questions of divorce, custody and inheritance, Muslim families settle their disputes at courts unique to their communities.

Yes we know, and Muslim family law treats women and men unequally. That is the problem.

There’s an interesting clash here – a classic liberal dilemma. Do you promote the rights of a minority community or do you worry more about the rights of Muslim women, who may get treated less generously under sharia than under secular law?

It’s not really a dilemma once you think about it hard enough. Just for one … Read the rest