All entries by this author

Summary Judgment in California Creationist Case *

Apr 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Michael Behe scores an own goal.… Read the rest

No Evidence for Benefit of Drinking Lots of Water *

Apr 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

There are lots of claims, but they all seem to be made up. … Read the rest

Ali Eteraz on Difficulties With Sharia *

Apr 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Sharia is not codified. It can be anything based on the whim of the arbitrator. For law to be law, it needs standardization.… Read the rest

Imam Calls Jews ‘Brothers of Apes and Pigs’ *

Apr 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

‘If you take a sample on Friday, you’re bound to hear incitement against the Jews in the imam’s sermon.’… Read the rest

Distorted Outlook on the Archbishop’s Speech

Apr 2nd, 2008 | By Allen Esterson

On 12 February 2008 the BBC World Service “Outlook”
news magazine programme devoted some fifteen minutes to a report on the reactions in Britain to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s speech the previous week in which he had advocated incorporating certain aspects of less contentious Sharia law (relating to civil matters such as marriage and divorce) into the British legal system. Notoriously, quite what he was advocating was by no means clear – Dr Rowan Williams himself later acknowledged elements of “unclarity” in his speech, and of “clumsily deployed” words.

Now there is no doubt that much of the response to the Archbishop’s speech was based on a knee-jerk reaction to the more unpleasant aspects of Sharia law advocated by extreme … Read the rest

HRW on the UN and Congo and Human Rights *

Apr 1st, 2008 | Filed by

HRC failed to renew the mandate of the special rapporteur for DR Congo despite mass rapes and killings.… Read the rest

Reporters Without Borders on UN HRC *

Apr 1st, 2008 | Filed by

‘The change to the mandate of the
special rapporteur on free expression is dramatic.’… Read the rest

Critics Say UN HRC Undermines Rights *

Apr 1st, 2008 | Filed by

International activist groups accused HRC of acting as a cover for states aiming to restrict free speech.… Read the rest

Parents Indicted in Faith-Healing Death *

Apr 1st, 2008 | Filed by

15-month-old died of bronchial pneumonia and blood infection; antibiotics would have saved her.… Read the rest

Saudi Woman Killed for Chatting on Facebook *

Apr 1st, 2008 | Filed by

She was beaten and shot dead by her father.… Read the rest

Leave Allah out

Apr 1st, 2008 11:20 am | By

I re-read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this morning, to confirm that it’s as secular as I remembered. It is. This is crucial.

If you look at the preamble of the UDHR, you will see that there is no mention of any religion. All religions and cultures are assumed to be equal…But in the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (hereafter called the Cairo Declaration), we can detect a completely different tone. Right from the first paragraph of the preamble, the Cairo Declaration confidently asserts the superiority of Islam by referring to the Islamic Ummah as the “best nation”…This is no implication, unlike in the UDHR, that all cultures and religions are equal. Indeed the rest of

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The Cairo Declaration again

Apr 1st, 2008 9:00 am | By

Let’s take another, closer look at the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, focusing on certain aspects of it. This is not a selective excerpt, this is one that pulls out certain words and ideas, so it’s not fair in the sense of quoting a fair sample in context. Be sure to look at the Declaration itself – there is plenty of sensible stuff in it. But it’s startling and interesting what a large amount of non-sensible stuff there is in it – what a lot of Allah there is and what an enormous amount of Shari’ah there is.

Keenly aware of the place of mankind in Islam as vicegerent of Allah…Recognizing the importance of issuing a Document

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Because your opponents may become violent

Mar 31st, 2008 12:01 pm | By

This is immensely depressing.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression will now be required to report on the “abuse” of this most cherished freedom by anyone who, for example, dares speak out against Sharia laws that require women to be stoned to death for adultery or young men to be hanged for being gay, or against the marriage of girls as young as nine, as in Iran.

Good, isn’t it? The Rapporteur was supposed to report on violations of freedom of expression, now she will be required to report on the use of it.

There can no longer be any pretence that the Human Rights Council can defend human rights. The moral leadership of the UN system has

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NSS on the End of Human Rights *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

HRC was supposed to be a Council whose members genuinely supported the principles of the UDHR.… Read the rest

Carlin Romano Reviews Susan Jacoby *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

The Age of American Unreason feeds the notion of American anti-intellectualism as a no-brainer truth.… Read the rest

Aaronovitch Patiently Repeats the Question *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

Bishop of Durham refused to answer, so what else can he do?… Read the rest

IHEU on the Death of Human Rights *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

There can no longer be any pretence that the Human Rights Council can defend human rights.… Read the rest

Theological Parody From Theo Hobson *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

‘The Muslim idea of spiritual jihad can show us the way’ to go back to worrying about Satan and evil.… Read the rest

Pastor Worried About Dawkins Lecture *

Mar 31st, 2008 | Filed by

A leading figure in the Free Church of Scotland has criticised the organisers of the lecture.… Read the rest

Swat Valley After Emergency in Pakistan

Mar 31st, 2008 | By Khadim Hussain

Many believed that General Musharraf would act swiftly against the militants in Swat valley after he imposed a State of Emergency in Pakistan on Nov 3 2007. After all, extremism and militancy were what the general presented as an excuse to pull the plug on constitutional democracy and to suspend the fundamental rights in the country. There are several reports in today’s dailies that the militants have captured more installations over the last few days. According to the reports from the local residents, the whole valley, from Kanju to Kalam, has come under the control of Taliban over the last few days. Inamullah, a teacher, social worker and lexicographer, reports, “Taliban entered our village ‘Bahrain’ the other day with heavy … Read the rest