All entries by this author

It’s all so unfair

Apr 6th, 2008 10:42 am | By

Oh dear, the poor psychics are worried.

[N]ow psychics must add a few riders before they invoke the voices of the dead, thanks to new consumer laws due to come into force…Promises to raise the dead, secure good fortune or heal through the laying on of hands are all at risk of legal action from disgruntled customers. Spiritualists say they will be forced to issue disclaimers, such as ‘this is a scientific experiment, the results of which cannot be guaranteed’. They claim the new regulations will leave them open to malicious civil action by sceptics.

Uh…yeah; and? If you promise to raise the dead or secure good fortune or heal via magic, why shouldn’t you be at risk of … Read the rest

The secular conscience

Apr 5th, 2008 4:01 pm | By

I went to a talk by Austin Dacey yesterday to the Secular Students’ Union at the University of Washington. He’s a philosopher, he has a new book out, The Secular Conscience, and he’s a United Nations representative for the Center for Inquiry. It seems quite a good thing that CFI should have a UN representative, especially now. I’m looking forward to reading The Secular Conscience. Austin mentioned during his talk how reliably predictable it was that new students would be moral relativists, and the secular students lived up to the advance billing: all their questions were about how to ground morality. After about the fifth or sixth such question Austin wondered why people expect the answers to such … Read the rest

That which is special about religion

Apr 5th, 2008 12:38 pm | By

What’s Blair talking about?

“For religion to be a force for good, it must be rescued not simply from extremism, faith as a means of exclusion; but also from irrelevance, an interesting part of our history but not of our future.” Too many people saw religious faith as stark dogmatism and empty ritual, he added. “Faith is reduced to a system of strange convictions and actions that, to some, can appear far removed from the necessities and anxieties of ordinary life,” Blair said. “It is this face that gives militant secularism an easy target.”

Militant secularism yourself. We’re not the ones who resort to violence when people don’t agree with us, so don’t be so free with your adjectives, not … Read the rest

Unprecedented April 1 Victory for Rationalism *

Apr 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Catholic priests in Gateshead will be required to read out a disclaimer prior to Communion. … Read the rest

Steinbeck’s Reputation *

Apr 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Required reading in US schools, ignored everywhere else.… Read the rest

Zadie Smith the Dream, Naipaul the Nightmare *

Apr 5th, 2008 | Filed by

For a successful immigrant writer to take the positions he did was seen as a special kind of treason.… Read the rest

Blair Says How Useful Religion Is *

Apr 5th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Faith is reduced to a system of strange convictions.’ But without strange convictions, what is ‘faith’?… Read the rest

‘Abortion’ Search Term Blocked on Website *

Apr 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Under Bush policy, USAID denies funding to NGOs that promote abortion. … Read the rest

Vatican Hoping to Build Church in Saudi *

Apr 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Authorities cite a tradition of the Prophet M that only Islam can be practised in the Arabian Peninsula. … Read the rest

Part 2 of Rise of the Lifestyle Nutritionists *

Apr 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Maybe later in the year there will be a series on big pharma. Tell the BBC yes please.… Read the rest

Austin Dacey Reviews Charles Taylor *

Apr 4th, 2008 | Filed by

There are plenty of naturalistic explanations for the transcendent urge. … Read the rest

Farish Noor on ‘Heftier Penalties’ in Malaysia *

Apr 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Let the cameras of the international media film Malaysians being whipped by the morality police.… Read the rest

Khadim Hussain on the Tribal Areas [scroll down] *

Apr 4th, 2008 | Filed by

The Sharia Nizam-i-Adl Regulation 2008 would make the courts subservient to the clerics. … Read the rest

Sharia Noose Tightens in Malaysia *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Religious police patrol parks looking for couples holding hands and ensure Muslims observe Ramadan. … Read the rest

Saudi Cleric Says Two Writers Should be Killed *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

The two questioned the view that adherents of other religions should be considered unbelievers. … Read the rest

Anglican Church in Wales: No Women Bishops *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

‘If women are good enough to be priests they are good enough to be bishops,’ says Giles Fraser.… Read the rest

Blair to Talk About His ‘Faith Foundation’ *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Murphy-O’Connor adds that ‘the role of faith in our society cannot be ignored.’… Read the rest

Grayling on Murphy-O’Connor *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

‘Judaeo-Christian’ ethics were taken over from Stoicism and Cicero.… Read the rest

‘Faith’ Schools Kick Up Fuss *

Apr 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

‘There is an anti-faith-schools agenda at the moment’ says head of Finchley Catholic High School.… Read the rest

Postcard from Kuala Lumpur

Apr 3rd, 2008 9:20 am | By

Thinking of moving to Malaysia?

Malaysia runs parallel sharia and civil legal systems, with sharia courts dealing only with Muslims and mainly in family disputes or in matters such as khalwat or apostasy. It employs religious police to ensure Muslim compliance with Koranic laws. They sometimes patrol parks looking for young unwed couples holding hands, raid nightclubs to catch Muslims drinking alcohol and ensure Muslims observe the fasting month of Ramadan.

Ah does it. But…how do the religious police know who is Muslim? When they go into a park to try to find some evil couples holding hands, how do they know which couples contain Muslims and which don’t? Does everybody in Malaysia wear a large sign or label … Read the rest