All entries by this author

Ohio Teacher Taught ID in Science Class *

Jun 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Freshwater was told to stop teaching ID and creationism, but he continued, the report found.… Read the rest

Ohio Teacher Burns Cross Onto Students’ Arms *

Jun 20th, 2008 | Filed by

‘With the exception of the cross-burning episode’ he is teaching the values of the parents, says a friend.… Read the rest

Scientists Rally Against Creationist Superstition *

Jun 20th, 2008 | Filed by

Steve Jones said religious students say he is ‘telling lies and insulting people’s religion’ by teaching evolution.… Read the rest

Journalist Murdered in Mosul *

Jun 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Attack bears the hallmarks of a number of armed groups that are the scourge of the press in Iraq.… Read the rest

Iran Blocks More Feminist Websites *

Jun 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Sites backed campaign to gather a million signatures opposing discriminatory laws against women.… Read the rest

Iran Arrests 9 Women, 5 of Them Journalists *

Jun 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Part of government’s continuing persecution of women who use online publications to defend their rights.… Read the rest

Turkish Court Acquits Owner and Editor of Agos *

Jun 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Serkis Seropyan and Aris Nalci had published an editorial on journalists’ sentences.… Read the rest

More Opposition Supporters Killed in Zimbabwe *

Jun 19th, 2008 | Filed by

Civic leaders, rights groups, Western diplomats say the violence is largely the work of ZANU-PF.… Read the rest

Health Report From Zimbabwe

Jun 19th, 2008 | By Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights

ZADHR is deeply concerned about the continuing violent trauma being inflicted on the Zimbabwean population. The escalation in numbers and severity of cases of systematic violent assault and torture during May was of a scale which threatened to, and for brief periods did, overwhelm the capacity of health workers to respond. Both first line casualty officers and specialists, especially surgeons and anaesthetists, to whom patients were referred had great difficulty in adequately managing the burden of serious physical trauma.

ZADHR commends the efforts of health professionals in Zimbabwe who continue to provide the highest possible quality of health care to victims of violence under extremely difficult circumstances.

In addition to individuals with significant physical injuries, members of ZADHR saw over … Read the rest

How to train girls for the harem

Jun 19th, 2008 11:31 am | By

Warren Jeffs lectures the girls at ‘Alta Academy’ – Alta Academy being the pseudo-school inside the walls of the FLDS compound. The teachings give an interesting insight into the ‘beliefs’ and practices of Jeffs and his subjects.

The Lord on purpose has sent us into this world to meet the two opposite powers, and we must choose. And I testify to you young ladies the right, the eternal way, is Priesthood. If Priesthood is not involved in something, we should not want it. The holy Priesthood is the eternal power where God himself places his nature into a man. The women do not bear the holy Priesthood, but they have the power of that Priesthood in them through their husbands

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Saying is not imposing

Jun 18th, 2008 4:46 pm | By

What is fanatical atheism? Dan Gardner had some thoughts in the Ottawa Citizen last year.

In the past, I’ve tried to avoid talking about religion in such sharp terms. It’s not that I fear giving offence (which would be something of a limitation in my line of work). Rather, I know, as all humans do, that it’s scary knowing you’re going to die. And if belief in angels on high eases the existential fears of some, I won’t begrudge them. Whatever gets you through the night, as a long-haired prophet once said.

Sure. I don’t go to funerals so that I can tell the assembled mourners that there are no angels on high. I don’t force my views on anyone. … Read the rest

Judith Shapiro on Anti-intellectualism *

Jun 18th, 2008 | Filed by

Many who advocate teaching creationism do so in the name of providing a ‘balanced’ curriculum. … Read the rest

Steven Pinker Interviwed *

Jun 18th, 2008 | Filed by

What might feel like freewill from the inside is not some mysterious violation of the laws of physics.… Read the rest

Edzard Ernst: Homeopathy Putting Lives at Risk *

Jun 18th, 2008 | Filed by

World’s only professor of complementary med says homoeopathic treatments must be more regulated. … Read the rest

Another Turk on Trial for Saying Something *

Jun 18th, 2008 | Filed by

Singer charged with attempting to turn the public against military service, contrary to Article 318.… Read the rest

Thaksin Shinawatra Reassures Thailand *

Jun 18th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Mars moving close to Saturn causes the headache. When Mars leaves, the situation will ease.’… Read the rest

Time for a Paradigm Shift in Indian Higher Education

Jun 18th, 2008 | By Rajesh Kumar Sharma

Ever since the process of economic reforms began in the 1990s, we have been hearing pious noises about the urgent need to reform education also. Obviously, the linkage is pragmatically motivated: economic growth cannot be sustained over a long period without a suitably reformed education system. This is good as far as it goes. If a concern for sustaining economic growth can trigger reforms in education, we should embrace the opportunity.

But it would be disastrous to hang education from the peg of economics, as seems to be happening, without considering the other larger reasons for restructuring it. The need to see the larger picture is urgent also because the dominant vision of economics in the country today is itself … Read the rest


Jun 17th, 2008 12:18 pm | By

George H Smith remarks in his book Why Atheism? that salvation religion includes the belief that “at least some knowledge necessary for salvation requires faith in divine revelation, knowledge that cannot otherwise be justified through reason alone.” [p. 28 n. 1] That’s an interesting idea. It means that salvation religion believes in a god who is a terrible cheat and bully – one who makes “salvation” dependent on voluntary stupidity.

It also requires us (if we want “salvation”) to divide our thinking and functioning in two – because for ordinary purposes, faith is not the right way to go, it’s the wrong way. It’s wrong and we know it’s wrong. We don’t claim to use faith for purposes of ordinary … Read the rest

Zimbabwe: Statement on Violence and Torture *

Jun 17th, 2008 | Filed by

Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights reports dramatic escalation in organised violence and torture. … Read the rest

Health Report from Zimbabwe *

Jun 17th, 2008 | Filed by

Most of these fractures will have been sustained in attempts to defend the face and upper body from violent blows with a weapon such as a heavy stick or iron bar.… Read the rest