All entries by this author

Review of Ron Aronson’s Living Without God *

Sep 8th, 2008 | Filed by

We need a morality which, without belief in a supreme being, allows us to confront the daily problems of our lived lives.… Read the rest

Texas Science Teachers Walk on Eggshells *

Sep 8th, 2008 | Filed by

The policy of promoting ID as science was thwarted in Pennsylvania, but may reappear in Texas.… Read the rest

People Worry About Trivia *

Sep 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Football on Sunday – worry worry worry.… Read the rest

How Do They Know? *

Sep 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Those people who know what God wants – where do they get their information?… Read the rest

Madeleine Bunting Defends ‘Faith’ Schools *

Sep 8th, 2008 | Filed by

People want children to grow up with ‘broadly Christian values’ – but what are they?… Read the rest

Autism and Vaccines: Bad Logic v Science *

Sep 7th, 2008 | Filed by

Correlation does not imply causation, but the human mind has trouble believing that.… Read the rest

Buried Alive? *

Sep 7th, 2008 | Filed by

The incident in Balochistan, where 5 women were reportedly buried alive, has finally created a national furore.… Read the rest

Despair Over ‘Honour’ Killings in Pakistan *

Sep 7th, 2008 | Filed by

Girl forced into marriage with 45-year-old man at age 9 killed by her parents when she sought annulment.… Read the rest

A duty to promote ‘community cohesion’

Sep 6th, 2008 5:51 pm | By

Polly Toynbee is not a fan of ‘faith’ schools.

Years of Labour handwringing over community cohesion hardly squares with dividing children by religion. Ask why and here’s the doublethink answer: religious academies now have a “duty to promote community cohesion”.

Is that what the faith school cheering section says? So…they just don’t have a clue? No idea that religion does promote ‘community cohesion’ but at the price of promoting ‘community hostility’ at the same time? They haven’t read the report on Saudi textbooks perhaps – the one that teaches children that ‘A Muslim is forbidden to love and aid the unbelieving enemies of God…They are the people of the Sabbath, whose young people God turned into apes, and whose … Read the rest

Polly Toynbee on ‘Faith’ Schools *

Sep 6th, 2008 | Filed by

Years of Labour handwringing over cohesion hardly squares with dividing children by religion.… Read the rest

Sue Blackmore on Opening Minds *

Sep 6th, 2008 | Filed by

If someone really understands how natural selection works, all previous ideas are thrown up in the air.

The key is not evidence but understanding. … Read the rest

Evolutionists Flock To Darwin-Shaped Wall Stain *

Sep 6th, 2008 | Filed by

Pilgrims from as far away as Berkeley’s paleoanthropology department have flocked to the site.… Read the rest

What is right is contested

Sep 5th, 2008 6:06 pm | By

Ah, Norm took issue with Julian’s piece too.

By his choice of example Julian makes life too easy for himself. Mockery of the weak is an egregious practice of course. But what if someone makes a criticism of Islam – or any religion – in perfectly measured terms and some take offence, perceiving this criticism as mockery? What if the satirical treatment of a sacred figure in a work of fiction arouses anger, pleas for censorship, death threats? What if it is disputed between different parties whether certain images or statements are offensive or not? In such cases, the right to say what you think – within the usual limits concerning incitement to violence and defamation – trumps

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Duck on the Menu *

Sep 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Julian Baggini’s new book, expanding ‘Bad Moves’ column, is now published.… Read the rest

Ben’s Placebo Programme on Radio 4 *

Sep 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Studies suggest that the placebo effect can have a significant impact on the course of a wide range of illnesses.… Read the rest

More From Ben’s Book: Medicalisation of Life *

Sep 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Alt therapists, media, big pharma all sell us bio-medical explanations for problems that are social or personal.… Read the rest

From Ben Goldacre’s New Book *

Sep 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Journalists and editors have finally demonstrated that they can pose a serious risk to public health.… Read the rest

AC Grayling Deals With Steve Fuller *

Sep 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Fuller seems to forget Popper’s killer point, namely, a theory that explains everything explains nothing.… Read the rest

Think twice before mocking

Sep 4th, 2008 6:03 pm | By

I don’t entirely agree with Julian here. (Maybe all the commenters have said what I’m going to say; I don’t read comments at Comment is Free any more and haven’t read these. If they’ve already said this just go watch Sarah Palin re-runs or something.)

The piece is about religion and mockery and free speech and the predictability of what people say about them.

But isn’t mockery good, and any belief system incapable of putting up with it deficient in some way? That’s true, but you can’t just ignore the background against which lampooning takes place. Christians, for example, are not oppressed, despite what some wannabe martyrs would have us believe. British Muslims, in contrast, are a somewhat beleaguered

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Joke Obscenity Filters *

Sep 4th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Assassination’ becomes ‘buttbuttination,’ ‘passenger’ is ‘pbuttenger,’ and ‘passerby’ is ‘pbutterby.’… Read the rest