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Anna Politkovskaia *

Oct 7th, 2008 | Filed by

Murdered two years ago today, perhaps in retribution for her work.… Read the rest

Fleischacker on the Israel-Palestine Conflict 5 *

Oct 7th, 2008 | Filed by

Ancestral occupancy, like religion, makes for a politically dangerous source of claims to ownership.… Read the rest

Universal rights anyone?

Oct 6th, 2008 12:17 pm | By

Sami Moubayed on Aisha and ‘double standards’.

The book has so far appeared in Serbia, with a provoking illustration of Aisha on the cover (in Islam it is forbidden to portray the wives of the Prophet, known as the “Mothers of Believers”).

The fact that something is ‘forbidden in Islam’ doesn’t mean that it is forbidden in general, and in fact for the rest of us it is not forbidden to portray the wives of the Prophet, nor is it ‘provoking’ to do so. This seems to be widely misunderstood – but the fact is, the laws and rules and taboos of Islam are not binding on everyone in the world. We are allowed to ignore them.

It is

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Sami Moubayed Defends Aisha *

Oct 6th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Offending others for the sake of free speech should not be tolerated.’… Read the rest

Pope, Carrying Gold Bauble, Disses Money *

Oct 6th, 2008 | Filed by

Pursuit of money pointless; building on sand; destructive influence; modern culture; God’s word.… Read the rest

Ruth Kelly on Opus Dei and ‘Faith’ *

Oct 6th, 2008 | Filed by

‘I think that faith is completely rational. The debate in Britain has become incredibly secularised.’… Read the rest

Prof Brian Winston Answers Charlie Gere *

Oct 6th, 2008 | Filed by

Such confusions are the source of the idea that violence is justified by the fact that someone is offended.… Read the rest

The Truthers’ New Friends *

Oct 6th, 2008 | Filed by

The lunatics, for the most part, were running the asylum.… Read the rest

The O’Reilly Proof of the Existence of God *

Oct 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Bold, fresh guy; working class; sells millions of books; therefore God exists.… Read the rest

Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo *

Oct 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Her husband, union leader Mansoor Osanloo, has been in prison for 18 months for organizing bus drivers.… Read the rest

Pope Complains of Indifference to Religion *

Oct 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Worried about future of gold robes and chalices perhaps.… Read the rest

Gutter Politics *

Oct 5th, 2008 | Filed by

Palin says Obama is ‘palling around’ with Bill Ayers.… Read the rest

Don’t ask, just believe

Oct 5th, 2008 10:05 am | By

Louise Antony has an excellent essay, ‘For the Love of Reason’ [pdf], in Philosophers Without Gods (OUP 2007), a book edited by herself; it takes off from the difficulties she had with various religious truth claims when she was a child, and with the way adults reacted to her difficulties and persistent questions. First up is Limbo – the unfairness of it – ‘original sin’ in particular: ‘this sin that Adam committed got “passed down”…’

I found it repugnant, the idea that a crime committed by one of my ancestors could sully my personal soul. It was an idea quite at odds with the liberal, meritocratic principles to which my parents seemed otherwise to subscribe. (p. 41)

She … Read the rest

Oh dear, our mistake, so sorry

Oct 4th, 2008 5:32 pm | By

There’s been a lot of buzz about the New York Times article on a meeting of the SEC in 2004 that apparently did a lot to cause this little difficulty (you know, banks flopping, 700 billion public dollars tossed away in hopes of mollifying Wall Street, that little difficulty). It’s rather irritating to read.

[T]he five members of the Securities and Exchange Commission met in a basement hearing room to consider an urgent plea by the big investment banks. They wanted an exemption for their brokerage units from an old regulation that limited the amount of debt they could take on. The exemption would unshackle billions of dollars held in reserve as a cushion against losses on their investments.

And … Read the rest

Jonathan Raban on Sarah Palin *

Oct 4th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Palin never thinks. Instead, she relies on a limited stock of facts, bright generalities and pokerwork maxims.’… Read the rest

NY Times on The Reckoning *

Oct 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Banks wanted exemption from debt limitation; they got it, amid ‘nervous laughter.’… Read the rest

Andrew Sullivan on Palin’s Creativity With Facts *

Oct 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Said she called for divestment in Sudan. In fact she blocked divestment bill, which failed.… Read the rest

Saudi Cleric Wants One-eye Niqab *

Oct 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Women can use two eyes to look seductive, says lunatic.… Read the rest

Saudi Woman Crashes Car, Clerics Overjoyed *

Oct 4th, 2008 | Filed by

See? See? Woman drives, woman crashes, therefore ban fully justified. Men never crash cars.… Read the rest

No wonder they are angry

Oct 3rd, 2008 2:11 pm | By

So, Charlie Gere.

I find Jo Glanville’s defence of the publication of Aisha, the Jewel of Medina as an act of courage on the part of the publisher ridiculous. Would she be so ready to describe as an act of courage a decision to publish a book denying the Holocaust, or advocating paedophilia, or race hate, or antisemitism, or violence against women? Probably not.

No, probably not, but what does that tell us? More than the trivial conclusion that Gere draws, which is that ‘there are limits to her conception of freedom of speech.’ Yes of course there are, but the point is not that there are no such limits, the point is that the limits should be as … Read the rest