He seems unable to relate any incident in Einstein’s life without giving it a negative (or even poisonous) spin.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Grayling on Ex-Muslims Conference
Oct 16th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWith Maryam Namazie, Ibn Warraq, Joan Smith, Richard Dawkins, Mina Ahadi, and more.… Read the rest
Review of C S Lewis and the Search for Rational Religion
Oct 16th, 2008 | By Ophelia BensonJames Parker comments bluntly in the November Atlantic that ‘The average Christian—as if we needed reminding—makes a piss-poor apologist for his own faith. One might expect a doctrine as insolently extraordinary in its claims as Christianity to have produced some tip-top debaters, but oh dear…’ This teasing remark seems apt for the best-known Anglophone Christian apologist, C S Lewis, at least to anyone who has been unimpressed by the ‘lunatic, liar or Lord’ trilemma. In this engrossing book John Beversluis takes the trouble to analyze Lewis’s arguments in detail.
Beversluis gives an account of Lewis’s Christian apologetics over a wide range of books, especially Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, Surprised by Joy, and A Grief Observed. … Read the rest
Motives are one thing, facts are another
Oct 16th, 2008 10:32 am | By Ophelia BensonThis FAIR thing is really terrible. Look at the ‘Dirty Dozen’ for instance. They’re an obnoxious crew, most of them, but FAIR just gives a quote from each without saying what is wrong with it, and it is simply not always self-evident that anything is wrong with it. (The motives of the people saying it may be deeply suspect, but that doesn’t mean that what they say is false, and I don’t think it always is false. It’s not clear what FAIR thinks.) For example David Horowitz (whom I do not admire at all, and who I think often argues unfairly to say the least) says there are 150 Muslim students’ associations which are arms of the Muslim Brotherhood. And…? … Read the rest
Sheep may safely graze
Oct 15th, 2008 12:45 pm | By Ophelia BensonFairness and Accuracy in Reporting tackles what it (inaccurately and tendentiously) calls ‘Islamophobia’.
The term “Islamophobia” refers to hostility toward Islam and Muslims that tends to dehumanize an entire faith, portraying it as fundamentally alien and attributing to it an inherent, essential set of negative traits such as irrationality, intolerance and violence.
Why should a ‘faith’ be humanized to begin with? ‘Faiths’ are not human, so why is it wrong to dehumanize them? It isn’t wrong; that’s just a rather stupid and unthinking bit of rhetoric. The rest of the sentence (and the rest of the report) simply assumes that it is wrong to portray a religion as having ‘negative’ (meaning bad) traits without first determining whether or not … Read the rest
FAIR Examines ‘Islamophobia’
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘The term “Islamophobia” refers to hostility toward Islam and Muslims’ – that begs the question.… Read the rest
The Usual Confusion About ‘Islamophobia’
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSteve Rendall of ‘FAIR’ conflates criticism of Islam with hatred of Muslims, tries to make the former taboo.… Read the rest
FBI Calls Murder of Said Sisters ‘Honor’ Killing
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSisters’ relatives have said the father killed them because they dated non-Muslims and acted too western. … Read the rest
Anthony Appiah on Philosophers
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonWith responses from Michael Walzer and Michael Sandel. … Read the rest
Imran Ahmad on C S Lewis and Narnia
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘It’s enough to turn anyone into a secular humanist.’… Read the rest
Atheist Joking
Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonChristianity makes insolently extraordinary claims but produces terrible apologists.… Read the rest
Is Lolita About Love or Sex?
Oct 14th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe novel joins a dark central current that eroticizes children relentlessly and wishes it hadn’t.… Read the rest
Physicist Says Einstein Got His Sums Wrong
Oct 14th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNo mention of wife.… Read the rest
The Uses of Cheater Detection
Oct 14th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHumans want revenge but also forgiveness. Over the long haul forgiveness wins out.… Read the rest
The reading matter in pews is limited
Oct 13th, 2008 3:30 pm | By Ophelia BensonAndrew Brown is also eloquent on the subject.
The whole point about the net is that, like books, it gives people a shared space and a shared experience that is not physical. If I sit in an internet cafe – or even, God forbid, an office – and talk to someone on the net, I am far closer to the person to whom I am talking than to the noble workers on each side of me, who would never dream of emailing gossip in the middle of a working day. When I read a book, I am communing with the author, and perhaps with all the
other readers, not with anyone else in the railway carriage.
This is one … Read the rest
Customers need change
Oct 13th, 2008 3:11 pm | By Ophelia BensonSomeone who works at a public library and is ‘studing an MSc in Information and Library Studies’ at a University was terribly irritated by that piece on libraries the other day.
The article is awash with dismay over the move to allow library users to eat, drink and, heaven forbid, actually talk. Interestingly, they talk about the ’silence rule’- a concept that is completely alien to either myself or just about any other person I have encountered who works in a public library.
Ah, is it indeed. Why?
Don’t bother asking; the library student never says. It’s such an absurd, outdated, stuffy, elitist, stupid idea that it’s simply self-evident what’s wrong with it. Which is interesting, because one would … Read the rest
Andrew Brown on Libraries
Oct 13th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonUnder the pretence of abolishing elitism, you actually entrench it in the cruellest way.… Read the rest
Riots in Acre
Oct 13th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPeres said ‘there are several religions in Israel, there is only one law and one police.’… Read the rest
John Lewis: McCain is Sowing Seeds of Hatred
Oct 13th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLewis’s comments follow widely reported outbursts of anger against Obama at McCain campaign events. … Read the rest
Paul Krugman Wins Nobel Prize in Economics
Oct 13th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThinks readers may have more tolerance when he’s being boring, but will not think he’s infallible.… Read the rest