All entries by this author

HRW Expelled from Venezuela *

Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Foreign minister explained: ‘Any foreigner who comes to criticize our country will be immediately expelled.’… Read the rest

Palin Mocks Scientific Research *

Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Sometimes these dollars go to projects that have little or nothing to do with the public good. Things like fruit fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not.’… Read the rest

Simon Barrow Explains Mystery and Faith *

Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed by

No thoughtful Christian or Muslim thinks God is a person, he tells us. Really?… Read the rest

Most Atheists Mary Kenny Knows are Miserable *

Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed by

They’re so gloomy and depressing that even their funerals are no fun. Bastards.… Read the rest

Tauriq Moosa on Being an Ex-Muslim *

Oct 24th, 2008 | Filed by

‘I attended seven madrassas. At each one, I was physically abused by the jaded jackals of god’s word.’… Read the rest

From Burke to Palin *

Oct 24th, 2008 | Filed by

Conservative writers find that the anti-intellectualism their side encouraged has begun to consume their movement.… Read the rest

Meera Nanda on the God Delusion in Action *

Oct 24th, 2008 | Filed by

Something amiss in the way ‘modern’ Indians encounter the products of science with a medieval worldview.… Read the rest

Greenspan ‘Shocked’ to Find His Ideology Flawed *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

Greenspan said he was in ‘a state of shocked disbelief’ about banks’ inability to regulate themselves. … Read the rest

Millennium Development Summit: No Women *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

24 speakers, every one a man. One of the Millennium Goals is gender equality. Oh well.… Read the rest

Is There a Clash of Civilizations? *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

CFI proposes an alternative to UN Alliance of Civilizations, one rooted in secular, liberal values.… Read the rest

Nesrine Malik on Death for Apostasy *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

Death penalty not gratuitously applied; scholars differ; death threat evoked rarely; all okay then.… Read the rest

Center for Inquiry Joins Debate at UN HRC *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

CFI and IHEU sponsored a discussion on restrictions to free inquiry into religious matters at the HRC.… Read the rest

At the Seminar *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

Diene: Freedom of Expression is politically instrumantalised to propagate racist platforms.… Read the rest

UN Seminar to Discuss Limits to Free Speech *

Oct 23rd, 2008 | Filed by

Pakistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia and the OIC representative called for tighter restrictions.… Read the rest

Apostates are seldom killed; whew

Oct 23rd, 2008 11:02 am | By

Nesrine Malik lets us know that all this fuss about death for apostasy is silly.

Reading AC Grayling’s latest article and listening to the protestations of the Council of Ex-Muslims, you would think that the death penalty is being gratuitously and frequently applied to those who renounce Islam or harbour thoughts of apostasy.

Oh. So if the death penalty is being purposefully and seldom applied to those who renounce Islam, there would be no reason for a Council of Ex-Muslims to exist and no article for Anthony Grayling to write? The death penalty for renouncing Islam is a bad thing only if it’s applied gratuitously and frequently? A rare and cautious execution for renouncing Islam is all right?


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Thrasymachus and the Baptist ethicist

Oct 22nd, 2008 12:25 pm | By

Ronald Aronson answers Baptist Center for Ethics Executive Director Robert Parham who wrote an essay criticizing ‘the new atheists.’ He first addresses the fact that some atheists are blunter than believers have become used to expecting (and that irritation with this is at least understandable).

Why are these so harsh? Above all, each sees himself as breaking a taboo: Thou shalt not criticize religion…I for one am grateful for the space for discussion these writers, along with Dennett (certainly no angry professor) have opened up, and forgive them for not being calmer and more measured.

Same here. I think we badly need the space – and that the taboo in many (or perhaps most) circles, at least in the US, … Read the rest

Susan Neiman on Morality and Religion *

Oct 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

Whatever the source of moral judgment is, it isn’t divine authority.… Read the rest

The Atheist Bus Campaign *

Oct 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

There’s probably no God; now stop worrying and enjoy your life. Any more fares please.… Read the rest

Higher Education in the US *

Oct 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

A majority of the students whom colleges admit are grossly underprepared.… Read the rest

Review of ‘Philosophy and Real Politics’ *

Oct 22nd, 2008 | Filed by

To introduce a note of realism into philosophical debates about justice, by force if necessary.… Read the rest