‘We are appalled at the current context of political intolerance, misogyny, and the language of violence.’… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Momeni Charged With ‘Acting Against State Security’
Nov 22nd, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt’s widely believed this charge relates to Momeni’s work with the Campaign for One Million Signatures.… Read the rest
Esha Momeni is Out on Bail
Nov 22nd, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIranian official says Momeni is free to leave Iran, her father says Iran is holding her passport.… Read the rest
Violence Against Women in Kenya
Nov 22nd, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFlora Terah describes how women were beaten, tortured and raped to stop them running for office.… Read the rest
Permitted and forbidden
Nov 21st, 2008 3:59 pm | By Ophelia BensonI saw a segment on Deutsche Welle’s European Journal the other day about a new Swedish tv show, rebarbatively named ‘Halal-TV,’ that is hosted by three women wearing hijab and calling themselves (of course) ‘devout’ Muslims. The DW item included a woman of Muslim background saying state tv had no business telling us all we have to love Islam. Good, but it also had one of the hijab-wearing hosts informing us that ‘halal’ means ‘right’ and ‘haram’ means ‘wrong.’ That’s sugar-coating the pill with a vengeance, and it’s bullshit. Halal means ‘permitted,’ not ‘right,’ and haram means ‘forbidden,’ not ‘wrong.’ There’s a major difference. There’s a huge difference, and a difference that could hardly be more important. What is ‘permitted’ … Read the rest
It was very unsettling, very jarring
Nov 21st, 2008 3:28 pm | By Ophelia BensonWell after all, atheism is illegal, you know. I mean to say. What do they expect?
An Ontario billboard company is removing a controversial Rancho Cucamonga billboard promoting atheism after receiving complaints, according to the group that paid for the advertisement. The billboard…says “Imagine No Religion” in large letters on a stained-glass background. Underneath is the name of the group, “Freedom From Religion Foundation,” and the group’s Web address.
Well quite. That’s bound to be illegal. You can’t have people saying ‘Imagine no religion’ in a freedom-loving liberal democracy, now can you. I mean to say.
… Read the restJudy Rooze, administrator of First Baptist Church of Rancho Cucamonga, which is two blocks from the billboard, was relieved it was coming down. Rooze
UN Move to Criminalize ‘Defamation’ of Religion
Nov 21st, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe resolution’s drafters hope to circumvent national constitutional protections for freedom of speech.… Read the rest
Vatican Steps Up its Homophobia
Nov 21st, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe fundamentalists in the Vatican have often chosen to protect paedophile priests, while hounding gay clergy.… Read the rest
‘Imagine No Religion’ Billboard Taken Down
Nov 21st, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘I understand people have freedom of speech, but this is taking it too far. It’s very jarring.’… Read the rest
Australia: Imams Not Big on Women’s Rights
Nov 21st, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSome imams are condoning rape within marriage, domestic violence, polygamy, exploitation of women.… Read the rest
Al Qaeda Calls Obama a ‘House Slave’
Nov 21st, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonConsiders itself to be speaking for ‘the weak and oppressed.’ Such as girls who want to go to school?… Read the rest
Johann does a bit of lèsing the majesté
Nov 20th, 2008 12:44 pm | By Ophelia BensonJohann don’t want no activist King Chuck, for very good and compelling reasons.
Charles says the “responsibility and authority of his position” – and the “wisdom” it entails – requires him to “speak out” and “pressure” our elected representatives. A bevy of fawning pundits have responded by crying – yes!…Charles’s position stems from one thing and one thing only: he emerged from Elizabeth Windsor’s womb 60 years ago. That’s it. He has no “responsibility.” He has no legitimate “authority.” He has no more right to “speak for the nation and to the nation” – and pocket £7m a year for the bother – than you, me, or the next person you see at the bus stop.
Well exactly, and … Read the rest
Nov 20th, 2008 12:19 pm | By Ophelia Benson‘This is Islamic justice, British style’.
The woman in black wanted an Islamic divorce. She told the religious judge that her husband hit her, cursed her and wanted her dead. But her husband was opposed, and the Islamic scholar adjudicating the case seemed determined to keep the couple together. So, sensing defeat, she brought our her secret weapon: her father. In walked a bearded man in long robes who described his son-in-law as a hot-tempered man who had duped his daughter, evaded the police and humiliated his family. The judge promptly reversed himself and recommended divorce. This is Islamic justice, British style.
Well obviously ‘justice’ is the wrong word there. Obviously that word should be in scare-quotes, or followed … Read the rest
Bishops Discuss How to Control Voters
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonAnnual meeting of Catholic bishops discussed whether they gave sufficient ‘guidance’ to Catholic voters. … Read the rest
Johann Hari on Charles Windsor as President
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIf not for his birth, CW’s ‘wise’ arguments would be gathering dust in the reject bin at newspapers’ letters pages. … Read the rest
Sharia Courts Flourishing in UK
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNice for men, foul for women.… Read the rest
Borders Stands Up for Free Speech
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBorders will launch the Patrick Jones book that Waterstones disavowed on orders from ‘Christian Voice.’… Read the rest
From Meritocracy to Celebritocracy
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe celebrity class may help to persuade people that Britain is a fairer place than it really is.… Read the rest
Nov 20th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDoes it produce pampered ninnies or selfish, authoritarian robots? Or both? Or neither?… Read the rest
Sweden’s New ‘Halal-TV’ is Controversial
Nov 19th, 2008 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFun new show hosted by three women in hijab; secular and liberal Muslims not represented.… Read the rest