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Try opening both eyes

Dec 11th, 2008 11:41 am | By

Tom Clark discusses David Sloan Wilson and Jonathan Haidt and the Beyond Belief 2 conference.

Both Wilson and Jonathan Haidt argued at the conference that a predisposition for religion likely played an adaptive role (perhaps via between-group selection) in allowing humans to achieve our current level of ultra-sociality, in which more or less stable societies of unrelated individuals have replaced nomadic tribes. This is an empirical claim under investigation. It’s therefore striking that both accept the normative claim that religion, or more broadly a departure from evidence-based beliefs, might be a force for good in promoting social cohesion in a way that allegiance to strict empiricism…perhaps cannot.

Let’s look at a little of Jonathan Haidt.

My first few weeks

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On teasing

Dec 10th, 2008 1:19 pm | By

A psychologist tries to convince us that teasing is a good thing.

The reason teasing is viewed as inherently damaging is that it is too often confused with bullying. But bullying is something different; it’s aggression, pure and simple. Bullies steal, punch, kick, harass and humiliate. Sexual harassers grope, leer and make crude, often threatening passes. They’re pretty ineffectual flirts. By contrast, teasing is a mode of play, no doubt with a sharp edge, in which we provoke to negotiate life’s ambiguities and conflicts.

Well that makes things simple, but it makes them too simple. Bullying isn’t something entirely and clearly and unmistakably different – there’s a lot of overlap between the two. There’s also a lot of deliberate … Read the rest

US Arms Sales Undermine Global Human Rights *

Dec 10th, 2008 | Filed by

US sells arms to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Colombia among other rights violators.… Read the rest

Turi Omollo on Rwanda and Human Rights *

Dec 10th, 2008 | Filed by

What can we in Rwanda and the rest of Africa celebrate on this day? … Read the rest

Abuses Persist as UDHR Turns 60 *

Dec 10th, 2008 | Filed by

In Zimbabwe, lawyers marched on Parliament and the Supreme Court to protest human rights abuses.… Read the rest

Universal Human Rights Day *

Dec 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Mary Robinson is thinking of two women today: Eleanor Roosevelt and Jestina Mukoko.… Read the rest

Psychologist Defends Teasing *

Dec 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Says teasing is seen as damaging because it is confused with bullying; almost admits that it sometimes is bullying.… Read the rest

The return of the cardinal

Dec 9th, 2008 12:26 pm | By

So then to round out the festival of silliness there’s darling Cardinal Buttercup I mean Murphy-O’Connor again. (Nice of the major UK newspapers to give him so much oxygen of publicity, isn’t it? Wouldn’t do for them just to ignore his absurd woolgathering, would it.)

It’s just the same old stuff – word for word, some of it. Once again ‘atheism has become more vocal and aggressive.’ There’s something intriguing about the way clerics and apologists like to get up and say harsh things about secularists and atheists all the time and then squeal like pigs when secularists and atheists have the gall to say anything in return. It’s kind of like a playground bully complaining about a kid who … Read the rest

SUVs at Altar, Detroit Church Prays for Bailout *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Local car dealers donated three giant cars to display during the service, one from each of the ‘Big Three.’… Read the rest

Whither the Junior Dictionary? *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Words like ‘saint’ and ‘buttercup’ have gone – what can it all mean?… Read the rest

Australian MP on Correlation as Causation *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

In April 1987 there was a march for Jesus. What happened in October 1987? The stock market crashed. Aha!… Read the rest

WSJ on Durban II, the HRC and ‘Islamophobia’ *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

‘If the Durban II drafters have their way, any challenge of Islamic teachings would be taboo.’… Read the rest

Independent Publishes More Catholic Apologetics *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Cardinal notices conflict between religious belief and what it means to be liberal; chooses wrong side.… Read the rest

Still No Equality for Muslim Women *

Dec 9th, 2008 | Filed by

Nadia Jamal seems surprised.… Read the rest

Whither the hollyhock and the dew on the queen?

Dec 9th, 2008 11:59 am | By

So then there’s this other thing with this ‘junior dictionary’ (what’s a junior dictionary? why not just have a regular dictionary and use it as needed? what’s the point of having a special dictionary that won’t have the words that you don’t know what they mean?) that’s part of a sinister plot to get rid of words about Christianity and the queen and flowers so that there won’t be any more Britishness. Something like that.

Oxford University Press has removed words like “aisle”, “bishop”, “chapel”, “empire” and “monarch” from its Junior Dictionary and replaced them with words like “blog”, “broadband” and “celebrity”. Dozens of words related to the countryside have also been culled.

Really? How does Julie Henry know that … Read the rest

The clouds part

Dec 9th, 2008 11:38 am | By

There’s this Australian MP who can really spot a sinister coincidence and then having spotted it figure out that it’s not a coincidence at all but a joined-up sequence of events with one (after a gap of six months) causing the other. If only more people had talents like that, All would be Explained.

Labor MP James Bidgood, the first-time MP under investigation for selling pictures of a protester attempting to set fire to himself outside Parliament House, has declared the global financial crisis an act of God…”In 1987 there was another march for Jesus. That took place in April. And guess what happened in October 1987? The stock market crashed.”

Oooooooooooooh – I never noticed that before. Makes you … Read the rest

Vatican Demonstrates its Own Regressive Nature *

Dec 8th, 2008 | Filed by

By opposing UN resolution aimed at stopping the execution of gay people in Islamic countries.… Read the rest

British Lawyers Try to Free Dr Humayra Abedin *

Dec 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Lawyer Anne-Marie Hutchinson said Monday she is trying to free Abedin; family has ignored court order.… Read the rest

Two More ZPP Officers Abducted *

Dec 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Zimbabwe’s human rights abuses continue as two officers of the Zimbabwe Peace Project are grabbed.… Read the rest

Relatives Hold Vigil for Jestina Mukoko *

Dec 8th, 2008 | Filed by

Last week Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights filed a High Court application to force the police to produce her.… Read the rest