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God-given hilarity

Jan 1st, 2009 6:00 pm | By

And for another clever-stupid ‘joke’ there is Dieudonné cutting up again. He’s such a card.

Dieudonné, who is known for making anti-Semitic remarks in his shows, handed the spoof award for “social unacceptability and insolence” to Robert Faurisson, an academic with a string of convictions for denying the existence of Nazi death camps in the Second World War. Among the audience of 5,000 at Le Zénith theatre in Paris were the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, several figures of the far left…A stagehand dressed as a Jewish deportee with a yellow star on his chest gave M. Faurisson the award.

Wow, that does sound like a real thigh-slapper, doesn’t it.

[I]n the past five years, his shows have come to

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Oh those pesky Americans

Jan 1st, 2009 5:53 pm | By

Imagine someone commenting on a philosophy blog, ‘Black people understand a good story and only get confused by the minutiae of history.’ Or for ‘black people’ substitute ‘Jews’ or ‘women’ or ‘foreigners.’ You’d blink, right? You’d be a little surprised, and a little repelled. But substitute ‘Americans’ – and apparently that’s no longer a gratuitous insult, it’s some kind of sophisticated bit of ‘irony.’

There’s this guy called Michael Reidy who comments regularly at Talking Philosophy, a blog run by the editors of The Philosophers’ Magazine; he seems very clever and well-informed, though often snide, but he also likes to amuse himself periodically with a random, magisterial announcement about the stupidity of Americans. That was the latest oneRead the rest

Dieudonné Gives Award to Holocaust Denier *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

French comedian, known for anti-Semitic ‘jokes,’ gave the award for ‘insolence’ to Robert Faurisson.… Read the rest

Vatican Declares Itself Not Subject to Italian Laws *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

One day laws could legalize euthanasia or civil unions between homosexuals; horrors.… Read the rest

Half of Catholic Adoption Agencies Obey Law *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

And other half refuse.… Read the rest

A Challenge to the Dutch Version of Tolerance *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

‘The mistake we can never repeat is stifling criticism of cultures and religions for reasons of tolerance.’… Read the rest

Mukoko and Others to Remain in Jail *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

The regime hopes their scars will heal before the trial.… Read the rest

Gambia: Missionaries Sentenced to Year in Prison *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

Magistrate found the offences ‘very shocking’; no respect for the country, the government, the president.… Read the rest

‘Bullying Atheism’ is a Threat to Public Debate *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

Believers are terrified they will be whipped and stripped of all their possessions and imprisoned.… Read the rest

At Least It’s an Ethos *

Jan 1st, 2009 | Filed by

Language skills are valuable yet political and economic conditions put ‘anti-ideological’ pressure on universities.… Read the rest

Religion and children, and Dawkins and Brown

Jan 1st, 2009 11:42 am | By

I re-read the chapter of The God Delusion which contains page 326, this morning, in order to find out (having forgotten since I first read it) what the context is in which Dawkins quotes that passage by Nicholas Humphrey. In reading it I became more angry with Brown than ever, for the simple reason that he completely leaves out the context which is one of angry compassion for the mental suffering religion can cause to children and their parents. The chapter starts with the 19th century case of a six-year-old Jewish boy in Bologna who was forcibly removed from his weeping parents by officers of the Catholic Inquisition, to be raised by the church. His parents never saw him again … Read the rest

The Year in Books *

Dec 31st, 2008 | Filed by

Ted Hughes; the plot to murder Orhan Pamuk; Midnight’s Children; The Jewel of Medina…… Read the rest

Review of Grayling’s The Choice of Hercules *

Dec 31st, 2008 | Filed by

Essays on what constitutes the good life, and whether both pleasure and duty have something to teach us. … Read the rest

Gordon Brown Opposes Assisted Dying *

Dec 31st, 2008 | Filed by

Told Murphy O’Connor it was not for him to create laws to ‘put pressure on people to end their lives.’… Read the rest

Wendy Kaminer on Politics and Pulpits *

Dec 31st, 2008 | Filed by

In 2004 Rick Warren urged his followers to support candidates who espoused biblically correct views.… Read the rest

Dacey and Koproske on Islam and Human Rights *

Dec 31st, 2008 | Filed by

There is now an alternative human rights system, layered with exceptions, omissions, and caveats. … Read the rest

Andrew Brown throws a pie in his own face

Dec 30th, 2008 9:59 pm | By

Aha – Andrew Brown did a follow-up piece, inspired, it seems from what he says, by the comments of Dawkins and Dennett on his piece and another comment of Dawkins on the same piece on his site. Well yes I can see why that would make him itchy. Here’s Dennett’s comment:

Andrew Brown trots out an old atheist, Anthony Kenny, who (he surmises) would reject all six of the tenets he attributes to the New Atheists. What would that show, even if it were true? His six points are all caricatures in any case. The uniting feature of the New Atheists is that we have all decided that the traditional atheist policy of diplomatic reticence should be discarded. Brown

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Andrew Brown joins the brawl

Dec 30th, 2008 6:20 pm | By

Andrew Brown joins in the war on the ‘new’ atheists.

The ideas I claim are distinctive of the new atheists have been collected from Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Jerry Coyne, the American physicist Robert L. Park, and a couple of blogging biologists, P Z Myers and Larry Moran. They have two things in common. They are none of them philosophers and, though most are scientists, none study psychology, history, the sociology of religion, or any other discipline which might cast light on the objects of their execration.

How on earth does he know that? How could he know that? I suppose he could have asked all of them, and they could all have answered him, and all … Read the rest

Zimbabwe: Activists Appear in Court *

Dec 30th, 2008 | Filed by

Jestina Mukoko and 31 others, some with bloodied and swollen faces, appeared in court on Monday. … Read the rest

Afghanistan: Suicide Bomb Kills 14 Schoolchildren *

Dec 30th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Children walking past, and then they detonate the vehicle bomb. The driver was able to see the children.’… Read the rest